"Kim Ludvigsen" <usenet@kimludvigsen.dk> wrote in message
> Den 03-06-07 17.23 skrev Erik K. følgende:
>> Jeg har læst et sted, at Vista Ultimate har en funktion, der hedder
>> Virtual PC Express.
> ...
>> (Jeg kan ikke selv teste, da jeg kun har Premium-udgaven).
> Det har ikke noget med Ultima at gøre. Virtual PC er et selvstændigt
> program, som du kan hente gratis fra Microsofts hjemmeside. Det virker
> ganske udmærket, du skal bare være opmærksom på, at det kræver en del ram.
> Du kan hente Virtual PC her:
> --
> Mvh. Kim Ludvigsen
> Har du fortalt din far og mor om Ludvigs Hjørne?
Hej Kim
Så vidt jeg kan se har det en hel del at gøre med Vista Ultimate !
System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition (32-bit
x86); Windows Server 2003, Standard x64 Edition; Windows Vista Business;
Windows Vista Business 64-bit edition; Windows Vista Enterprise; Windows
Vista Enterprise 64-bit edition; Windows Vista Ultimate; Windows Vista
Ultimate 64-bit edition; Windows XP Professional Edition ; Windows XP
Professional x64 Edition ; Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
An x64-based or an x86-based computer with a 400 MHz or faster (1 GHz
recommended) processor with L2 cache
Processor: AMD Athlon/Duron, Intel Celeron, Intel Pentium II, Intel Pentium
III, Intel Pentium 4, Intel Core Duo, and Intel Core2 Duo
RAM: Add the RAM requirement for the host operating system that you will be
using to the requirement for the guest operating system that you will be
using. If you will be using multiple guest operating systems simultaneously,
total the requirements for all the guest operating systems that you need to
run simultaneously.
Available disk space: To determine the hard disk space required, add the
requirement for each guest operating system that will be installed.
Virtual PC 2007 runs on: Windows VistaT Business; Windows VistaT Enterprise;
Windows VistaT Ultimate; Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition; Windows
Server 2003, Standard x64 Edition; Windows XP Professional; Windows XP
Professional x64 Edition; or Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
Os som bruger Vista Home Premium kan åbenbart ikke køre Virtual PC !
Mvh Peter