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Er der nogen der endnu ikke har begrebet s~
Fra : Michael Laudahn eOpp~

Dato : 12-05-07 09:51


The Islamic Plan. The Islamisation of France.
Posted by Sitemaster on May 7th, 2007

Uddrag som smagsprøve (gå til URL for at læse det hele):

France in Danger from Islam.
Publication: Editions, The Age of Man 2002 (all of René Marchand's comments
have been abridged)

AY: I believe I was right in saying, after some conversation with you, that
you were one of these rare Europeans who consider that a Moslem is not
necessarily a being

deprived of rationality.
France will be Moslem, as will the whole world. There is only one God,
Allah. Allah created only one humanity and he promulgated only one law for
this humanity.

Everyone will be one day a follower of the Law of Allah, which is Islam. Our
mutual friend told me that you know our belief. If I understood properly,
what interests

you as far as your country is concerned, is more how than why.
In order to arrive at this ultimate goal - for us believers, this can only
be the complete Islamization of France - although many intermediate stages
can be fixed,

according to current circumstances, it will be accomplished step by step. We
know that it will be long, with so many battles to be won in a conflict
which will end only

after the destruction of France as political entity.
The French territory is the main staging post of the movement in the fight
which it is being delivered in Algeria and on which it concentrates, at the
moment, the

biggest of its forces.
The ideological and military networks of the Moslem community settled in
mainland France must preserve the absolute secrecy of the underground
support groups for the

Front in the Maghreb. Too many and too impetuous activists would immediately
attract the attention of the police. Not only it is important to avoid
everything which

could provoke a lively reaction by the French leaders, it is necessary to
anaesthetize those who, in the ranks of the enemy, are called the "elites"
deceiving them

about the establishment of the movement, the state of its forces, its
alliances. the undermining, gathering of intelligence, the preparation of
the troops, the creation

of new alliances, the moral lethargy of the enemy, all under thick
camouflage, in the darkness. It is only for exceptional reasons (i.e.
obtaining the release of a

prisoner, preventing the conclusion of an agreement between the French
government and the Algerian government), that actions of open war can be
decided. Attempts will

always be in limited number and grouped over a short period, so as to
maintain the illusion in the eyes of the enemy that the movement can act
only in a sporadic way,

that it has not managed to become established widely and solidly enough to
become a real threat.

Secrecy is an indispensable condition for the success of the first stage of
our plan. This first stage we summarize in one word: "Manipulation". The
following stage

will consist in: "Massify".

To manipulate is to favour the installation, in France, of the biggest
possible number of Moslems, wherever they come from: the Maghreb, black
Africa and the Middle


Obtain French nationality for the biggest number of them, or at least long
residency permits. Do not take a position against integration: a Moslem
remains a Moslem («no

denial in Islam»). Favour however, religious education, the teaching of
Arabic, the construction of mosques, the veil for women, traditional
clothes. Accustom the

Frenchmen to the " Moslem fact ". As for the operative, he must be as
invisible as possible, active, watchful, but especially, undetectable.

Then will come the time to massify the millions of individuals living in
France and recognized as Moslems by organizing their identical assembling
around Islam and

around the Arabian-Moslem culture. The phase of massification will be
activated after the installation of an Islamic republic in Algeria, sooner
or later - the

opportunity will decide - the battles of Tunisia and Morocco. By a reversal
of the roles, Algeria or whole North Africa will become the staging base for
the battle of


At this moment, in France, the number of networks and activists in the
underground will have reached a critical mass, which will allow the
application of a process of

global accelerated massification. This process of massification is the war.
The warrior phase of the jihad.

As in any war of invasion, the troops of Islam will have to secure a
bridgehead. They can anchor in the zones where the Moslems are in a
majority. These "difficult

districts", where the police, the justice, the elected members, qualify as
"no-go zones". The breakthrough will be military: riots, attacks (I
understand: attempts,

murders) so that the French presence becomes intolerable, but its
stabilization must be within legal framework. Then in those areas where
French Law has no longer

applied for some years, Moslem Law will come to fill the gap. Fortified
towns could become "places of security" on the model of those which
benefited the Protestants at

certain moments during the religious wars in Europe XVI ° and XVII °

RM: This is very interesting, However, it is a plan, but by whom? Who worked
it out, and when? Who adopted it among all the tendencies of your movement?

AY: Our movement, you know it well, is, in spite of what we tell, profoundly
unitarian. This plan has been applied by all our fractions, over several
years. The passage

in the more operational phases will be decided, when the time comes, by our

RM: You attach little importance to the capacity of reaction and to
resistance of the French people?

AY: You attach little importance to the influence of your allies: American,
Zionist and European on the politics of your country. Consider this, we
shall win by legal

means and by playing your allies against you. And we shall not repeat the
error of the Algerians, forty years ago.

RM: What error? What are you trying to say?

AY: Let us see. If our brothers had taken the Frenchmen at their word, if
they had agreed to become French citizens as proposed by the government of
your fourth

Republic, they would be now thirty millions here, and France would have been
an Islamic republic for a long time. But the men of the FLN and the MNA
wanted an Algerian

nation. They were your pupils: nationalists according to your definition! As
if, for a Moslem, he could have another nation other than Islamic nation.


No third-world immigration to the western world! Many danes think the same,
see e g

http://www.dendanskeforening.dk/index.asp?id=27 .

Don't surrender, keep on fighting !!!

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