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(Rev 1.4) People are not "Anti-American" {~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 09-01-07 05:45

People are not "Anti-American"

6 January 2007
{HRI 20070106-V1.4}


You can END, finish, that label - invented or used by Criminal Minds,
like by American Henry Kissinger and by France's Jacques Chirac for
instance - of

"people being Anti-American."


And, no matter how much Criminal Minds promote that "label"
or replace it by any other label,

which they do for the sole purpose of HIDING THEIR

you can END that false 'labeling'

(unless you are employed or otherwise paid by the
Associated Parrots (abbr. AP) of course):



People are people - and they can be 'FOR LIFE' or 'AGAINST LIFE.'

And that is all there is to it,

and when they are AGAINST life, then they invent
ENDLESS variations, on how to hide and cover that up,

to HIDE the simple fact, that they are



You know very well, what I am talking about:

It is Anti-Life, to call your actual friends your enemies, and to want
to destroy your actual friends,

and on the other hand, it is equally Anti-Life to worship and adore
your actual enemies, and to fight for your actual enemies and to want
to be guided by your actual enemies,

yet that is now an all-too-apparent Arab-Islamic custom or
enforced belief-structure,

or Anti-Life Energy if you like,

of the 'dominate and be dominated' type,

that is also carried on in family relationship based on

primitive tribal, very materialistic, possession-
steered logic,

that after all Islam's Mohammed grew up in but tried to

exactly BY entering some religious or spiritual values back
into the Arabic life of his time.

And idolizing Mohammed does not help to understand
him, his time and the location he operated in, of

And 'not depicting Mohammed,' is just a way of
Criminal Minds to PREVENT people from having
or acquiring an understanding of him, and of
his time, and of the Quran that intends to
bring about that understanding.

The same applies to the Arab custom of
not depicting life, plants, animals and


And bringing back all the evil customs of his time,
is of course not going to be tolerated by any loving
and caring person,

also not by me.

If you want to be Islamic, that is fine, but
you will have to be civilized, OF COURSE.

Islam must not be a haven for very severe
Criminals *(10) who claim to be and who
practice to be "Islamic"

- who OF COURSE want ANY religion,
ANY group, actually, to be a
'safe haven' for Criminal Minds -

ANY religion, or in ANY group. *(12)




Iraq's Shiite cleric 'Muqtada al-Sadr' is NOT "Anti-American" as HE
and all psychotics with him claim to be, BUT he is ANTI-LIFE,

- and so are Associated Press Writers STEVEN R. HURST and QASSIM
ABDUL-ZAHRA in Iraq, and other journalists when they are
reporting Criminal Minds NOT to be Criminal Minds, but to be

Such "journalism" amounts to war mongering,

as I will explain yet another time, to those who
still can not by themselves understand The Nature
of War - which I have explained in the HRI of
the same title. *(9)



Shiite cleric 'Muqtada al-Sadr' is VERY, VERY busy destroying Iraq.

And so, in REFUSING TO REMOVE this al-Sadr, Iraq's Prime Minister
Nouri al-Maliki, is directly destroying or allowing the
destruction of Iraq.


And, it is NOT a matter of 'crushing the militia of "anti-American"
Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, one of the prime minister's most
powerful backers,' BUT

IT IS a matter of (looking at the REFUSAL TO REMOVE, and then
REMOVING) that individual

who is very severely intending and carrying out his
intention - supported by Iran's Ahmadinejad - to destroy
Iraq, to destroy his very OWN country.

How many times have you now believed, that Criminal
Minds will not destroy but want to protect THEIR OWN

If you subscribed to the Associated Press, you
probably STILL think, that Castro is "NOT destroying





I have "never told you that," but Criminal Minds DO want to destroy

and in order to do so, they have to pretend to protect it so
that they are put in charge and then can destroy their country,
like Germany or Cambodia or Russia, or more recently Cuba, Burma,
Sudan, Venezuela, and the like.

To "need support" from a Criminal Mind, or to "support a Criminal
Mind," is ALWAYS a suicidal act, as it is now shown by Iraq's
Prime Minister al-Maliki,

who thinks, "if he removes the deadly parasite (al-Sadr)
from his body, THEN he (al-Maliki) himself will die."

"THEN he will be accused of favoring Americanism over
"Because (the deadly parasite) al-Sadr 'is Anti-


Shiite cleric 'Muqtada al-Sadr' is NOT "Anti-American" BUT ANTI-LIFE,

And he HIDES that, much like France's Chirac hides his
mental condition, by (in)citing "Anti-Americanism."




There is no such thing IN REALITY, as "people being Anti-American,"

people are people - and they can be FOR life, or AGAINST life:

for LIFE, or against LIFE.

The whole label of "Anti-American" or "Anti-Chinese" or "Anti-
Pasta," such labels

are just lies, the labels themselves are INTENTIONAL LIES to MAKE
you use the wrong "remedy" and to PREVENT you from taking the
CORRECT actions,

as I explained to you in the HRI 'The Nature of War,' *(9)

and they do so by covering up the truth, by labeling people,
"Anti-Chinese" (or "Anti-Pasta":)

People are people - regardless of race, nationality,
religion, gender, age, wealth, education, social
status or the lack of these -

and they can be FOR life, or AGAINST life.






I am very sorry I "never told you that," and "I abase myself for that
grave omission on my part:"

The Motive Of Murder, Terror, Domination, Rioting, Vandalism, etc., Is
NOT Political, NOT Ethnic, NOT Religious, NOT for lack of Wealth or

3 August 2005
{HRI 20050803-V3.4.1}

(Version 3.4.1
on 11 Nov 2005)


The motive of murder, terror and domination, vandalism, etc. is

NOT political, NOT ethnic, NOT militant or insurgent,
NOT religious, NOT for material possessions, NOT from poverty,
NOT from lack of education

- this you know very well -

as none of those conditions have turned you into a murderer or

- quite the contrary, you worked hard to overcome these
conditions -

nor will these ever turn you into a murderer or other type of
criminal, because

- should you care to look further than Criminal Minds
allow -

those are not and never will be the actual motives,

they are merely ideas that are used, at times, by Criminal
Minds *(3) and by Destructive Cowards, *(5) to cover up and
to make seem right, what is ACTUALLY motivating them:

the JOY of hindering, harming, degrading, destroying life.



IT IS the JOY of murdering, terrorizing and dominating others,
and of vandalizing and destroying as much of life as they are
allowed to destroy.

That IS the nature of Criminal Minds, and there are
about one percent of them in ANY population, regardless
of race, religion, social status, age, gender, education
or wealth.

The only thing you see different, is that in
some areas and groups, MORE DISAGREEMENT WITH
CRIMINAL IMPULSES is being maintained.

Criminal Minds are halted by others, before
he or she manages to execute the intended
destruction also physically.

And those who do anyway succeed in it,
are hunted down and arrested, in such
a society.

When a society grows, then that system
normally also grows with it, meaning,
an adequate system of


prosecuting crime successfully.


Crime is, what you and anyone natively
know is crime. (It is not the same as
rules or customs, but sometimes and
ideally, these overlap.)

However, you have societies (countries)
on Earth, where

or is being made impossible

for a long time and on a large


This has happened in Iraq for
forty years, and it has been
going on and is going on in
many other countries

- whether communistic or
fascistic or "socialistic"
or "nationalistic," etc.,
which describes merely what
type of lies they tell and
use to hide Crime -


also in China, which is thus
made into a time bomb of evil,

very strongly intended so by the
known Criminal Mind Hu Jintao.


This is all happening under
your very own nose, what the
Chinese people do to each other,

forcefully, and by implementing
and using laws and their own
government institutions and
government funds,




They try to exert their JOY of murdering, of terrorizing and
of dominating others, and of vandalizing and of destroying as
much of life as they are not prevented from destroying,

before they are halted

- as they ARE halted in a civilized society.

That is why Criminal Minds - including Hu Jintao - come down
so very hard on people who DO NATURALLY DISAGREE WITH CRIME.

THESE are imprisoned, or prevented from having work, or
they are put in psychiatric institutions, or 'murdered'
otherwise, in other ways,



CRIMINAL MINDS WANT CRIME - maybe I can get you to
actually understand those four words, today.

Apparently the history lessons you got at
school were that bad, that you did not learn
anything from these.

Or if you DID learn something, then the
journalists will have knocked it out
of your awareness and understanding
most thoroughly, no doubt.



What they do, is not called "violence" or "unrest," or
"differences" or "friction," or "disagreements," etc., *(1)

it is also not called "none of your business" (as in 'internal
affairs'), but it IS, and

it IS ONLY the JOY of murdering, or terrorizing and
dominating others, and the JOY of vandalizing beautiful
and valuable things and people.

That is how it is, and how it always has been,
and always will be.

Criminal Minds do not change, they also do not "evolve,"
they do not "grow up,"

but normally, they are recognized and prevented
from doing too much evil and destruction, in
a balanced and free society.

And with the advent of Press Agencies,

and with the deliberate destruction of
any understanding of human nature, destroyed
by the medical and physical "sciences,"

journalists have since long given up the
function of ensuring a balanced and free

If you can't even define free and
balanced... how can you be expected
to ensure it.



People are not there, for being murdered

- this you know.

And people do not exist EITHER, for the purpose of being
terrorized or being dominated,

which is the spiritual equivalent of being murdered


Criminal Minds, however, ENJOY to murder and to terrorize and to
dominate people, and to destroy or steal their possessions.


They seek opportunities to do so unhindered.

That is written in all the pages of your history books
at school,

pages that were staring at you as if they had
nothing to do with you,

"empty" pages, not filled with life by you,

forbidden to come to life

- very real life, however, your life, really,
describing YOUR life,

without saying so, even denying THAT it has
so very much to do with YOU.


In order to be unhindered or even supported in their JOY of
murdering people and of terrorizing people, or to vandalize and
riot, Criminal Minds - which includes the Criminal Mind Sigmund
Freud - try to find "reasons,"

that journalists *(1) and also other people - of even
lower intellect and responsibility - will accept, and
agree with. *(2)

Or, refusing to face the most simple things

as it is not their profession to make things

journalists INVENT "interesting reason,"

like you know it from people at a party, who
try to be "interesting."

The truth is MOST interesting, of
course and indeed, but THAT is not what
they have the courage and care and love
for people, to say or write.


An endless amount of terms these journalists parroted,
or made up themselves,

from "unrest" to "anger" to "violence,"

not to mention "insurgent," "separatist," "militant,"
"Maoist," "Stalinist," "nationalist," and "ethnic,"
"minority," or "religious" and other "motives:"

The most horrid crimes that any normal person
would refuse to tolerate, are justified or
are hidden as "internal affairs,"

as in "Kim Jong Il is allowed to murder,
torture, terrorize or dominate or starve as
many people as he likes - as long as these are
North Koreans (people who live in North Korea)"

or in "Mao Ze Dong or Hu Jintao is allowed to
dominate, starve, imprison, torture or murder
as many people as he likes - as long as these
are Chinese (people living in, or having been
forced to become part of the Chinese
'motherland')," *(9)

ALL OF WHICH "reasons" merely translate into and are used

so, that they can ENJOY to murder and to terrify and to dominate

to terrorize and dominate as many people as possible,

and to do so preferably unhindered and even while being admired
or rewarded for their malice,

and given a pompous reception by the Canadian
government or by the British Queen, in return for
enough money:

Billions of dollars even buys the conscience
and a fake smile from Britain's Tony Blair,

- Tony Blair could easily have said,
and should indeed have said PUBLICLY,

"I do not want to do business with a
Criminal Mind like Hu Jintao, as
doing so, would be our gravely

- and also assisting severe
harm inflicted currently on -

all the people of China:

Send someone else, who DOES represent
the Chinese people, if you want to do
business with us British,"


which he would have said if blessed
with the courage to act as a SANE and
RESPONSIBLE statesman deciding -

over a billion dollars

- getting one dollar per Chinese person
whose freedom in China is sold to the
devil -

rather having one billion dollars,

than allowing the freedom to be happy,
to live in dignity, and,

- which is the main part of
enjoying any happiness -

to naturally see and oppose Crime, a
freedom relinquished in exchange for
one billion dollars,

in order to further Crime,

as Hu Jintao, the 'head of state,' demands
and forces all people in China,

to commit most vehemently on each other,

over a billion dollars accepted by Tony
Blair, as we saw today in London,

and defense efforts AGAINST CHINA

- a "really good business deal,"
isn't it -


while Tony Blair's opposition party
members, however - being far MORE
cowardly themselves than Tony Blair
is - have not pointed out any of these

to Tony Blair who generally
speaking is a very courageous
person, but who certainly has
been blinded by the spiritual
force and tricks of the Criminal
Mind, "the Emperor of China,"
on Tony Blair, now again

feeling compelled to "please" the slick and
greasy, but not less deadly Criminal Mind who
through his continuous and hidden Crimes,
became 'the head of state,'

the Criminal Mind Hu Jintao, who
demands of others TO BE BLIND TO CRIME,

who DEMANDS blindness to evil being
committed and having been committed
and that will be committed,

inflicting a blindness that all Criminal
Minds dominate others into,

a blindness that they try to compel
onto others, with their spiritual
force to inflict compulsions *(9)
onto others,

as explained in the Human Rights
Issues, explained by simply
stating your own nature,

because your own nature is
opposed to Crime,

your own nature is also opposed
to hidden and to camouflaged
Crime, and opposed to blindness
to Crimes,

in this example involving the Crime that can
be labeled as



billions of dollars, received to help and assist a
terrorizing and murderous Criminal Mind, Hu Jintao,

to assist him in dominating and terrorizing and
destroying the society of over one billion Chinese,

without any necessity whatsoever (how could
there ever be a "necessity" for that, other
than in the mind and words of a Criminal or
a Coward wanting "stability"

...meaning Crime NOT opposed, NOT made public, but
sanctioned by "law" and originated by the Chinese
government of 'the motherland')

- the British hosts just could have said:
"Send someone else, not a Criminal Mind,
we do not accept a Criminal Mind to
represent the Chinese people" -

but, not caring for the Chinese people, and
thus not caring actually for their own (the
British) people either, these British gave
the Criminal Mind Hu Jintao a state banquet


covered up with "reasons," *(7)

in order "to explain" it, to make it "seem right" or
"acceptable" or felt as "you must not oppose it," and

so these "reasons" are used by them to HIDE and
camouflage the malice which IS called murder and
terror and domination.


That is something, that "great" individuals like Oprah
Winfrey, like Michael Jackson, like Bill Gates, and
other Criminal Minds *(3)(4), will take indeed 'great
care' NOT to tell you,

something which they - and all other "celebrities"
too - remain remarkably and most cowardly silent
about. *(5)



So, with that knowledge, you are going to actually take some
responsibility, that others - including 'the Secretary General,'
Kofi Annan, *(8)(9) most definitely do NOT want to take:

Which individuals (not excluding any heads of state and their
aides) finance or supply or condone (allow) such acts of murder,
or terror and domination? *(6)

If possible, *(a) provide names and locations and functions,

and why you know or suspect or assume or have concluded, that

a particular individual (again, including any heads of any
states and their aides) is financing or supplying or
condoning those who do the murdering or terrorizing and


I would like to have these matters understood by enough people, to
thereby sufficiently diminish (- see References, below, to remedy)

the continuous confusion and insanity as relayed and perpetuated
in particular by the journalists. *(1)

I have consistently concerned myself with resolving this Human
Rights issue, as you know.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29


(a) For the comfort of those who help, I think it is now well known,
that I am not entirely incapable of determining the value and the
degree of truth of your answer, and to thus truly appreciate your
correct efforts.


[Consult for latest updates the 'Checklist of Human Rights Issues'
{HRI update list 20061202}]

(1) 'Journalist Current Ethics And Intelligence
- Refusal To Recognize And Expose Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20041230-V2.4} (30 Dec 2004 - Version 2.4 on 26 June 2005)

(2) 'You Prefer To Feel The Pleasant, Caring MASK Of Criminal Minds'
(27 July 2005 - Quoted from {HRI 20040920-V2.4} )

(3) 'Rights of Criminal Minds' {HRI 20040108} (8 January 2004)

(4) 'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of Destroying
Your Emotional Integrity' {HRI 20031110-V3.3}
(10 November 2003 - Version 3.2 on 18 June 2005)

(5) 'Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)' {HRI 20050610-V2.1.2}
(10 June 2005 - Version 2.1.2 on 2 Aug 2005)

(6) 'The First International Law' {HRI 20021124-V2.0}
(24 November 2002 - Version 2.0 on 23 Sept 2003)

(7) ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' ' {HRI 20040422-V2.4}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.4 on 21 July 2005)

(8) 'Nobel Prize Committees - Promoting 'NO Peace' And 'NO Science' '
{HRI 20041214-V1.3} (14 Dec 2004 - Version 1.3 on 28 Dec 2004)
(9) 'The Nature of War' {HRI 20051027-V1.6}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.6 on 7 Nov 2005)

(10) ''The Shadow Of A Monster,' being the body-double of Saddam
Hussein's son Uday - Report on Saddam Hussein's criminal
{HRI 20060702-A2-V1.0.2}
(2 July 2006 - Issued separately 28 Dec 2006 - Version 1.0.2)

(11) 'Religious Freedom - (Definition for Human Rights enforcement)'
{HRI 20030407-3-V1.0.1}
(7 April 2003 - Issue 3 - Version 1.0.1 on 6 Oct 2006)

(12) 'What The Whole Protest Against The Iraq War, Is About'
{HRI 20061229-V2.2.1}
(29 December 2006 - Version 2.2.1 on 4 Jan 2007)


'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
(7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)



Copyright 2005, 2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
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