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(rev 2.1) How to become free of evil peopl~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 10-04-07 06:09

Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics Major Discoveries

31 March 2007
{FPP 20070331-V2.1}
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(Version 2.1
on 9 Apr 2007)



It is not unusual, of course, for me to attend
a performance of the Bach St. Matthew Passion,
especially not around this time of the year,
as so many do, as well.

I however tend to use the occasion, to not just
subconsciously, but knowingly to come face to face,
to claw and dig through layers of Unconsciousness

that have been inflicted and are being inflicted
by Criminal Minds.

The faithful reader is not unfamiliar, with
who some of those perpetrators (those Criminal
Minds) are by name.


I have long been trying to get a map of the structure,
the layering of Harmful Energies,

that Criminal Minds surround themselves with and that they
radiate to others, not only to make themselves 'INVISIBLE,'
(and to make also other Criminal Minds 'invisible')

they make themselves undetectable to others,

in particular 'invisible' to normal people, to you and

but Criminal Minds tend to be so familiar with
their own type of Energies, that THEY, unlike us,
tend to 'smell' each other - they much more easily

sense their like-minded - meaning, that they more
easily do sense other Criminal Minds,

with whom they, after all, have lots of
goals and tastes and desires in common,

and probably much common history as
well, (which you might see)

if you do NOT let yourself - your
attention - be fixated by them,

onto looking at or being aware of
only ONE life time of them,

many lives of the most atrocious and for us
unimaginable crimes,

as they have so much of what they forcefully hide,
in common,

but also

1. they MAKE YOU INCAPABLE of looking at them (at their SOUL!)

2. they make you REPELLED BY LOOKING at them (at their SOUL)

3. they make you UNCONSCIOUS WHEN looking at them

(when you are sensing, seeing, perceiving, feeling) them,
THEIR SOUL, that is, of course,

4. they make you EXPERIENCE PAIN AND HATE when sensing them,
when sensing THEIR SOUL -

'Them' MEANING 'them' of course, when I say 'them:'

Their soul, the person who they are,

and not the color of their eyes or the color of
their hair or the color of their skin or the size
of their body or the shape of their skull.

I have pointed this out quite enough to you, elsewhere,
that and how a person is NOT an animal,

other than some people - Criminal Minds mainly - who
are PROVERBIALLY so, or who are 'like animals.'

But also Criminal Minds are souls, I tell you, in
case you did not know, or in case they made you
forget it.




BECAUSE we are working with Energies, we do get an interaction:

between what a person is - which he radiates by means of
Energy -


how those Energies of his affect you, in the process and action
of your perceiving him (of your sensing, feeling him):

You look at Energies, and so these Energies - being Energies - give
you feelings, perceptions, memories, ideas, and emotions.

The observer is a spirit, and a spirit 'works' on, 'runs' on
Life Energies, isn't it

- so, these of course affect him.



Thus, when you look at a person, you get some feelings, perceptions,
memories, ideas, and emotions, FROM the Energies that he carries
around himself (around and in his soul, of course).

It is therefore very important, to find out somehow,

about what you do feel, WHOSE Energy you feel:

whether it is your OWN Energy that you feel, or whether
it is someone ELSE's Energy that you feel.


To get very practical, YOU may feel nausea, when
someone ELSE's Ugliness Energy hits into your body,
or when you start to recognize it with your soul
(when you look at it, that is).

The moment you recognize, that the Energy is
NOT your own Energy, and where it comes from
(from whom it comes), and what its intention

then you have enough of a handle on the Energy
to push it away and to ward it off.


"You feel sad," may very well be an Energy, that some
Criminal Mind inflicts on you,

and if you recognize, that it is not your
own at all, but that it is someone wanting to
make you feel sadness, if you recognize that,
then you have a grip on it and can remove it,
also if you recognize WHO inflicts that Energy
of Sadness onto you;

but in order to make it IMPOSSIBLE for you to get a
'handle' on and thus remove the sadness Energy,

- or 'his depression' as singer Robbie
Williams would call it -

in order to make you really sad and depressed so
you WON'T be able to climb out of it,

a Criminal Mind inflicts the Sadness Energy
(or any other harmful Energies) in the
following manner:

WITH the Energy that says "It is your OWN sadness,"

or he inflicts it that strongly, that you "feel it
as your own" Energy,

as "your OWN condition" - the Criminal Minds
like to call it that.

That is of course an extremely mean
thing to say, but Criminal Minds ARE
that and much more extremely mean.


That's one, very common example. Also not uncommon:

"You feel invincible," or such, is likely a trick of
a Criminal Mind, projecting that Energy, to make you
stop defending yourself.

There is an endless variety of those
projections of course, all intended
by them to somehow deceive and weaken
and blind and dominate you,

even if only for a split second, which
can be enough for them to get you
affected by some bigger attack of
theirs while they have created an
'opening' of sufficient weakness, at
that moment, in your defending Energies,

in your Energies to perceive them
and their attacks correctly and


So it is very, very important, to check whether you feel
or think or create your OWN thought or feeling or emotion,

or whether it is NOT your own Energy,

and most important of course it is, to find out if
that is being projected or has been projected in the
past, by a Criminal Mind, as if "it is your own:"

like a depression or lethargy,

but also pains, itching, sneezes, coughing
and headaches, crazy or hateful thoughts, also
'sacks'ual compulsions or inhibitions, etc.,

are most likely NOT from your own Energies,

But we talk about it in general, further on,
concerning your perception of all kinds of people.



Do you get that idea, now?

When you look at a sad person, you look at the Energy of a sad
person, and Energy IS feeling, IS emotion, IS thought,

so you FEEL some of the sadness, "YOU feel somewhat sad."

Do you get that idea, now?

When you look at a happy person, you look at the Energies
of Aliveness, of Joy and Beauty,

so you FEEL some of that happiness, and "you become more

It is ENERGY - you get it, now?

Energy IS feeling, emotions, thoughts, perceptions,
memories, etc..





BECAUSE we are working with Energies, we do get an interaction

between on the one hand, what (a male or female person, but I say
'he') is, what a person is,

part of which he radiates or shows, as Energy - and

between on the other hand, how he affects others who look at him (at
his Energies, at his soul):

You are, of course, affected by the very act of looking at him,

at who he is and at what he shows and radiates as Energy,

that affects the perception of those who look at him,
of those who sense, feel, perceive, get an impression of
him. *(a)


That's more or less passive,

if you do not take any special efforts to look, and

if the person you look at, does not make any special
efforts (does not create special Energies)

for how he wants to be seen, felt, sensed and
perceived by you.



And - on top of the normal perception of a person who is simply
showing what and how he is - we get, from any Criminal Mind, the
following parts:

1. they make you INCAPABLE of looking at them (at their SOUL!)

2. they make you REPELLED BY LOOKING at them (at their SOUL)

3. they make you UNCONSCIOUS WHEN looking at (sensing, seeing,
perceiving, feeling) them

THEIR SOUL, that is, of course,

4. they make you EXPERIENCE PAIN AND HATE when sensing them,

when sensing THEIR SOUL,

(caused by) the corresponding Energies, which THEY radiate and
hold permanently around their soul - around themselves, that means,
of course. *(a)




So it is VERY, VERY important

- a major issue but extremely confused and inverted by the
medical profession

as it (that profession) is since ever following the
intentions and Energies of Criminal Minds,

who are thus utterly harmful and lying to you about "your
condition" and about "their medical knowledge" -

so it is VERY, VERY important

to you, to anyone, that you start to look and find out WHOSE Energy
it is, that you feel

and that affects you or your body, your memories, your feelings,
your emotions and your perceptions, your thinking,

at any given time and on any given subject or in any particular

This is the very OPPOSITE of meditation and the body of very
false, but pretended "knowledge" connected to it, *(a)

as THEY have the goal, NOT to face Criminal Minds:

THEY have everything in reverse.





We can have very ACTIVE looking, as you know it from a very alive
person (see 'Certainty of Perception' in the 'Introduction to Fine
Particle Physics'),

ACTIVE looking from (not necessarily lively, but) very alive

who are very interested in life and in people,

who are very much caring and loving, and

who are using their talents and love for people, to create
more Life, more Beauty, more memory, more joy of living
and more creation of the future,

thus we can have very ACTIVE looking from
persons who are very much alive,

as you know it from (or rather, at the end of your watching)
Ivan Reitman's 'Groundhog Day' movie,

as you experience it

from persons who CREATE a large amount of Energy and use that also
for perceiving others more clearly, seeing more of who others really
are. *(b)



This makes it possible, to look at and detect Criminal Minds NO MATTER
WHAT Energies they create and put up as barriers or diversions to
'make it impossible' etc. for you, to see (sense, feel) them as they
really are.

I explained elsewhere to you, that it follows the Trinity of
Science - Beauty, Love and Truth - which are the opposites of
the 'tools' that Criminal Minds use.






There appears indeed to be some kind of pattern of "most efficient"
hiding that Criminal Minds do use, to prevent themselves from being
detected, sensed or felt, as described above under points 1., 2., 3.,
and 4.


So my discovery is a sort of 'Death Sentence' to them - that is how
they feel it,

and they do not like that I write this, of course.

I myself, and you maybe too, would rather call it an 'Aliveness
Sentence' for them, and certainly for us - but that is NOT how THEY
'perceive' it -

THEY have everything in reverse, as you know.






including, and despite the Energies that they radiate,

and inflict on you - which are THEIR ENERGIES -

BUT which they radiate and inflict on you with the Energy-
label, the idea, the feeling, even with a completely fake

that "it is your OWN Energy - and because, obviously, YOU
FEEL it," "therefore already, 'it must be "your own"

and which the medical profession 'confirms'
to you - YOU feel it, thus "it must be YOURS,"

much like this:

You step into what a dog may leave on
the side walk, in town, and then they
would tell you, that "it is actually
yours - because YOU are bothered by it,"

(and the dog is not, obviously,
bothered by it at all),

and which the Hindu-Buddhist adept tells you
is "indirectly yours," because "you must have
done something to deserve this - SO PLEASE DO
NOT BOTHER TO FIND OUT that is inflicted, what
is inflicted, and WHO INFLICTED

which is highly important and relevant, because Harmful
Energies inflicted, are often disappearing at the very
instant of you merely finding out and seeing CORRECTLY,
WHO inflicted it,

when you find out that it is NOT yours, that "the"
headache you suffer from is NOT from YOUR Energy,
but from someone ELSE's Pain and Hate Energy
inflicted on you, projected at you, sent to you;

which leads us back to the subject, to the types of Energy
layers by which the soul of a Criminal Mind is surrounded, that




(you can call me a 'Rutherford'
of Fine Particle Physics *(1))

THEIR layers of Energy to be penetrated, are arranged around their
soul, layered from outside to inside as follows:


1. Euphoria Energy (disables your looking at them)

"all is fine, nothing is wrong" - also known as Drug
Energy - pretended aliveness, pretended reality,
pretended or 'Negative Awareness,'

opaque White clouds, pretended own Beauty Energy stolen
from others,

New Age and Buddhism, Zen, drug use.


2. Ugliness Energy (repels your Energy for looking or for wanting to
be aware and alive)

Energy made to be repulsive like a very bad smell, causing
you (and via you, your body) nausea, vomiting, sneezing,

Brown colors, shows a desire for ugliness and perversion,

"Life is Ugly and Painful - You must suffer it to reach
Euphoria" - Hinduism, masochism, sadism, fascism.


3. Unconsciousness Energy (prevents awareness, knocks you
unconscious or asleep)

makes it impossible to see the source or person who
creates and inflicts it, if you are wholly enclosed by it,

hiding places, clandestine, safe from detection,

Darkness, night, 'create your own reality,' autism, being

hypnotism to hide and alter truth, dictatorship,
communism: 'we care for you, you do not have to know or

Being met with the Unconsciousness Energy, you would stop
looking, stop sensing, perceiving, feeling what is there

(and certainly, in many cases and with many people you did
stop looking beyond the Unconsciousness or Black Energies)

and people then call Criminal Minds 'Black Souls,' Prince of
Darkness, etc., etc..

But UNCONSCIOUSNESS IS JUST AN ENERGY, and you can plow, smash
and bore through it, past it, behind it, around it, just like
you can with any other Energy.


(4) And so we arrive at what you already knew from various cultures,
and also from the feelings (and the colors as well) that are
traditionally associated with 'Hell' or with Evil symbolized:

4. Pain and Hate Energy (causes pains in your body, causes your body
to get sick and develop diseases)

destruction, wrenching or forcing life out of alignment,
destroys, maligns and reverses proper functioning in life,

destroys Love, destroys Life - extermination, genocide,
murder and 'Sacks' to obtain the Energies of the victims,

destroying all life, developing Atom bombs, preventing

the color is indeed Red, as you know - and in particular,
Red which is mixed with or surrounded by Black.




And THAT - Red - is the 'color' (or 'colour') of the soul of a
Criminal Mind:

radiating Pure and Intense Hate and Pain, but which is hidden

or it is "protected," as THEY themselves feel it to be and
which makes it impossible to heal them, their intense Hate
for people and for life, and their desire to inflict Pain,
is hidden

by the other layers mentioned.


And THAT - the core of the Criminal Mind's soul - which is the
intense Hate and Contempt for Life

which desires to inflict Pain and disorder, malfunction
and destruction on Life,

IS the DRIVING FORCE and motivation of the Criminal Mind, is

WHY THEY, why a Genghis Khan and a Napoleon Bonaparte
and a Heinrich Himmler WANT TO GET IN and REMAIN

And this Human Rights Issue is not about HOW these
souls were made to become so and permanently so,
nor about who are the monsters of - for you entirely
unimaginable - evil, WHO brought that about in so
many the condition, that these ENJOY to Hate and to
inflict Pain and to suck the Life of others away.



If you stop looking at a Criminal Mind when you see Black (or when you
are knocked Unconscious or made to fall asleep by looking at him or
her - or when you are an epileptic patient)

then you haven't really faced him or her, the Criminal Mind in

(who may be alive, meaning a soul in a body, or, what we commonly
call 'being dead,' a soul or person without a body).

Therefore you will have to continue looking until you see the
(tremendous) Hate and Pain Energies - the contempt for Life and the
intention to Destroy Life - (the Dark Red Energies) emanating

behind, in and through the Unconsciousness (Black) Energies of
the Criminal Mind, of his soul, of course.


And you keep in mind, that when YOU feel it, that does NOT
mean, that "it is therefore your OWN Energy"

- that would be as irrational as if 'a sword cleaving your
skull, would "prove," that "it is your own sword" that
killed you' -

but that is what the Criminal Minds will try to tell you or
demand, that "you see it like that."



Now when you see the actual nature of the Criminal soul itself, that
Intense Hate, that bottomless contempt for people, for life, and for

when you see that basic or bottom layer of the Criminal soul,

which is hidden most forcefully by means of all the mentioned
layers of Energies, overlaying it,

when you see the naked soul of a Criminal Mind through ALL those

- which is a spiritual fight or quest that is definitely fought
without any drugs, but with a large supply of Happiness and
Beauty and Love, rooted unshakably in knowledge of Truth -

THEN you are somewhat free of (at least) that Criminal Mind.


And THAT is true relief, true happiness, true aliveness.

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30


(a) It is one of the MAIN goals, if not THE goal, of
meditation, as in particular in Buddhism, but also in
almost all schools of Hinduism,

to make you not experience these Energies, to block
these Energies from being perceived by you, and also
to try and prevent these Energies from hitting or
affecting you,

and also to suppress and block your own Energies,
to make you deny and pretend not to have these,
to "not have" the joy of experiencing life and
people, to "not have" an intense Love for people,

and in the higher stages of meditation, the goal indeed
becomes to NOT EVEN BE AWARE of those Energies, regardless
of whether you are affected by them.

The result, is a very dead, very unaware, and very
ego-centric person - spiritually eternally and completely

a person who (whose soul and Energy) is wholly
manipulated by Criminal Minds but


That is the "gift" of Gautama Siddharta "The Buddha" and
of earlier (life)times of untold evil inflicted by him,
onto Mankind, which of course his followers can not tell
you in those words - they tell you ONLY lies, AND they
have everything in reverse - which we know as being the
main and easiest recognizable part of the nature of a
Criminal Mind.


(b) There, in very active looking, you do get quite a lot of
'Saint Effect:'

When I look at people in the street - meaning, at their
soul, of course - and I am blasting with my Beauty Energy
at half throttle or above,

then I see a great amount of the very intense Beauty that
you carry in you and that most other souls carry in them,
I see the Beauty that you ARE, that others are, so that

then people 'become' INTENSELY Beautiful and interesting
to me, and by consequence I then create and feel also a
very great amount of Love from me for them.

This is usually too much for them to handle for very
long, because in this society, Earth, it is 'not

Everyone sits in his Cave (as I described it a few
thousand years ago, as Plato)

and that personal Cave acts as a protection against
the Energies of Criminal Minds, whom people CAN NOT
RECOGNIZE or understand and properly defend them-
selves and their friends against.


So I go and also sit in a Cave, and then people do
not feel obliged to have to come out of THEIR Cave,
just because I am not in a Cave.

And then I do not have to instantly recognize
any (living or deceased) Criminal Mind that
comes along.

But I stick my head out, and so I can be recognized
by some who can, who want to and who do.


And the same applies, of course, when I create my Love
Energy at half throttle or above:

It is a blaze of Energy, that I have tried to
capture in some of the paintings from five hundred
years ago, in my life time as Leonardo,

but that is better known from my Saint Francis of
Assisi life time, also in Italy,

in which a Criminal Mind made me "solve" his
condition, by

ME STOPPING to create the Energies that would
easily detect (him and any) Criminal Minds,
and that would make these easily visible:

By stopping my very large outpouring of
Beauty Energy,

and by my stopping to create the Energy
for intensely connecting with people
through 'Sacks'ual Energy,

and by my GIVING AWAY my Energy - and
own possessions ARE a form of personal
Energy as well, that you also have and
have the command over and responsibility
for and the possible use of to enhance
your own life and the life of others -

and by telling others to do the same,

and justifying it in ways you
probably know about.

Instead, I created tremendous amounts of Love
Energy, so much, that "it would also be enough
for giving some life to Criminal Minds," and

so, that "it would not be necessary to look at
or even to detect or know about or understand
(the nature of) Criminal Minds."


Having regained some of my wisdom, I intend to spend it
(my Energy) more wisely,

and give it to whose who use it to enhance Life,

and NOT to those who take it in order to be able
therewith to connect to Life with THEIR Criminal
desires, that is, in order to exert their "Joy" of
destroying Life and people.

This I have explained extensively to you under
the subject of 'Love is NOT "unconditional",'

and with the discovery, that Criminal Minds
can, regrettably enough, NOT be healed, no
matter what you do or give them, but they can
only be restrained or be told to leave.


Nevertheless, the Criminal Minds become INTENSELY alert

and try any and all tricks possible, or just brute,
mental force

to take - to pull or trick or batter or smash - my Love
Energy - which is worth far more to them than gold, away
from me, and to use it for their own and very devious

And you can imagine, how they try to destroy again
my Energy for looking at them, for looking through
not only their Euphoria and Ugliness, but ALSO for
looking through their Unconsciousness Energy and at
their intense Hate and Contempt and Pain Energy.



(1) Ernest Rutherford, First Baron Rutherford of Nelson, known as
the "father" of nuclear physics.

(...) (further Footnotes as applicable)



Copyright 2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
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