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What are the common denominators in this i~
Fra : carlos

Dato : 29-01-07 16:30

What are the common denominators in this insanity that we call the
21st Century.

There's some very strange things going on.

A cynical person might be inclined to think that some 'Power Club' (or
several disparate power bases) have the mutual objective of pruning
back the power of the 'West' or the 'Anglo-Saxon' dominated world, or

Why would the 'Jewish controlled' European Union give billions of
Euros to the Palestinians?

Why would U.S. interest groups be keen on seeing Turkey join the E.U.?

Why would any European be keen on seeing Turkey join the E.U.?

Why are nationalists persecuted in European countries, why is
nationalism bad?

Mad Dog anti EU (29-01-2007)
Fra : Mad Dog anti EU

Dato : 29-01-07 17:11

carlos wrote:
|| What are the common denominators in this insanity that we call the
|| 21st Century.
|| There's some very strange things going on.
|| A cynical person might be inclined to think that some 'Power Club'
|| (or several disparate power bases) have the mutual objective of
|| pruning back the power of the 'West' or the 'Anglo-Saxon' dominated
|| world, or worse.
|| Why would the 'Jewish controlled' European Union give billions of
|| Euros to the Palestinians?
|| Why would U.S. interest groups be keen on seeing Turkey join the
|| E.U.?
|| Why would any European be keen on seeing Turkey join the E.U.?
|| Why are nationalists persecuted in European countries, why is
|| nationalism bad?

Militarily it has strategic importance to the USA, and it would mean close
ties with a muslim country.

As far as I am concerned it is not in Europe. I would prefer that we got
out, the sooner the better.

No Euro Constitution

Keep Our Freedom


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