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Har i forstået at islam har ført krig mod ~
Fra : Michael Laudahn eOpp~

Dato : 04-05-07 09:34


'The Arabic word Jihad is derived from the root word Jahada (struggle).
Jihad has come to mean an offensive war to be waged by Muslims against all
non-Muslims for the purpose of converting them to Islam on the pain of death
as commanded by Mohammed, the founder of Islam. Jihad is enjoined on all
Muslims by the Quran.

Mohammed spoke with many voices; in the initial days when Islam was weak, he
propounded "La Ikraha Fiddeen" which means "There is no compulsion in
religion". Later when he secured absolute power over the Meccans he decreed
"La Allaha Il Allah, Mohammed ur Rasoolallah" which means "There is no god
but allah and Mohammed is his prophet". Finally when he conquered the major
part of Arabia, he declared "Allarzu Lillah, Walhukumu Lillah" which means
"The world belongs to Allah, and the rule of Allah should prevail all over
the world."

Mohammed's latter aggressive orders abrogated all of his previous defensive
orders and consequently all Muslims are required to strive to destroy dar
al-kufr. Muslims throughout history have acted on, and are continuing to act
on, Mohammed's orders and so as long as Islam and dar al-kufr exist, so will

Mohammed-ibn-Abdallah, the founder of Islam.

Mohammed commanded Muslims to attempt to conquer and subdue the whole world
for Islam.

Outlook of these Articles

This site is against all forms of fanaticism - religious and non-religious.
But the emotional appeal of non-religious fanaticism like Nazism, Fascism or
Communism is not as pervasive as that of religious fanaticism. When
fanaticism and religion are mixed, we have a very potent and dangerous brew
that can sustain itself for centuries unlike non-religious fanaticisms such
as Nazism and Communism, which die out when the ringleaders are defeated.
This is the case since religion is based on the psychological weakness of
all humans when we humans attempt to comprehend the unknown. This
understanding is, and perhaps will always remain, incomplete.

Religion tries to complete this incompleteness by fantasizing that the
unknown is a god and that this god is the cause of all things that happen in
the universe. The idea that a god exists, coupled with the fear of the
unknown, makes the human mind paranoid and this paranoia can drive humans to
do anything to propitiate this unknown power. This is one thing that is
capable of transforming the weakness of our mind into a disease. And it is
this disease of the mind that can drive humans to undertake wild acts such
as suicide bombings, fighting holy wars, forced conversion, slaughter of
humans who give a different name to this assumed god, etc, all while under
the delusion of trying to please the unknown power that is assumed to be
behind all existence.

While all forms of religious fanaticism are negative, only Islam raises
slaughter and subjugation of all Kafirs (non-Muslims) to a holy creed; it
teaches Muslims to gloat over the killing of non-Muslims and to celebrate
their deaths. Hence Islam is the most demented and dangerous form of
religious fanaticism in existence today. And it is not Islamic fanaticism
that is to be blamed for this, as Islam itself is fanaticism.

This is so since Islamic fanaticism was born in a barren and harsh desert
environment that gave birth to the paranoid mentality of the Bedouin Arabs
among whom was born Mohammed, the founder of Islam.

From its roots to its fruits, Islam is one of the most violent and virulent
forms of the delusion (that a god exists) in that all those who do not
accept this brand of fantasizing of the unknown have to be slaughtered and

This blood-thirsty Islamic mentality has trickled down to the newest
converts to Islam be they brown, black, yellow or white; male or female;
rich or poor; educated or uneducated. Most importantly it makes Islam an
enemy of science and of all human progress. All religions are opposed to
science as the Pope was to Galileo's and Copernicus' theories; but in the
modern world it is Islam which is the most blood-thirsty expression of this
challenge of religion to reason. So Islam will have to be the first to be
removed from the path of human progress and the reply to Islam to be
effective would have to be more blood-thirsty and paranoid than Islam

This has to be our attitude, not based on a hate of Islam, but a
determination to put a full and final end to Islam, so that Human society
can progress without the hindrance of any religion obstructing its path.

We want a world where we are recognized only by our professions, are all
scientifically inclined and go out to conquer the universe.'


Fra http://www.wikiislam.com/wiki/History_of_Jihad .

Mere på islams 1400-årige udbredelse på denne side, underdelt efter
folke/lande. Nej, tyrkerne var måske også før perkere, men ikke af den
islamske art.


Even if leftists and jews don't like to hear it: No third-world immigration
to the western world! Many danes think the same, see e g

http://www.dendanskeforening.dk/index.asp?id=27 .

Third-world immigration to the west was organised by the jewish orientals
(third-worlders themselves), in order to make them less visible in the
growing ethnic chaos. Proof: research done by prof Kevin B MacDonald, see

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_B._MacDonald .

Don't surrender, keep on fighting !!!

/Peter (04-05-2007)
Fra : /Peter

Dato : 04-05-07 10:41

"Michael Laudahn eOpposition" <ch8050zh@yahoo.com.mx> skrev i en
meddelelse news:Au6dnRcF89Z7cqfbnZ2dnUVZ8t-nnZ2d@giganews.com...

Mindre end 1/10 af danmarks befolkning ved hvad islam står for,
og hvad tørklæder burka, og andre rituelle effekter betyder.

Måske fordi vores unger bliver opdraget i den nutidige politiske
korrektheds ånd,
der forherliger islam, denne faciske ideologi, der burde forbydes.

Chrisjoy (04-05-2007)
Fra : Chrisjoy

Dato : 04-05-07 11:01

On May 4, 11:41 am, "/Peter" <nos...@no.mail> wrote:
> "Michael Laudahn eOpposition" <ch805...@yahoo.com.mx> skrev i en
> meddelelsenews:Au6dnRcF89Z7cqfbnZ2dnUVZ8t-nnZ2d@giganews.com...
> Mindre end 1/10 af danmarks befolkning ved hvad islam står for,
> og hvad tørklæder burka, og andre rituelle effekter betyder.
> Måske fordi vores unger bliver opdraget i den nutidige politiske
> korrektheds ånd,
> der forherliger islam, denne faciske ideologi, der burde forbydes.

Det er to måter å angripe de politisk korrekte i dette
spørsmål som ikke vil være fruktbar.

1) Anta at de politisk korrekte er naive.
2) Anta at de politisk korrekte er onde.

De er både naive og onde, og stolt av det.

Hva som vil være et fruktbart angrep er å gjøre det
klart at dere ikke finner dere i å være prøvekaniner
i et prosjekt som går ut på å importere søppel
fra søpleland med søplereligion og søplekultur
for å finne ut om søppelet går over av seg selv
bare det brynes på vestlig velstand. Prosjektet vil
lykkes, fordi selv søplemennesker med søplereligion
og søplekultur vil finne ut at vestlig velstand er
mye bedre enn søppel. Det vil ikke skje pga.
at vi importerer dem inn i vesten, men på tross av.
Vestens velstand ville vinne fotfeste blandt
søplemennesker uten at vi importerer dem hit.
Det eneste vi får i tillegg av å importere dem
til vesten er masse lidelse og besvær. Dette
er hva de politisk korrekte gambler med i sitt store
prosjekt, som tjener til at de som er ledere og
deltagere i dette prosjekt skal føle seg viktige.
Vi kunne gjort søplemennesker til ordentlige
mennesker helt uten lidelse, ved å la vær å
importere dem til vesten, dvs, slutte å lokk med
penger de ikke har moralsk rett til. Gradvis og
sikkert har søplelendene tendert vestlig velstand
de siste hundre år. Målet trenger intet prosjekt,
ingen ledere eller tilhengere. Vestens velstand
har det privilegie at det har en trojanske hester
inni hodet til absolutt alle mennesker. Disse
hester har navnene FRIHET, OVERFLOD som
tilsammen er LYKKE. Krigen imot TVANG,
FATTIGDOM og ULYKKE kan ikke tapes, men
krigen /kan/ føres uten noen ofre blandt våre egne!

Ukendt (04-05-2007)
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 04-05-07 15:05

Det er to måter å angripe de politisk korrekte i dette
spørsmål som ikke vil være fruktbar.

Alle religiøse symboler og ritualer skal forbydes i det offentlige rum. Den
slags hører til i ens privatliv.

G. Lavik (05-05-2007)
Fra : G. Lavik

Dato : 05-05-07 09:30

On Fri, 4 May 2007 10:33:39 +0200, "Michael Laudahn eOpposition"
<ch8050zh@yahoo.com.mx> wrote:

>'The Arabic word Jihad is derived from the root word Jahada (struggle).
>Jihad has come to mean an offensive war to be waged by Muslims against all
>non-Muslims for the purpose of converting them to Islam on the pain of death
>as commanded by Mohammed, the founder of Islam. Jihad is enjoined on all
>Muslims by the Quran.

Från: Antijihad Norge
Datum: 04/25/07 01:10:28
Till: ajnorge@hotmail.com

Ämne: Nytt fra AntiJihad Norge


Her to linker som er obligatorisk lesning for alle som
ønsker at Vesten skal overleve:




Georg Lavik.

Marcus Strömberg (06-05-2007)
Fra : Marcus Strömberg

Dato : 06-05-07 19:02

Fri, 04 May 2007 10:33:39 +0200 skrev Michael Laudahn eOpposition:

> 'The Arabic word Jihad is derived from the root word Jahada (struggle).
> Jihad has come to mean an offensive war to be waged by Muslims against all
> non-Muslims for the purpose of converting them to Islam on the pain of death
> as commanded by Mohammed, the founder of Islam. Jihad is enjoined on all
> Muslims by the Quran.

Hur kan våra kära grannfolk stillatigande acceptera att den här idioten
bombar Usenetgrupper med sina eländiga skitpostningar? Borde inte
någonting göras mot nätterrorismen innan han förstör våra respektive
diskussionsfora helt och hållet?




@ (06-05-2007)
Fra : @

Dato : 06-05-07 19:16

On Sun, 06 May 2007 18:02:20 GMT, Marcus Strömberg <m9370@abc.se>

>Fri, 04 May 2007 10:33:39 +0200 skrev Michael Laudahn eOpposition:
>> 'The Arabic word Jihad is derived from the root word Jahada (struggle).
>> Jihad has come to mean an offensive war to be waged by Muslims against all
>> non-Muslims for the purpose of converting them to Islam on the pain of death
>> as commanded by Mohammed, the founder of Islam. Jihad is enjoined on all
>> Muslims by the Quran.
>Hur kan våra

at du ikke VIL se den fare for alle ordentlige folk som muhamedanismen

Frihed er retten til at fortælle folk det,
som de ikke ønsker at høre
/George Orwell/

John Hilt (12-05-2007)
Fra : John Hilt

Dato : 12-05-07 14:59

On Fri, 4 May 2007 10:33:39 +0200 Michael Laudahn eOpposition
wrote in news:no.samfunn.politikk.diverse

>'The Arabic word Jihad is derived from the root word Jahada (struggle).
>Jihad has come to mean an offensive war to be waged by Muslims against all
>non-Muslims for the purpose of converting them to Islam on the pain of death
>as commanded by Mohammed, the founder of Islam. Jihad is enjoined on all
>Muslims by the Quran.

Jeg forstår ikke helt dette jihad-opplegget. Først kjemper muslimer for
å komme bort fra forhold som er helt etter koranens lære, med konstant
krig, amputasjon, steining og halshugging. Så kjemper de for å innføre
det blodbadet og shariahelvete som de rømte fra.

Vennligst forklar ...


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