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Fra : Torben Hansen

Dato : 27-06-01 10:29

Hej NG

Jeg har nu forsøgt, men intet hjælper, og jeg er snart ikke mere hår på
Jeg ville blive rigtig glad, hvis nogle kunne hjælpe med at omskrive dette
her til JMail.

Venlig hilsen Torben

<!-- #include file="db.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="functions.asp" -->
'a.shopKart 2.0
'(c) 1999-2000 Katrien Dermaut De Graeve - URLogy
'last updated: 7-Nov-2000

Response.Buffer = true
For Each key in Request.Form
strname = key
strvalue = Request.Form(key)
Session(strname) = strvalue

Dim arrCart, scartItem
arrCart = Session("MyCart")
scartItem = Session("cartItem")
if scartItem = 0 then
Response.Redirect "error.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode ("Or your session
has expired, or you tried to re-submit the form.")
end if

If Request.Form("cardno") = "" OR len(Request.Form("cardno")) <=12 Then
Response.Redirect "checkout.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode ("Please fill in a
correct credit card number.")
Elseif Request.Form("cardname") = "" OR len(Request.Form("cardname")) <=6
Response.Redirect "checkout.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode ("Please fill in a
correct credit card name.")

strTotal = Cstr(Request.Form("ordertotal"))
intTotal = Replace(strTotal,",",".")

imonth = Request.Form("expMonth")
iyear = Request.Form("expYear")
'use one of the following date formats: mm/dd/yyyy OR dd/mm/yyyy
'if your server's settings are dd/mm/yyyy, please put a single quote in
front of next line
expDate = imonth & "/" & "28" & "/" & iyear
'and remove single quote on next line:
'expDate = "28" & "/" & imonth & "/" & iyear

'On error resume next
sqlAdd = sqlAdd & "ocardname,ocardexpires,ocardaddress"
If Not Request.Form("shipaddress")="" then
sqlAdd = sqlAdd &
End If
sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ") VALUES("
sqlAdd = sqlAdd & Session("customerid") & ",#" & Date & "#," & intTotal
sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & Request.Form("paymentm") & "','" &
Request.Form("cardno") & "'"
sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & TwoSingleQ(Request.Form("cardname")) & "',#" &
expDate & "#"
sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & TwoSingleQ(Request.Form("cardaddress")) & " '"
If Not Request.Form("shipaddress")="" then
sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & TwoSingleQ(Request.Form("shipaddress")) & "'"
sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & TwoSingleQ(Request.Form("shiptown")) & " '"
sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & Request.Form("shipzip") & " '"
sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & Request.Form("shipstate") & " '"
sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & Request.Form("shipcountry") & " '"
End If
sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ")"

call openConn()
dbc.execute sqlAdd, intAffected

if dbc.Errors.count > 0 then
call closeConn()
Response.Redirect "error.asp?msg=" & server.URLEncode("Error occurred
sending info to Database. Please contact us.")
elseif intAffected = 1 then
Dim oid, sqlo
sqlo = "SELECT max(orderID) FROM orders"
Set rso = dbc.Execute(sqlo)
oid = Cint(rso(0))

If oid < 1 Then
call closeConn()
Response.Redirect "error.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode ("Error: No order
'insert order items into oitems table
For i = 1 To scartItem
sqlOItem = "INSERT INTO oitems(orderid,catalogid,numitems) VALUES("
sqlOItem = sqlOItem & oid
sqlOItem = sqlOItem & "," & arrCart(cProductid,i)
sqlOItem = sqlOItem & "," & arrCart(cQuantity,i)
sqlOItem = sqlOItem & ")"
dbc.execute sqlOItem
If dbc.Errors.Count > 0 then
call closeConn()
Response.Redirect "error.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode ("Not succeeded.
Error: ") & dbc.Error.Description
'send mail to merchant, use function mailMerchant
blnMail = mailMerchant("youremail@yourserver",oid,nosmtp)
if blnMail = false then
call closeConn()
Response.Redirect "error.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode ("Could not send
mail to merchant.")
end if
end if
End if
call closeConn()
Response.Redirect "error.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode ("Order information
could not be sent to database. Please try again later.")
end if
If dbc.Errors.Count > 0 then
set dbc = nothing
Response.Redirect "error.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode ("Not succeeded.
Error: ") & dbc.Error.Description
set dbc = nothing
Response.Redirect "thanks.asp"
End If
End If

function mailMerchant(merchantmail,orderid,smtpServer)
'get client info from DB
set cmd = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
cmd.ActiveConnection = dbc
cmd.CommandText = "qryOrderInfo"
cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
set param = cmd.CreateParameter("oid",adInteger,adParamInput,4)
cmd.Parameters.Append param
cmd("oid") = orderid

'build message body strBody
set rs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
set rs = cmd.Execute
if not rs.eof then
strBody = "Online order by a.shopKart on " & rs("odate") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Customer info:" & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & rs("cfirstname") & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & rs("clastname") & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & rs("cemail") & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & rs("caddress") & " - " & rs("caddress2") & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & rs("ctown") & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & rs("czip") & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & rs("cstate") & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & rs("ccountry") & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & rs("cphone") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

strBody = strBody & "Credit card info:" & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & rs("ocardtype") & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & left(rs("ocardno"),4) & "..." & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & rs("ocardname") & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & rs("ocardexpires") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

strBody = strBody & "Ordered items:" & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Code" & vbTab & "Item" & vbTab & "No." & vbTab &
"Price" & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody &
"-------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf
dblOrderTotal = 0
while not rs.EOF
strBody = strBody & rs("ccode") & vbTab & rs("cname") & vbTab
lineTotal = rs("cprice")*rs("numitems")
strBody = strBody & rs("numitems") & vbTab & lineTotal & vbCrLf
dblOrderTotal = dblOrderTotal + lineTotal
strBody = strBody &
"-------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Total: " & dblOrderTotal & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

set rs = nothing
set cmd = nothing

'use CDONTS to send mail
set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
mailer.From = merchantmail
Mailer.To = merchantmail
Mailer.Subject = "Online order (a.shopKart)"
Mailer.Body = strBody
if Err.number > 0 then
mailMerchant = false
mailMerchant = true
end if

'OR use ASPMail - choose your own
'Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject ("SMTPsvg.Mailer")
'Mailer.FromName = "a.shopKart"
'Mailer.FromAddress = merchantmail
'Mailer.Subject = "a.shopKart Order"
'Mailer.BodyText = strBody
'Mailer.RemoteHost = smtpServer

'Mailer.AddRecipient "", merchantmail
'if Mailer.SendMail then
' Message sent sucessfully
' mailMerchant = true
' Message send failure
' mailMerchant = false
'end if
set rs = nothing
set cmd = nothing
mailMerchant = false
end if

end function


Michael Jakobsen (27-06-2001)
Fra : Michael Jakobsen

Dato : 27-06-01 11:19

On Wed, 27 Jun 2001 11:29:29 +0200, "Torben Hansen"
<Torben@hansen.net> wrote:

>Jeg har nu forsøgt, men intet hjælper, og jeg er snart ikke mere hår på
>Jeg ville blive rigtig glad, hvis nogle kunne hjælpe med at omskrive dette
>her til JMail.
Har du prøvet det jeg foreslog dig for 6 dage siden ?


Torben Hansen (27-06-2001)
Fra : Torben Hansen

Dato : 27-06-01 11:25

Hej igen

Det er nok her "function mailMerchant(merchantmail,orderid,smtpServer)" det
går galt.
Hvordan for jeg denne funktion med ?
Jeg kan godt selv som modtager få mailen via JMail.AddRecipient
"navn@domaine.dk" Men "kunden" skulle gerne have en ordre bekræftigelse,

Venlig hilsen Torben

"Torben Hansen" <Torben@hansen.net> skrev i en meddelelse
> Hej NG
> Jeg har nu forsøgt, men intet hjælper, og jeg er snart ikke mere hår på
> hoved.
> Jeg ville blive rigtig glad, hvis nogle kunne hjælpe med at omskrive dette
> her til JMail.
> Venlig hilsen Torben
> <!-- #include file="db.asp" -->
> <!-- #include file="functions.asp" -->
> <%
> '===================================================
> 'a.shopKart 2.0
> '(c) 1999-2000 Katrien Dermaut De Graeve - URLogy
> 'last updated: 7-Nov-2000
> '===================================================
> Response.Buffer = true
> For Each key in Request.Form
> strname = key
> strvalue = Request.Form(key)
> Session(strname) = strvalue
> Next
> Dim arrCart, scartItem
> arrCart = Session("MyCart")
> scartItem = Session("cartItem")
> if scartItem = 0 then
> Response.Redirect "error.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode ("Or your session
> has expired, or you tried to re-submit the form.")
> end if
> If Request.Form("cardno") = "" OR len(Request.Form("cardno")) <=12 Then
> Response.Redirect "checkout.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode ("Please fill in
> correct credit card number.")
> Elseif Request.Form("cardname") = "" OR len(Request.Form("cardname")) <=6
> Then
> Response.Redirect "checkout.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode ("Please fill in
> correct credit card name.")
> Else
> strTotal = Cstr(Request.Form("ordertotal"))
> intTotal = Replace(strTotal,",",".")
> imonth = Request.Form("expMonth")
> iyear = Request.Form("expYear")
> 'use one of the following date formats: mm/dd/yyyy OR dd/mm/yyyy
> 'if your server's settings are dd/mm/yyyy, please put a single quote in
> front of next line
> expDate = imonth & "/" & "28" & "/" & iyear
> 'and remove single quote on next line:
> 'expDate = "28" & "/" & imonth & "/" & iyear
> 'On error resume next
> sqlAdd = "INSERT INTO
> orders(ocustomerid,odate,orderamount,ocardtype,ocardno,"
> sqlAdd = sqlAdd & "ocardname,ocardexpires,ocardaddress"
> If Not Request.Form("shipaddress")="" then
> sqlAdd = sqlAdd &
> ",oshipaddress,oshiptown,oshipzip,oshipstate,oshipcountry"
> End If
> sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ") VALUES("
> sqlAdd = sqlAdd & Session("customerid") & ",#" & Date & "#," & intTotal
> sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & Request.Form("paymentm") & "','" &
> Request.Form("cardno") & "'"
> sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & TwoSingleQ(Request.Form("cardname")) & "',#" &
> expDate & "#"
> sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & TwoSingleQ(Request.Form("cardaddress")) & " '"
> If Not Request.Form("shipaddress")="" then
> sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & TwoSingleQ(Request.Form("shipaddress")) & "'"
> sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & TwoSingleQ(Request.Form("shiptown")) & " '"
> sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & Request.Form("shipzip") & " '"
> sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & Request.Form("shipstate") & " '"
> sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & Request.Form("shipcountry") & " '"
> End If
> sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ")"
> call openConn()
> dbc.execute sqlAdd, intAffected
> if dbc.Errors.count > 0 then
> call closeConn()
> Response.Redirect "error.asp?msg=" & server.URLEncode("Error occurred
> sending info to Database. Please contact us.")
> elseif intAffected = 1 then
> Dim oid, sqlo
> sqlo = "SELECT max(orderID) FROM orders"
> Set rso = dbc.Execute(sqlo)
> oid = Cint(rso(0))
> rso.Close
> If oid < 1 Then
> call closeConn()
> Response.Redirect "error.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode ("Error: No order
> id.")
> Else
> 'insert order items into oitems table
> For i = 1 To scartItem
> sqlOItem = "INSERT INTO oitems(orderid,catalogid,numitems) VALUES("
> sqlOItem = sqlOItem & oid
> sqlOItem = sqlOItem & "," & arrCart(cProductid,i)
> sqlOItem = sqlOItem & "," & arrCart(cQuantity,i)
> sqlOItem = sqlOItem & ")"
> dbc.execute sqlOItem
> Next
> If dbc.Errors.Count > 0 then
> call closeConn()
> Response.Redirect "error.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode ("Not succeeded.
> Error: ") & dbc.Error.Description
> else
> 'send mail to merchant, use function mailMerchant
> blnMail = mailMerchant("youremail@yourserver",oid,nosmtp)
> if blnMail = false then
> call closeConn()
> Response.Redirect "error.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode ("Could not
> mail to merchant.")
> end if
> end if
> End if
> else
> call closeConn()
> Response.Redirect "error.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode ("Order
> could not be sent to database. Please try again later.")
> end if
> If dbc.Errors.Count > 0 then
> dbc.Close
> set dbc = nothing
> Response.Redirect "error.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode ("Not succeeded.
> Error: ") & dbc.Error.Description
> Else
> dbc.close
> set dbc = nothing
> Response.Redirect "thanks.asp"
> End If
> End If
> function mailMerchant(merchantmail,orderid,smtpServer)
> 'get client info from DB
> set cmd = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
> cmd.ActiveConnection = dbc
> cmd.CommandText = "qryOrderInfo"
> cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
> set param = cmd.CreateParameter("oid",adInteger,adParamInput,4)
> cmd.Parameters.Append param
> cmd("oid") = orderid
> 'build message body strBody
> set rs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
> set rs = cmd.Execute
> if not rs.eof then
> strBody = "Online order by a.shopKart on " & rs("odate") & vbCrLf &
> strBody = strBody & "Customer info:" & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & rs("cfirstname") & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & rs("clastname") & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & rs("cemail") & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & rs("caddress") & " - " & rs("caddress2") & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & rs("ctown") & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & rs("czip") & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & rs("cstate") & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & rs("ccountry") & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & rs("cphone") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & "Credit card info:" & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & rs("ocardtype") & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & left(rs("ocardno"),4) & "..." & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & rs("ocardname") & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & rs("ocardexpires") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & "Ordered items:" & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & "Code" & vbTab & "Item" & vbTab & "No." & vbTab &
> "Price" & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody &
> "-------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf
> dblOrderTotal = 0
> while not rs.EOF
> strBody = strBody & rs("ccode") & vbTab & rs("cname") & vbTab
> lineTotal = rs("cprice")*rs("numitems")
> strBody = strBody & rs("numitems") & vbTab & lineTotal & vbCrLf
> dblOrderTotal = dblOrderTotal + lineTotal
> rs.MoveNext
> wend
> strBody = strBody &
> "-------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & "Total: " & dblOrderTotal & vbCrLf
> strBody = strBody & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
> rs.Close
> set rs = nothing
> set cmd = nothing
> 'use CDONTS to send mail
> set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
> mailer.From = merchantmail
> Mailer.To = merchantmail
> Mailer.Subject = "Online order (a.shopKart)"
> Mailer.Body = strBody
> Mailer.Send
> if Err.number > 0 then
> mailMerchant = false
> else
> mailMerchant = true
> end if
> 'OR use ASPMail - choose your own
> 'Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject ("SMTPsvg.Mailer")
> 'Mailer.FromName = "a.shopKart"
> 'Mailer.FromAddress = merchantmail
> 'Mailer.Subject = "a.shopKart Order"
> 'Mailer.BodyText = strBody
> 'Mailer.RemoteHost = smtpServer
> 'Mailer.AddRecipient "", merchantmail
> 'if Mailer.SendMail then
> ' Message sent sucessfully
> ' mailMerchant = true
> 'else
> ' Message send failure
> ' mailMerchant = false
> 'end if
> else
> rs.Close
> set rs = nothing
> set cmd = nothing
> mailMerchant = false
> end if
> end function
> %>

Michael Jakobsen (27-06-2001)
Fra : Michael Jakobsen

Dato : 27-06-01 12:40

On Wed, 27 Jun 2001 12:25:15 +0200, "Torben Hansen"
<Torben@hansen.net> wrote:

>Det er nok her "function mailMerchant(merchantmail,orderid,smtpServer)" det
>går galt.
>Hvordan for jeg denne funktion med ?
Jeg kan se, at du includerer følgende fil i koden:

>> <!-- #include file="functions.asp" -->

Hvad står der i den ?


Torben Hansen (27-06-2001)
Fra : Torben Hansen

Dato : 27-06-01 12:59

> >> <!-- #include file="functions.asp" -->
> Hvad står der i den ?

'replace user enters by breaks
function showBreaks(str)
showBreaks = replace(str, chr(10), "&nbsp;<br>")
End Function

'replace single quote by two single quotes
function TwoSingleQ(str)
if instr(1,str,"'") > 0 then
TwoSingleQ=replace(str, "'", "''")
TwoSingleQ = str
end if
End Function

q = Chr(34)


Venlig hilsen Torben

Michael Jakobsen (27-06-2001)
Fra : Michael Jakobsen

Dato : 27-06-01 13:14

On Wed, 27 Jun 2001 12:25:15 +0200, "Torben Hansen"
<Torben@hansen.net> wrote:

>Det er nok her "function mailMerchant(merchantmail,orderid,smtpServer)" det
>går galt.
Prøv og skriv din smtpServer ind i functionen, altså
function mailMerchant(merchantmail,orderid,dinSMTPserver)

Jeg ved ikke om det er rigtigt, men jeg har ikke andre forslag :(


Torben Hansen (27-06-2001)
Fra : Torben Hansen

Dato : 27-06-01 13:46

> >Det er nok her "function mailMerchant(merchantmail,orderid,smtpServer)"
> >går galt.
> Prøv og skriv din smtpServer ind i functionen, altså
> function mailMerchant(merchantmail,orderid,dinSMTPserver)
> Jeg ved ikke om det er rigtigt, men jeg har ikke andre forslag :(

Det har jeg prøvet, med det virker ikke

Venlig hilsen Torben

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