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The Nature Of (the) War (in Iraq) (plus in~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 27-11-06 20:03

I have the understanding - and you have the money to use that
understanding - so how about we 'swap,' in the following sense:

YOU receive my understanding, and you use your money to WIN
every current and future war,

because you understand what war is, the nature of war,

and then I have peace, and others also have peace in which to

something which people living in the warring countries in
particular will appreciate (no matter how evil and mean and
entirely irrational they, some of them, are to you now)

you will come to understand, that also THEY appreciate that
YOU WIN the war "against them" - contrary to what the
people concerned may say now - but

which you will understand if you understand the Nature
of War:

Truth is absolute - and so you can actually (and
for the first time if you are not a faithful reader,
you can) correctly define enemy and friend.

Which is vital for being able to win a war,
any war, anywhere, isn't that so.


I wrote that understanding down for you, as follows:


The Nature of War

27 October 2005
{HRI 20051027-V1.6.1}

(Version 1.6.1
on 19 Oct 2006)

(Suitable for foreign
language students)


' ... you are basically fighting enemies who
are Criminal Minds, or people who are
COMPELLED by Criminal Minds into being
enemies too. {I-01}

And so it has always been, and so it always
will be, but none of the books on warfare
mention it at all... {I-02}

Yet that is THE strategy by which you have
to fight any war, because THAT IS the nature
of war.' {I-03} (*)


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
Human Rights Philosopher and Poet

'King Solomon was greater
in riches and wisdom
than all the other kings
of the earth.'

2 Chronicles 9:22


(As always in the HRI's - the more
indentation, the more detail you get,
and the less indentation you include,
the more you will have a summary.)

(a) Now, for the first time, you have a correct definition
of 'enemy' (see above).

Part of any warfare, is the enemy deceiving people.

And as you know very well (and which the definition
above, confirms) the enemy also deceives people by
falsely defining 'enemy' and 'enemies.'

And enemies exert all their intelligence and force towards
making people NOT see or feel who the Criminal Minds are

- as you see it for instance now done by someone
trying to build an image of "being not (anymore)
a Criminal Mind," which is done by currently the
most dangerous Criminal Mind alive, Hu Jintao,
already in Tibet a proven war-criminal, who is
dominating the Chinese -

and not enough with that:

Enemies ALSO make a tremendous amount of trouble
exactly BY hiding it from you and from anyone,

HOW Criminal Minds compel usually normal and
friendly people, into being enemies too, *(9)

so that you can't figure out, why someone

- who used to be friendly and supportive to
you and to everyone -

suddenly feels it "necessary," to be mean and destructive
to you and to have your life dominated or even destroyed.


Now THAT is making a tremendous amount of trouble and
instability and insecurity.

In the example of Hu Jintao, with his continuous
barrage of lies about everyone and everything, and
about himself in particular,

he makes people (and that includes journalists)
NOT SEE HOW he, Hu Jintao, manages to force
Chinese people

(and Canadian people, and people of Palestine,
and Cuban people, and Zimbabwan (African)
people, and Korean people, and Vietnamese
people, and people of Brazil, and so on and

be very mean and ugly and lying and destructive to
each other.

This he, Hu Jintao, being a Criminal Mind and
thus reversing all truth, calls "maintaining
stability." ....Really.

And he lies so forcefully and so outrageously
(too unbelievable that someone would reverse
truth that strongly - but any Criminal Mind
does) so, that nobody even notices it, and
certainly journalists not. *(1)


This deception results in a continuous stream of false
data coming at you and at others, also at your government

in particular indeed from journalists - they just
relay the deception, as you see, read and hear it

Part of the deception is, that journalists pretend
to do actual reporting -

they are reporting so, that you THINK you
have relevant, or the important data,

data that are obviously "true" - in our
example, journalists really DO relay,
very truly, the lies that Hu Jintao
gives in public or issues to the
public - *(1)

while many of these data are such outright lies,
that you can not even recognize them. *(11)


"Cuba And Venezuela Hate America For
Its Imperialist Views" - which is an
outright lie in each word of it, and
which the journalists are NOT reporting

(but would - supposing they dared
for long enough to bypass any of
their professional compulsions
that forbid it - have to report

"I am now going to report a vicious and
very destructive lie to you,

that is aimed at destroying the
living conditions of many people,
and at wasting a tremendous
amount of their possessions and

a lie with the purpose to violate The
First International Law, *(21) violating
it by intending to keep two extremely
destructive, severely Criminal Minds
in a position of government,

where they can and will do, and
have already done maximum
destruction to people,

which you know has been and is
being done to people by

Castro and Chavez:

'Cuba And Venezuela Hate America
For Its Imperialist Views'."



way, that you will not choose the correct remedies and will not
find the right strategy:

OF COURSE they do try to deceive you - so that you
will lose; or, not win.

And they have of course to relay that deception to you,
and nowadays, this is mostly done by journalists,

a species with the biological classification

"parrotus journalisticus,"


When you know these things, then you are able to read a
newspaper, or see other news media

- and gain some understanding of what is going on. *(7)




(b) We continue to further comment on and increase your practical
understanding of this Human Rights Issue:

been promoted on Earth

in order to PREVENT people from recognizing - or to make
people not even look for - Criminal Minds,


such as Hinduism and Buddhism - and its modern
off-shoots, such as the New Age movement and the
various gurus or Holinesses that have blown partly or
wholly over to the West, or South of the Himalayas

- all of whom abound in "love" and "friendliness" -

in our example, being cowardly "friendly" to
the very murderer and torturer of his own
people, the Tibetans, by completely denying
the character and intentions and past deeds
of Hu Jintao,

while 'Dalai Lama "has remarked several
times in the past that he would like to
see President Hu as someone [who is] much
more easy to engage [to talk with] because
of his [Hu Jintao's] personal knowledge of

- first 'Dalai Lama' (by his passport
called Tenzing Gyatso) refuses to
face, to look at, to see,

even while sitting bodily in
front of him,

the Criminal Mind Mao, the Chinese
dictator who ordered Tibet destroyed,

and then 'Dalai Lama' born Tenzing
Gyatso refuses to face the very
Criminal Mind, Hu Jintao, WHO

which is indeed "President Hu's personal
knowledge of Tibet."


euphorically and "lovingly" denying and
ignoring the war crimes and the intentions
and the nature first of Mao and then of
Hu Jintao, and of any Criminal Mind,

and all he can do, is sheepishly
laugh it away, so people will not
look at him, at who he was and is

as indeed the Buddhist philosophy dictates
to the one who claims currently to be the
Great Lama, that "one has no individuality
really," and as he preaches to others

- a great soul, like the one who was
indeed the 'Dalai,' the Great Lama,
would never want to be a Buddhist -
and would never agree to

being in abundant, euphoric and even exuberant
"love" with a barely camouflaged Hate of Life,

that is, actively working towards the
goal of abandoning and denying life and
the existence and individuality of people,

yes, denying the very tenets of Lamaism
(of the Tibetan 'Bon Po' religion) itself,
even denying The Creation,

which denial indeed produces - as you easily can
test yourself and as various gurus prescribe it -
a total euphoria, an exhilaration, an exuberance,
a bliss,

"nothing and no one to be responsible for,"
"no drive to enjoy anything, or to make
anyone else enjoy life;" and so

"nothing can hurt you anymore;" and they
tell you with great conviction, which they
indeed experience, that "they are thus

in what YOU experience from them as a very
repulsive euphoria,

which indeed requires them to have and to use the
appropriate set of very intelligent lies "about
life," and

a strict DENIAL of the existence of Criminal Minds,

the exuberant PRETENSE of "knowing about life,"


which is only a stone's throw or a cat's jump away from
other organizations whose staff SHOULD name and face,
but that REFUSES to name and face Criminal Minds,



such as "Peace"(!) movements, including Green Peace,
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and most
United Nations programs too,

all claiming to be full of Humanitarian Aid and
Care, full of Care for Health and Education, and
full of Protection of and Development for people,

the actual activity of which is however

- by successfully diverting people's attention
to "the important things" -

to PREVENT(!) people from seeing Criminal Minds.



That is hard to imagine, but that is how it is

thanks to the Criminal Minds - including
the American Benjamin Franklin - who preach

"we are all equal,"

in other words, "Criminal Minds do not exist,"

or in still other words "everyone has or is a
Criminal Mind,"

words they use, with the purpose

to DENY the existence of Criminal Minds.



And so these Organizations will (and indeed do) perpetuate
suffering and trouble and instability forever

- obviously and provenly. *(2)(4)

Ask the people in Myanmar, in North Korea, in Iraq,
in China, in Ethiopia, in Vietnam, in Lybia, in
Cuba, in Syria, in Africa, in Belarus, in Iran,
in Zimbabwe, in Ethiopia ...and so on and on.

You really should be ashamed of yourself.

"You have to have a Criminal Mind as a head of
state, 'in order to create and maintain stability'."

Really, now...

"China should send a manned mission to the
moon" - for the greater glory of Hu Jintao,

so that he can more easily suppress and
dominate the people who happen to be Chinese.


The mentioned or implied Humanitarian Organizations ALL comply
with the Criminal Minds

who demand that it is "bad taste" or "hurting the
credibility of the Organizations," etc. etc.

to point out Criminal Minds, because "that is personal."


The American President "should ONLY care for the
well-being of Americans," and "not for the well-
being of other people."

In plain text: "Criminals must be left alone
to do whatever these please to do to people
in Myanmar, in China, in Cuba, and so on."

In plainer text: "Murder and torture and
domination and theft is 'an internal affair'
or just 'another political system'."



And journalists report about these Humanitarian Organizations
as if these are "impersonal institutions"

(as in "the court decides," "the government has
determined," and so on, which is missing

"Who decided, who thought, who concluded, who

"Amnesty International said," "the WHO (World Health
Organization) considers," "the United Nations
Organization believes," and so on.


But those activities are run by and headed by INDIVIDUALS,

which is of course very "personal" to mention,

and which Mandela (South Africa's Human Rights
hero) did not point out to you either, with his
blind belief in "the United Nations Organization,"

NOT mentioning that "the United Nations"
consists of INDIVIDUALS,

and that those individuals for a considerable
part are Criminals or representing Criminal
heads of state

who BY DEFINITION have no care
whatsoever for the well-being of
people, no matter WHAT they say to
the contrary - while forming the United
Nations Organization

"which needs to give approval on how one can care
for the people of Iraq."


The existing approval was, to have
various countries and people profit
with large amounts of money, mostly
done secretly; profit from the Iraqi
people continuing to be destroyed
by a very obvious and very forcefully
Criminal Mind as head of state.


Probably ONE THIRD of the heads of state
comprising the United Nations,


But the non-criminal heads of state are
NOT labeling those one third, as Criminal
individuals, or as maliciously Criminal

By definition, a malicious, Criminal
Psychopath has no right whatsoever to
make decisions that affect others (to
vote), and mere Criminals (Destructive
Cowards) have only limited, conditional
rights to do so.


Further, the individuals running the Humanitarian Organizations
will and indeed do perpetuate the very PERSONAL suffering
and trouble of people

forever and everywhere

by REFUSING, like the journalists themselves, to name
any Criminal Minds. *(2)(4)

THEY call that "being polite and civilized," (while they
know themselves very well, that it is merely cowardice and
cowardice only *(9), and so indeed)

I call it 'being extremely rude and highly
in-considerate,' inimical actually, a criminal

if someone would do that (omit that information) to
me or to others.


And as you see, these "polite and civilized" people

- including the Criminal Mind Madeleine
Albright, formerly in charge of America's
foreign affairs, and

including the Destructive Coward Jimmy
Carter, formerly president of America -

they now caved George Bush in so much, that

he must agree, that "it hurts America" to point out
Criminal Minds, really...

"because heads of state, even though they
are Criminal Minds, are 'representing'
people," and *(9)

they had to find SOMETHING that appealed to the good
intentions of George Bush:

"'The Americans' expect of their president
to be polite," they made him use, now.


A Criminal Mind who is "representing the people"
must not be offended - this used to be a capital
offense, in Europe and elsewhere, and George still
remembers that rather painfully, I would think.

That is a typical "defense" by Criminal

"If you hurt them, then you hurt
'the people'."

Another typical "defense" by them:

"If you don't love them, then 'you
do not love people'."


I call it very far from being "polite and
civilized," but instead

'being extremely rude and highly in-considerate,'
inimical actually, constituting a criminal act,

NOT to point out and name, to me and others,
to anyone, a Criminal Mind that you know is
a Criminal Mind, and

NOT to address a Criminal Mind as what he is
and wants.


Seeing and addressing people as they actually are, is the very
thing that not only I, but that

ALL decent people expect from any leader, especially from
a president, and most certainly from the American

People the world all over, of course expected it
from the head of the United Nations Organization,

but people have given up all hopes by now, seeing
that 'the Secretary General' was elected and is
being proposed exactly for not interfering with
Criminal heads of state, and for doing as expected
of him, which is to artfully PRETEND to the public,
that 'The United Nations Organization "acts for the
good of all people only".'




OF COURSE Criminal Minds, including the currently most
obvious Criminal Minds who are heads of a state, start
screaming, if you point them out and oppose their harm
and their continuous and heavy criminality.

Malicious individuals ARE malicious, and even
much more effectively malicious of course as
heads of state, but this applies also on a
personal level.


And if you do NOT point their intentions
and activities out - to me, or to others -
then you are definitely NOT my friend or
the friend of others, isn't it,

but then you rather are an enemy who wants
me and others to get hurt.

That is not changed by you calling
your behavior "diplomatic" or
"civilized" or "maintaining stability,"

as the Criminal Minds compel you
to think it is, in order

to hide and make your cowardice seem
"normal," or "socially beneficial,"


I call it 'being extremely rude and highly
in-considerate,' inimical actually, a
criminal act, as

obviously your cowardice is hurting others,

is letting people run bare feet into
the 'land mine' that any Criminal Mind
actually is,

and it is your continuously betraying others
as well - that is, for as long as the others
continue to trust you and to give you support
and love -

till they discover that you are a
traitor indeed.

This understanding then defines
betrayal and treason in any other
area as well.


A tremendous, tremendous amount of trouble
and sorrow and losses would have been saved
me, if people who did see Criminal Minds that
I did not see, had simply told me that.

THAT - informing me of existing
dangers - is what I expect of a friend

...of course, isn't it. *(12)

Unless he or she is using those very
repulsive, and nauseatingly malicious
lies that you find as basic doctrine of
Buddhism and Hinduism, hiding cowardice

"evil is necessary" - "Criminal Minds
must remain hidden..." *(13)

while meditating to restore his
or her euphoria after betraying

thus creating the euphoria to feel,
that "one understands all of Life"

...simply by sitting long enough
under "Four Noble Fig Trees."





(c) We have not finished yet:

Then you have A WHOLE SCIENCE devoted to making people not
see Criminal Minds, and

that is the medical science, which are both the Western and
the Eastern medical sciences. *(2)(4)(5)

I have described that extensively in those Human Rights
Issues referred to.


In short, the activity of medical "science" is, to prevent you
from seeing, recognizing, or even looking for Criminal Minds,
and for what these do Energetically,

and thus they make you forever needing medical insurance and

This is entirely beyond belief, unless you understand it.

Again, my true and long time friend - supposing you look
at the soul of a person rather than at his present life
body - George Bush, does not understand it either, he
does not face the nature of the medical trade, as you
have seen him fail to sanely address the drug and
medical industry, also AFTER he got (re-)elected.

That is a kind of loyalty, that one should not accord
to Criminal Minds and not to destructive organizations
(the medical organizations and drug companies), even
though these gave large sums of money

...to remain undetected, and to keep the aura of
being "humanitarian" and of "relieving suffering
of people." *(2)(4)(5)(10)




(d) And then you have those who PRETEND to detect and to uncover
Criminal Minds: That is what the 'Conspiracy'-theory people do.

To keep their activities going, they use the truth, that

Criminal Minds do indeed deceive on a large scale,
and do indeed hide the cause

of the troubles that everyone sees and that
everyone is subjected to.


These 'investigators' of Conspiracies, then try to find
often the most unlikely plots and connections,

and they use - or they invent - very, VERY WILD "data,"

a morass

- much like the occult and the esoteric people have
swamped the more curious persons with and into,

not far removed from those, who go by (who use)
VERY WILD "data" wrapped in "Cosmic Laws," brought
to Earth

by extra-terrestrials, or by "spiritual beings"
even less willing to be identified and to show
themselves in public, all of *(8)

which I strongly suggest you do not go into

- unless you do firmly know, that almost all
data and experiences given in those subjects,

including ALL the Hindu and Buddhist texts,
as well as the Egyptian and Tibetan texts,

most of which are the basis of the "secret"
texts of the "occult,"

have indeed the purpose to hide Criminal
Minds -

a path which of course you should not go into and
follow, nor waste your time studying,

UNLESS you can detect and classify the "data" they give *(8)

as THEIR way of making you and others NOT face Criminal
Minds, to make you not find, not detect, and not see or
feel Criminal Minds, not even look for Criminal Minds,

but instead, "to Love Criminal Minds" (to your death, and
beyond your death too),

and that, of course, "unconditionally," as it is "decreed
by 'Cosmic Law'."


As the faithful reader knows, you should never
Hate anybody, also not Criminal Minds, but you
certainly must not give them your Love Energy,

because Criminal Minds will alter Love Energy,
and use it only to destroy you more cleverly, and
more forcefully, and they only use it in such a
way as

to destroy more of others' life as well.

Loving others is feeling or knowing the actual,
real, true nature of someone,

which nature can be that he or she is a
Criminal Mind, or is a Destructive Coward
wanting to be dominated by a Criminal
Mind, and you can feel or know that nature
or condition of someone, and loving means

acting accordingly. This I have described in the
Definition of Friendship. *(16)


Further, Loving IS truthful perception, and thus it
includes correct and true perception of a person's
Hate and Lies - expressed maybe to you, or maybe
not expressed to you. This I have describe in
'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life'. *(17)

Thus, Loving IS knowing the condition of a person,
by feeling it or knowing it,

and then act accordingly, which depends largely on
the circumstances.

But the main action is feeling-knowing the
condition, the actual truth about someone.


Thus, Criminal Minds very actively and very
successfully DESTROY your Love for them, by
hiding their true condition, their true
nature from you.

And they say, and you think, that it
is exactly the opposite.

THEY say, (and demand) that NOT LOOKING
AT THEIR TRUE NATURE "is Loving them,"
"is truly Loving them."

And that is what Criminal Minds demand
of each other too. *(18)

And that is what the 'Dalai' Lama
demands of you, a euphoric "Love"
of people, of

people who so very intensely but
covertly Hate life, that they
want to end it forever and for
everyone, and have made it their
"religion" or 'path for everyone
to follow' "in order to end


But that is exactly the opposite of

Criminal Minds have everything in


A successful way by which they destroy your
Love, is Criminal Minds

pretending to respect you,

pretending to love you,

making you believe, that you have
helped them to become normal:

Thus they - very successfully - DESTROY
your knowing or feeling their true
condition, and

THAT DISABLES your loving them.

And it has further the result, in
practice, that your perceiving
others truthfully, which IS Love,
is (greatly) impaired also.

In that way, Criminal Minds
achieve a double purpose:

To disable your Love for
them, AND to disable your
Love for others.

Contrary to what Criminal Minds say,

Love does require, and actually IS

true perception and thus true
appreciation, which is true Love
of someone, of someone's soul

- a person is his soul, or
'his eyes' as some poets


That is a VERY, VERY important
reason and necessity for you
to learn about the nature of and
how to recognize Criminal Minds.

Which you can learn - or, the
native but destroyed knowledge
of which, you can have refreshed
and confirmed now - with the Human
Rights Issues.


My giving my Love to people IS my looking
at or feeling the soul of another, and IS
perceiving the true nature and condition of

This is tremendously loved and appreciated
by people, *(19)

because THAT - seeing and feeling
their soul, how they are - RESULTS IN

And Criminal Minds try to destroy that,
by hiding - in very, very intelligent
ways, including Buddhism and Hinduism -

they are hiding very intelligently
the true nature and the true,
actual, present condition of
people, of souls,

the nature of you, of very good, of
relatively undamaged souls,

AND they hide - in the same breath - the
nature and condition of very, very
damaged souls too, of themselves also,

damaged so violently, so viciously

as to be very far beyond
what you are allowed to
imagine was done to them,
to their souls,

all of which all the
Gurus ("spiritual
teachers") COMPLETELY
deny or hide,

that resulted in them having
permanently and irreparably
become Criminal Minds. *(20)


Criminal Minds are individuals that comprise about one
percent of the population of Earth - regardless of race,
gender, age, social status, education, profession or
religion - and

they can be found even in your own family - conspiring
certainly against you and against anyone, and doing so
at all times, and in any matter - but certainly not as a
"secret organization," and actually right under your very
own nose. *(3)




(e) Criminal Minds prevent you from knowing The Nature of War.

Naturally they do not want you to know the Nature of War, and
they want you to "know" it wrongly:

So they can win more easily.

The Nature of War is hidden BY Criminal Minds,

such as by Von Clausewitz, by Sun Tsu (Sun Tzu), by
Machiavelli, by Henry Kissinger,

and of course by the Criminal Minds mentioned in 'Famous
European ... ', *(6)

and the way they hide it, is

by means of "defining" 'War' FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF A CRIMINAL
MIND, or, how a Criminal Mind would like you to "understand

- so that, seen from a slightly higher viewpoint, you
will lose always,

because you will only at times defeat an opponent,
and only sometimes "gain a victory,"

where "winning" is the objective, like in the
Eastern martial arts

(however, the founder and expert of Aikido,
does correctly discourage competition, as
he saw, that it, competition, spoils the
character of his pupils)

or with the medieval knights of Europe, and

where "life consists of improving weaponry and
fighting skills all the time, in order to be able
to defeat possible opponents."


But with that "understanding"

- which is PREVENTING you from understanding who are
enemies, and what is the Nature of War -

you will never defeat war. *(3)


The Nature of War not understood by you, you did or
would support the Russian Criminal Mind Joseph

in order to defeat the German 'Hitlerian'
monstrosity at that time,

which gave you a "victory"

that started another forty years of very,
very costly 'cold' war,

bringing a tremendous amount of suffering to
all people enclosed in the Stalinist
dictatorial 'Iron Curtain;'

and the same applied or would apply,

equally in violation of the Nature of War,

to your supporting Iraq's Saddam Hussein in order
to gain a "victory" over Iran's Islamic (Muslim)
dictatorial monstrosity created by Ayatollah


All of that, is how Criminal Minds want you
to see war:

"Someone wins, and someone loses,"

"you either dominate ('win') or you
are dominated ('lose')."

That is however not how life
is, and

indeed all connection to (or
perception of) how life actually
is, is lost by them.

But that is how Criminal Minds see and
experience and handle life.


And so they shout: "America is
'occupying' Iraq," while America
- at very great expense too - is
doing precisely the opposite, is

But Criminal Minds have
everything in reverse.

Or they shouted some fifty years
earlier: "America is 'occupying'

Because America "won," THEREFORE
"America is dominating."

That is how Criminal Minds see
it, and - as you know from them -
that is what they shout.

But only Criminal Minds want to
dominate others, so in effect
they shout, with Che Guevara,
that caring, helpful and
courageous, decent people "are
Criminal Minds."

Criminal Minds have
everything in reverse.


As you know, Life does not at all consist of
dominating others - only Criminal Minds and
their helpers will do so, and you will indeed
have to defend yourself and others against


If you understood the Nature of War, then you would
have been able to classify Stalin as an enemy, and
Saddam Hussein as an enemy,

and you know this already closer to home, that you
better NOT make a Criminal Mind the head of your
police force,

even though he understands Criminals
and wants to and does fight Criminals:

His (or her) MOTIVE is to dominate others,

which indeed includes dominating other
Criminals too.




(f) Criminal Minds will openly or secretly oppose and deny the
correct understanding of the Nature of War,

which gives you then yet another tool for detecting Criminal

The correct understanding is the subject of this
Human Rights Issue.




(g) Knowing the Nature of War, you can actually figure out by
yourself, how to win a war, and how to prevent one.
(See References, below.)




(h) Those three small paragraphs at the top {I-01, I-02, I-03},
which state The Nature of War,

have taken (me) many thousands of years to understand,

the present value to the society, of those three paragraphs,
could be measured in trillions of dollars. This is suggested
by the Textnotes above, and by the References below.




'Military Professional Ethics Code'
{HRI 20041203-V1.3}
(3 Dec 2004 - Version 1.3 on 8 Dec 2004)

'The First International Law'
{HRI 20021124-V2.0}
(24 November 2002 - Version 2.0 on 23 Sept 2003)

'Rights of Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20040108-V1.0.1}
(8 January 2004 - Version 1.0.1 on 12 Nov 2005)

'If You Want Peace, Then Do Understand And Face Evil
- A Short Course In Human Rights Philosophy'
{HRI 20041225-V1.02}
(25 December 2004 - Christmas Day)



[Check for updates of mentioned HRI's, for instance in the latest
Checklist of HRI's]

'Checklist of Human Rights Issues with newest versions
up to 2 November 2006'
{HRI update list 20061102}
(2 November 2006)


(*) Quoted from Version 2.1 of:

'Bach Pulling People out of Hell'
{HRI 20051021-V2.1}
(21 October 2005 - Version 2.1 on 27 Oct 2005)

(1) 'Journalist Current Ethics And Intelligence
- Refusal To Recognize And Expose Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20041230-V2.4}
(30 Dec 2004 - Version 2.4 on 26 June 2005)

(2) 'Issue Note V3.0 on 'The Hippocrates Syndrome - Current State of
Mental Health Care And Understanding - Consequences For
Decision Makers, Caretakers And Caregivers' '
(27 September 2005)

(3) ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' ' {HRI 20040422-V2.4}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.4 on 21 July 2005)

(4) 'Nobel Prize Committees - Promoting 'NO Peace' And 'NO Science' '
{HRI 20041214-V1.3} (14 Dec 2004 - Version 1.3 on 28 Dec 2004)

(5) 'What IS Depression or Lethargy' {HRI 20041107-V2.2}
(7 November 2004 - Version 2.2 on 14 Dec 2004)

(6) 'Famous European Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of
Destroying Your Emotional Integrity'
{HRI 20040729-V1.1}
(29 July 2004 - Version 1.1 on 27 Aug 2004)

(7) 'Learning And Reading - Leonardo Da Vinci and Galileo Galilei
had an excellent command of reading and writing'
{HRI 20040811}
(11 August 2004)

(8) 'Leonardo Da Vinci - About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness,
Time, And Earth's Past And Future' {HRI 20040829-V3.4.2}
(29 August 2004 - Version 3.4.2 on 19 June 2005)

(9) 'Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)'
{HRI 20050610-V2.1.2}
(10 June 2005 - Version 2.1.2 on 2 Aug 2005)

(10) 'Prices of Medical Drugs Compared To Manufacturing Costs And
To Country Of Sale - The "Bill Gates Factor" '
(5 February 2005 - Version 2.3.1 on 8 Feb 2005)

(11) 'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And THEY Know They Intentionally Lie'
{HRI 20050527-V3.5}
(27 May 2005 - Version 3.5 on 10 June 2005)

(12) 'The Promised Definition of Friendship'
(27 March 2005 - Version 2.4.1 on 7 Apr 2005)

(13) 'How Do You Face Evil? - A Questionnaire'
{HRI 20020201}
(1 February 2002 - issued 20 Feb 2003)

(14) 'Explaining The Scale Of Sanity'
{HRI 20040619-V3.4}
(19 June 2004) (Version 3.4 on 2 Sept 2004)

(15) 'The "Become Perfect"-Mind-Control of Hinduism, Buddhism and
New-Age Cults'
{HRI 20050514-V3.1}
(14 May 2005 - Version 3.1 on 14 June 2005)

(16) 'The Promised Definition of Friendship'
(27 March 2005 - Version 2.4.1 on 7 Apr 2005)

(17) 'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life'
(29 July 2002 - Version 2.0i on 7 January 2003)

(18) 'Example of a Criminal Mind - Tom Cruise is "friends" with
'Scientology'-owner David Miscavige'
{HRI 20040920-V2.4}
(20 September 2004 - Version 2.4 on 27 July 2005)
(in full:)

(19) 'About Loving people - Basic education by example
- An hour of my life recorded for you'
{HRI 20050625}
(25 June 2005)

(20) 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism'
{HRI 20060816-V4.3.4}
(16 August 2006 - Version 4.3.4 on 2 Oct 2006)

(21) 'The First International Law'
{HRI 20021124-V2.0}
(24 November 2002 - Version 2.0 on 23 Sept 2003)




Copyright 2005-2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
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- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

JayJBee (28-11-2006)
Fra : JayJBee

Dato : 28-11-06 04:46

Ik wordt zo langzamerhand letterlijk ziek van valse heilige boontjes die
dictatuur en oorzaken van oorlogen consequent bij niet westerlingen zoeken.

Dit gevalletje doet dat ook nog eens met een quasi oosterse

Het begon zo veel belovend. Ik heb het opgegeven toen Carter de schuld
kreeg van alle ellende; arme meneer Bush... nu moet hij alle troep van
de 'Amerikaanse Den Uyl' opruimen.


"Ik ga ff kotsen"

Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:
> I have the understanding - and you have the money to use that
> understanding - so how about we 'swap,' in the following sense:
> YOU receive my understanding, and you use your money to WIN
> every current and future war,
> because you understand what war is, the nature of war,
> and then I have peace, and others also have peace in which to
> live,
> something which people living in the warring countries in
> particular will appreciate (no matter how evil and mean and
> entirely irrational they, some of them, are to you now)
> you will come to understand, that also THEY appreciate that
> YOU WIN the war "against them" - contrary to what the
> people concerned may say now - but
> which you will understand if you understand the Nature
> of War:
> Truth is absolute - and so you can actually (and
> for the first time if you are not a faithful reader,
> you can) correctly define enemy and friend.
> Which is vital for being able to win a war,
> any war, anywhere, isn't that so.
> -----------------
> I wrote that understanding down for you, as follows:
> '
> The Nature of War
> 27 October 2005
> {HRI 20051027-V1.6.1}
> (Version 1.6.1
> on 19 Oct 2006)
> (Suitable for foreign
> language students)
> '
> ' ... you are basically fighting enemies who
> are Criminal Minds, or people who are
> COMPELLED by Criminal Minds into being
> enemies too. {I-01}
> And so it has always been, and so it always
> will be, but none of the books on warfare
> mention it at all... {I-02}
> Yet that is THE strategy by which you have
> to fight any war, because THAT IS the nature
> of war.' {I-03} (*)
> '
> Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
> Human Rights Philosopher and Poet
> 'King Solomon was greater
> in riches and wisdom
> than all the other kings
> of the earth.'
> 2 Chronicles 9:22
> _________
> Textnotes:
> (As always in the HRI's - the more
> indentation, the more detail you get,
> and the less indentation you include,
> the more you will have a summary.)
> (a) Now, for the first time, you have a correct definition
> of 'enemy' (see above).
> Part of any warfare, is the enemy deceiving people.
> And as you know very well (and which the definition
> above, confirms) the enemy also deceives people by
> falsely defining 'enemy' and 'enemies.'
> And enemies exert all their intelligence and force towards
> making people NOT see or feel who the Criminal Minds are
> - as you see it for instance now done by someone
> trying to build an image of "being not (anymore)
> a Criminal Mind," which is done by currently the
> most dangerous Criminal Mind alive, Hu Jintao,
> already in Tibet a proven war-criminal, who is
> dominating the Chinese -
> and not enough with that:
> Enemies ALSO make a tremendous amount of trouble
> exactly BY hiding it from you and from anyone,
> HOW Criminal Minds compel usually normal and
> friendly people, into being enemies too, *(9)
> so that you can't figure out, why someone
> - who used to be friendly and supportive to
> you and to everyone -
> suddenly feels it "necessary," to be mean and destructive
> to you and to have your life dominated or even destroyed.
> '
> Now THAT is making a tremendous amount of trouble and
> instability and insecurity.
> In the example of Hu Jintao, with his continuous
> barrage of lies about everyone and everything, and
> about himself in particular,
> he makes people (and that includes journalists)
> NOT SEE HOW he, Hu Jintao, manages to force
> Chinese people
> (and Canadian people, and people of Palestine,
> and Cuban people, and Zimbabwan (African)
> people, and Korean people, and Vietnamese
> people, and people of Brazil, and so on and
> on)
> be very mean and ugly and lying and destructive to
> each other.
> This he, Hu Jintao, being a Criminal Mind and
> thus reversing all truth, calls "maintaining
> stability." ....Really.
> And he lies so forcefully and so outrageously
> (too unbelievable that someone would reverse
> truth that strongly - but any Criminal Mind
> does) so, that nobody even notices it, and
> certainly journalists not. *(1)
> '
> This deception results in a continuous stream of false
> data coming at you and at others, also at your government
> people,
> in particular indeed from journalists - they just
> relay the deception, as you see, read and hear it
> daily.
> Part of the deception is, that journalists pretend
> to do actual reporting -
> they are reporting so, that you THINK you
> have relevant, or the important data,
> data that are obviously "true" - in our
> example, journalists really DO relay,
> very truly, the lies that Hu Jintao
> gives in public or issues to the
> public - *(1)
> while many of these data are such outright lies,
> that you can not even recognize them. *(11)
> '
> "Cuba And Venezuela Hate America For
> Its Imperialist Views" - which is an
> outright lie in each word of it, and
> which the journalists are NOT reporting
> as
> (but would - supposing they dared
> for long enough to bypass any of
> their professional compulsions
> that forbid it - have to report
> as)
> "I am now going to report a vicious and
> very destructive lie to you,
> that is aimed at destroying the
> living conditions of many people,
> and at wasting a tremendous
> amount of their possessions and
> time;
> a lie with the purpose to violate The
> First International Law, *(21) violating
> it by intending to keep two extremely
> destructive, severely Criminal Minds
> in a position of government,
> where they can and will do, and
> have already done maximum
> destruction to people,
> which you know has been and is
> being done to people by
> Castro and Chavez:
> 'Cuba And Venezuela Hate America
> For Its Imperialist Views'."
> '
> '
> way, that you will not choose the correct remedies and will not
> find the right strategy:
> OF COURSE they do try to deceive you - so that you
> will lose; or, not win.
> And they have of course to relay that deception to you,
> and nowadays, this is mostly done by journalists,
> a species with the biological classification
> "parrotus journalisticus,"
> '
> When you know these things, then you are able to read a
> newspaper, or see other news media
> - and gain some understanding of what is going on. *(7)
> '
> '
> '
> (b) We continue to further comment on and increase your practical
> understanding of this Human Rights Issue:
> been promoted on Earth
> in order to PREVENT people from recognizing - or to make
> people not even look for - Criminal Minds,
> '
> '
> such as Hinduism and Buddhism - and its modern
> off-shoots, such as the New Age movement and the
> various gurus or Holinesses that have blown partly or
> wholly over to the West, or South of the Himalayas
> - all of whom abound in "love" and "friendliness" -
> in our example, being cowardly "friendly" to
> the very murderer and torturer of his own
> people, the Tibetans, by completely denying
> the character and intentions and past deeds
> of Hu Jintao,
> while 'Dalai Lama "has remarked several
> times in the past that he would like to
> see President Hu as someone [who is] much
> more easy to engage [to talk with] because
> of his [Hu Jintao's] personal knowledge of
> Tibet"'
> - first 'Dalai Lama' (by his passport
> called Tenzing Gyatso) refuses to
> face, to look at, to see,
> even while sitting bodily in
> front of him,
> the Criminal Mind Mao, the Chinese
> dictator who ordered Tibet destroyed,
> and then 'Dalai Lama' born Tenzing
> Gyatso refuses to face the very
> Criminal Mind, Hu Jintao, WHO
> which is indeed "President Hu's personal
> knowledge of Tibet."
> Really...
> euphorically and "lovingly" denying and
> ignoring the war crimes and the intentions
> and the nature first of Mao and then of
> Hu Jintao, and of any Criminal Mind,
> and all he can do, is sheepishly
> laugh it away, so people will not
> look at him, at who he was and is
> actually,
> as indeed the Buddhist philosophy dictates
> to the one who claims currently to be the
> Great Lama, that "one has no individuality
> really," and as he preaches to others
> - a great soul, like the one who was
> indeed the 'Dalai,' the Great Lama,
> would never want to be a Buddhist -
> and would never agree to
> being in abundant, euphoric and even exuberant
> "love" with a barely camouflaged Hate of Life,
> that is, actively working towards the
> goal of abandoning and denying life and
> the existence and individuality of people,
> yes, denying the very tenets of Lamaism
> (of the Tibetan 'Bon Po' religion) itself,
> even denying The Creation,
> which denial indeed produces - as you easily can
> test yourself and as various gurus prescribe it -
> a total euphoria, an exhilaration, an exuberance,
> a bliss,
> "nothing and no one to be responsible for,"
> "no drive to enjoy anything, or to make
> anyone else enjoy life;" and so
> "nothing can hurt you anymore;" and they
> tell you with great conviction, which they
> indeed experience, that "they are thus
> 'invincible',"
> in what YOU experience from them as a very
> repulsive euphoria,
> which indeed requires them to have and to use the
> appropriate set of very intelligent lies "about
> life," and
> a strict DENIAL of the existence of Criminal Minds,
> the exuberant PRETENSE of "knowing about life,"
> '
> which is only a stone's throw or a cat's jump away from
> other organizations whose staff SHOULD name and face,
> but that REFUSES to name and face Criminal Minds,
> '
> '
> such as "Peace"(!) movements, including Green Peace,
> Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and most
> United Nations programs too,
> all claiming to be full of Humanitarian Aid and
> Care, full of Care for Health and Education, and
> full of Protection of and Development for people,
> (really!)
> the actual activity of which is however
> - by successfully diverting people's attention
> to "the important things" -
> to PREVENT(!) people from seeing Criminal Minds.
> '
> '
> That is hard to imagine, but that is how it is
> now,
> thanks to the Criminal Minds - including
> the American Benjamin Franklin - who preach
> "we are all equal,"
> in other words, "Criminal Minds do not exist,"
> or in still other words "everyone has or is a
> Criminal Mind,"
> words they use, with the purpose
> to DENY the existence of Criminal Minds.
> '
> '
> And so these Organizations will (and indeed do) perpetuate
> suffering and trouble and instability forever
> - obviously and provenly. *(2)(4)
> Ask the people in Myanmar, in North Korea, in Iraq,
> in China, in Ethiopia, in Vietnam, in Lybia, in
> Cuba, in Syria, in Africa, in Belarus, in Iran,
> in Zimbabwe, in Ethiopia ...and so on and on.
> You really should be ashamed of yourself.
> "You have to have a Criminal Mind as a head of
> state, 'in order to create and maintain stability'."
> Really, now...
> "China should send a manned mission to the
> moon" - for the greater glory of Hu Jintao,
> so that he can more easily suppress and
> dominate the people who happen to be Chinese.
> '
> The mentioned or implied Humanitarian Organizations ALL comply
> with the Criminal Minds
> who demand that it is "bad taste" or "hurting the
> credibility of the Organizations," etc. etc.
> to point out Criminal Minds, because "that is personal."
> '
> The American President "should ONLY care for the
> well-being of Americans," and "not for the well-
> being of other people."
> In plain text: "Criminals must be left alone
> to do whatever these please to do to people
> in Myanmar, in China, in Cuba, and so on."
> In plainer text: "Murder and torture and
> domination and theft is 'an internal affair'
> or just 'another political system'."
> Really...
> '
> And journalists report about these Humanitarian Organizations
> as if these are "impersonal institutions"
> (as in "the court decides," "the government has
> determined," and so on, which is missing
> "Who decided, who thought, who concluded, who
> determined?")
> "Amnesty International said," "the WHO (World Health
> Organization) considers," "the United Nations
> Organization believes," and so on.
> '
> But those activities are run by and headed by INDIVIDUALS,
> which is of course very "personal" to mention,
> and which Mandela (South Africa's Human Rights
> hero) did not point out to you either, with his
> blind belief in "the United Nations Organization,"
> NOT mentioning that "the United Nations"
> consists of INDIVIDUALS,
> and that those individuals for a considerable
> part are Criminals or representing Criminal
> heads of state
> who BY DEFINITION have no care
> whatsoever for the well-being of
> people, no matter WHAT they say to
> the contrary - while forming the United
> Nations Organization
> "which needs to give approval on how one can care
> for the people of Iraq."
> '
> The existing approval was, to have
> various countries and people profit
> with large amounts of money, mostly
> done secretly; profit from the Iraqi
> people continuing to be destroyed
> by a very obvious and very forcefully
> Criminal Mind as head of state.
> '
> Probably ONE THIRD of the heads of state
> comprising the United Nations,
> But the non-criminal heads of state are
> NOT labeling those one third, as Criminal
> individuals, or as maliciously Criminal
> Psychopaths.
> By definition, a malicious, Criminal
> Psychopath has no right whatsoever to
> make decisions that affect others (to
> vote), and mere Criminals (Destructive
> Cowards) have only limited, conditional
> rights to do so.
> '
> Further, the individuals running the Humanitarian Organizations
> will and indeed do perpetuate the very PERSONAL suffering
> and trouble of people
> forever and everywhere
> by REFUSING, like the journalists themselves, to name
> any Criminal Minds. *(2)(4)
> THEY call that "being polite and civilized," (while they
> know themselves very well, that it is merely cowardice and
> cowardice only *(9), and so indeed)
> I call it 'being extremely rude and highly
> in-considerate,' inimical actually, a criminal
> act,
> if someone would do that (omit that information) to
> me or to others.
> '
> And as you see, these "polite and civilized" people
> - including the Criminal Mind Madeleine
> Albright, formerly in charge of America's
> foreign affairs, and
> including the Destructive Coward Jimmy
> Carter, formerly president of America -
> they now caved George Bush in so much, that
> he must agree, that "it hurts America" to point out
> Criminal Minds, really...
> "because heads of state, even though they
> are Criminal Minds, are 'representing'
> people," and *(9)
> they had to find SOMETHING that appealed to the good
> intentions of George Bush:
> "'The Americans' expect of their president
> to be polite," they made him use, now.
> '
> A Criminal Mind who is "representing the people"
> must not be offended - this used to be a capital
> offense, in Europe and elsewhere, and George still
> remembers that rather painfully, I would think.
> That is a typical "defense" by Criminal
> Minds:
> "If you hurt them, then you hurt
> 'the people'."
> Another typical "defense" by them:
> "If you don't love them, then 'you
> do not love people'."
> '
> I call it very far from being "polite and
> civilized," but instead
> 'being extremely rude and highly in-considerate,'
> inimical actually, constituting a criminal act,
> NOT to point out and name, to me and others,
> to anyone, a Criminal Mind that you know is
> a Criminal Mind, and
> NOT to address a Criminal Mind as what he is
> and wants.
> '
> Seeing and addressing people as they actually are, is the very
> thing that not only I, but that
> ALL decent people expect from any leader, especially from
> a president, and most certainly from the American
> president.
> People the world all over, of course expected it
> from the head of the United Nations Organization,
> but people have given up all hopes by now, seeing
> that 'the Secretary General' was elected and is
> being proposed exactly for not interfering with
> Criminal heads of state, and for doing as expected
> of him, which is to artfully PRETEND to the public,
> that 'The United Nations Organization "acts for the
> good of all people only".'
> Really...
> '
> '
> OF COURSE Criminal Minds, including the currently most
> obvious Criminal Minds who are heads of a state, start
> screaming, if you point them out and oppose their harm
> and their continuous and heavy criminality.
> Malicious individuals ARE malicious, and even
> much more effectively malicious of course as
> heads of state, but this applies also on a
> personal level.
> '
> And if you do NOT point their intentions
> and activities out - to me, or to others -
> then you are definitely NOT my friend or
> the friend of others, isn't it,
> but then you rather are an enemy who wants
> me and others to get hurt.
> That is not changed by you calling
> your behavior "diplomatic" or
> "civilized" or "maintaining stability,"
> as the Criminal Minds compel you
> to think it is, in order
> to hide and make your cowardice seem
> "normal," or "socially beneficial,"
> even.
> '
> I call it 'being extremely rude and highly
> in-considerate,' inimical actually, a
> criminal act, as
> obviously your cowardice is hurting others,
> is letting people run bare feet into
> the 'land mine' that any Criminal Mind
> actually is,
> and it is your continuously betraying others
> as well - that is, for as long as the others
> continue to trust you and to give you support
> and love -
> till they discover that you are a
> traitor indeed.
> This understanding then defines
> betrayal and treason in any other
> area as well.
> '
> A tremendous, tremendous amount of trouble
> and sorrow and losses would have been saved
> me, if people who did see Criminal Minds that
> I did not see, had simply told me that.
> THAT - informing me of existing
> dangers - is what I expect of a friend
> ...of course, isn't it. *(12)
> Unless he or she is using those very
> repulsive, and nauseatingly malicious
> lies that you find as basic doctrine of
> Buddhism and Hinduism, hiding cowardice
> with
> "evil is necessary" - "Criminal Minds
> must remain hidden..." *(13)
> while meditating to restore his
> or her euphoria after betraying
> you,
> thus creating the euphoria to feel,
> that "one understands all of Life"
> *(14)
> ...simply by sitting long enough
> under "Four Noble Fig Trees."
> *(15)
> Really...
> '
> '
> '
> (c) We have not finished yet:
> Then you have A WHOLE SCIENCE devoted to making people not
> see Criminal Minds, and
> that is the medical science, which are both the Western and
> the Eastern medical sciences. *(2)(4)(5)
> I have described that extensively in those Human Rights
> Issues referred to.
> '
> In short, the activity of medical "science" is, to prevent you
> from seeing, recognizing, or even looking for Criminal Minds,
> and for what these do Energetically,
> and thus they make you forever needing medical insurance and
> care.
> This is entirely beyond belief, unless you understand it.
> Again, my true and long time friend - supposing you look
> at the soul of a person rather than at his present life
> body - George Bush, does not understand it either, he
> does not face the nature of the medical trade, as you
> have seen him fail to sanely address the drug and
> medical industry, also AFTER he got (re-)elected.
> That is a kind of loyalty, that one should not accord
> to Criminal Minds and not to destructive organizations
> (the medical organizations and drug companies), even
> though these gave large sums of money
> ...to remain undetected, and to keep the aura of
> being "humanitarian" and of "relieving suffering
> of people." *(2)(4)(5)(10)
> '
> '
> '
> (d) And then you have those who PRETEND to detect and to uncover
> Criminal Minds: That is what the 'Conspiracy'-theory people do.
> To keep their activities going, they use the truth, that
> Criminal Minds do indeed deceive on a large scale,
> and do indeed hide the cause
> of the troubles that everyone sees and that
> everyone is subjected to.
> '
> These 'investigators' of Conspiracies, then try to find
> often the most unlikely plots and connections,
> and they use - or they invent - very, VERY WILD "data,"
> a morass
> - much like the occult and the esoteric people have
> swamped the more curious persons with and into,
> not far removed from those, who go by (who use)
> VERY WILD "data" wrapped in "Cosmic Laws," brought
> to Earth
> by extra-terrestrials, or by "spiritual beings"
> even less willing to be identified and to show
> themselves in public, all of *(8)
> which I strongly suggest you do not go into
> - unless you do firmly know, that almost all
> data and experiences given in those subjects,
> including ALL the Hindu and Buddhist texts,
> as well as the Egyptian and Tibetan texts,
> most of which are the basis of the "secret"
> texts of the "occult,"
> have indeed the purpose to hide Criminal
> Minds -
> a path which of course you should not go into and
> follow, nor waste your time studying,
> UNLESS you can detect and classify the "data" they give *(8)
> as THEIR way of making you and others NOT face Criminal
> Minds, to make you not find, not detect, and not see or
> feel Criminal Minds, not even look for Criminal Minds,
> but instead, "to Love Criminal Minds" (to your death, and
> beyond your death too),
> and that, of course, "unconditionally," as it is "decreed
> by 'Cosmic Law'."
> '
> As the faithful reader knows, you should never
> Hate anybody, also not Criminal Minds, but you
> certainly must not give them your Love Energy,
> because Criminal Minds will alter Love Energy,
> and use it only to destroy you more cleverly, and
> more forcefully, and they only use it in such a
> way as
> to destroy more of others' life as well.
> Loving others is feeling or knowing the actual,
> real, true nature of someone,
> which nature can be that he or she is a
> Criminal Mind, or is a Destructive Coward
> wanting to be dominated by a Criminal
> Mind, and you can feel or know that nature
> or condition of someone, and loving means
> acting accordingly. This I have described in the
> Definition of Friendship. *(16)
> '
> Further, Loving IS truthful perception, and thus it
> includes correct and true perception of a person's
> Hate and Lies - expressed maybe to you, or maybe
> not expressed to you. This I have describe in
> 'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life'. *(17)
> Thus, Loving IS knowing the condition of a person,
> by feeling it or knowing it,
> and then act accordingly, which depends largely on
> the circumstances.
> But the main action is feeling-knowing the
> condition, the actual truth about someone.
> '
> Thus, Criminal Minds very actively and very
> successfully DESTROY your Love for them, by
> hiding their true condition, their true
> nature from you.
> And they say, and you think, that it
> is exactly the opposite.
> THEY say, (and demand) that NOT LOOKING
> AT THEIR TRUE NATURE "is Loving them,"
> "is truly Loving them."
> And that is what Criminal Minds demand
> of each other too. *(18)
> And that is what the 'Dalai' Lama
> demands of you, a euphoric "Love"
> of people, of
> people who so very intensely but
> covertly Hate life, that they
> want to end it forever and for
> everyone, and have made it their
> "religion" or 'path for everyone
> to follow' "in order to end
> suffering."
> Really...
> But that is exactly the opposite of
> Love.
> Criminal Minds have everything in
> reverse.
> '
> A successful way by which they destroy your
> Love, is Criminal Minds
> pretending to respect you,
> pretending to love you,
> making you believe, that you have
> helped them to become normal:
> Thus they - very successfully - DESTROY
> your knowing or feeling their true
> condition, and
> THAT DISABLES your loving them.
> And it has further the result, in
> practice, that your perceiving
> others truthfully, which IS Love,
> is (greatly) impaired also.
> In that way, Criminal Minds
> achieve a double purpose:
> To disable your Love for
> them, AND to disable your
> Love for others.
> Contrary to what Criminal Minds say,
> Love does require, and actually IS
> true perception and thus true
> appreciation, which is true Love
> of someone, of someone's soul
> - a person is his soul, or
> 'his eyes' as some poets
> say.
> '
> That is a VERY, VERY important
> reason and necessity for you
> to learn about the nature of and
> how to recognize Criminal Minds.
> Which you can learn - or, the
> native but destroyed knowledge
> of which, you can have refreshed
> and confirmed now - with the Human
> Rights Issues.
> '
> My giving my Love to people IS my looking
> at or feeling the soul of another, and IS
> perceiving the true nature and condition of
> someone.
> This is tremendously loved and appreciated
> by people, *(19)
> because THAT - seeing and feeling
> their soul, how they are - RESULTS IN
> And Criminal Minds try to destroy that,
> by hiding - in very, very intelligent
> ways, including Buddhism and Hinduism -
> they are hiding very intelligently
> the true nature and the true,
> actual, present condition of
> people, of souls,
> the nature of you, of very good, of
> relatively undamaged souls,
> AND they hide - in the same breath - the
> nature and condition of very, very
> damaged souls too, of themselves also,
> damaged so violently, so viciously
> as to be very far beyond
> what you are allowed to
> imagine was done to them,
> to their souls,
> all of which all the
> Gurus ("spiritual
> teachers") COMPLETELY
> deny or hide,
> that resulted in them having
> permanently and irreparably
> become Criminal Minds. *(20)
> '
> Criminal Minds are individuals that comprise about one
> percent of the population of Earth - regardless of race,
> gender, age, social status, education, profession or
> religion - and
> they can be found even in your own family - conspiring
> certainly against you and against anyone, and doing so
> at all times, and in any matter - but certainly not as a
> "secret organization," and actually right under your very
> own nose. *(3)
> '
> '
> '
> (e) Criminal Minds prevent you from knowing The Nature of War.
> Naturally they do not want you to know the Nature of War, and
> they want you to "know" it wrongly:
> So they can win more easily.
> The Nature of War is hidden BY Criminal Minds,
> such as by Von Clausewitz, by Sun Tsu (Sun Tzu), by
> Machiavelli, by Henry Kissinger,
> and of course by the Criminal Minds mentioned in 'Famous
> European ... ', *(6)
> and the way they hide it, is
> by means of "defining" 'War' FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF A CRIMINAL
> MIND, or, how a Criminal Mind would like you to "understand
> war"
> - so that, seen from a slightly higher viewpoint, you
> will lose always,
> because you will only at times defeat an opponent,
> and only sometimes "gain a victory,"
> where "winning" is the objective, like in the
> Eastern martial arts
> (however, the founder and expert of Aikido,
> does correctly discourage competition, as
> he saw, that it, competition, spoils the
> character of his pupils)
> or with the medieval knights of Europe, and
> where "life consists of improving weaponry and
> fighting skills all the time, in order to be able
> to defeat possible opponents."
> '
> But with that "understanding"
> - which is PREVENTING you from understanding who are
> enemies, and what is the Nature of War -
> you will never defeat war. *(3)
> '
> The Nature of War not understood by you, you did or
> would support the Russian Criminal Mind Joseph
> Stalin,
> in order to defeat the German 'Hitlerian'
> monstrosity at that time,
> which gave you a "victory"
> that started another forty years of very,
> very costly 'cold' war,
> bringing a tremendous amount of suffering to
> all people enclosed in the Stalinist
> dictatorial 'Iron Curtain;'
> and the same applied or would apply,
> equally in violation of the Nature of War,
> to your supporting Iraq's Saddam Hussein in order
> to gain a "victory" over Iran's Islamic (Muslim)
> dictatorial monstrosity created by Ayatollah
> Khomeini.
> '
> All of that, is how Criminal Minds want you
> to see war:
> "Someone wins, and someone loses,"
> "you either dominate ('win') or you
> are dominated ('lose')."
> That is however not how life
> is, and
> indeed all connection to (or
> perception of) how life actually
> is, is lost by them.
> But that is how Criminal Minds see and
> experience and handle life.
> '
> And so they shout: "America is
> 'occupying' Iraq," while America
> - at very great expense too - is
> doing precisely the opposite, is
> But Criminal Minds have
> everything in reverse.
> Or they shouted some fifty years
> earlier: "America is 'occupying'
> Germany."
> Because America "won," THEREFORE
> "America is dominating."
> That is how Criminal Minds see
> it, and - as you know from them -
> that is what they shout.
> But only Criminal Minds want to
> dominate others, so in effect
> they shout, with Che Guevara,
> that caring, helpful and
> courageous, decent people "are
> Criminal Minds."
> Criminal Minds have
> everything in reverse.
> '
> As you know, Life does not at all consist of
> dominating others - only Criminal Minds and
> their helpers will do so, and you will indeed
> have to defend yourself and others against
> them.
> '
> If you understood the Nature of War, then you would
> have been able to classify Stalin as an enemy, and
> Saddam Hussein as an enemy,
> and you know this already closer to home, that you
> better NOT make a Criminal Mind the head of your
> police force,
> even though he understands Criminals
> and wants to and does fight Criminals:
> His (or her) MOTIVE is to dominate others,
> which indeed includes dominating other
> Criminals too.
> '
> '
> '
> (f) Criminal Minds will openly or secretly oppose and deny the
> correct understanding of the Nature of War,
> which gives you then yet another tool for detecting Criminal
> Minds.
> The correct understanding is the subject of this
> Human Rights Issue.
> '
> '
> '
> (g) Knowing the Nature of War, you can actually figure out by
> yourself, how to win a war, and how to prevent one.
> (See References, below.)
> '
> '
> '
> (h) Those three small paragraphs at the top {I-01, I-02, I-03},
> which state The Nature of War,
> have taken (me) many thousands of years to understand,
> and
> the present value to the society, of those three paragraphs,
> could be measured in trillions of dollars. This is suggested
> by the Textnotes above, and by the References below.
> '
> '
> __________
> References:
> 'Military Professional Ethics Code'
> {HRI 20041203-V1.3}
> (3 Dec 2004 - Version 1.3 on 8 Dec 2004)
> http://groups.google.com/group/sci.military.naval/msg/9d7d0480945bd3ca?fwc=1
> 'The First International Law'
> {HRI 20021124-V2.0}
> (24 November 2002 - Version 2.0 on 23 Sept 2003)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/e6fd1197b1678b70?fwc=1
> 'Rights of Criminal Minds'
> {HRI 20040108-V1.0.1}
> (8 January 2004 - Version 1.0.1 on 12 Nov 2005)
> http://groups.google.com/group/human-rights-issues/msg/2d74f7c389973d14?fwc=1
> http://groups.google.com/group/Koos-Nolst-Trenite/msg/bdf56ba6266de2eb?fwc=1
> 'If You Want Peace, Then Do Understand And Face Evil
> - A Short Course In Human Rights Philosophy'
> {HRI 20041225-V1.02}
> (25 December 2004 - Christmas Day)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.rights.human/msg/34578c4c3a9f0b22?fwc=1
> '
> '
> _________
> Footnotes:
> [Check for updates of mentioned HRI's, for instance in the latest
> Checklist of HRI's]
> 'Checklist of Human Rights Issues with newest versions
> up to 2 November 2006'
> {HRI update list 20061102}
> (2 November 2006)
> http://groups.google.com/group/human-rights-issues/msg/1b7e502584784c94?fwc=1
> '
> (*) Quoted from Version 2.1 of:
> 'Bach Pulling People out of Hell'
> {HRI 20051021-V2.1}
> (21 October 2005 - Version 2.1 on 27 Oct 2005)
> http://groups.google.com/group/human-rights-issues/msg/f167f3c3d10c0caa?fwc=1
> (1) 'Journalist Current Ethics And Intelligence
> - Refusal To Recognize And Expose Criminal Minds'
> {HRI 20041230-V2.4}
> (30 Dec 2004 - Version 2.4 on 26 June 2005)
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.journalism/msg/228618fec9801d82?fwc=1
> (2) 'Issue Note V3.0 on 'The Hippocrates Syndrome - Current State of
> Mental Health Care And Understanding - Consequences For
> Decision Makers, Caretakers And Caregivers' '
> (27 September 2005)
> http://groups.google.com/group/sci.med/msg/7e28b77daa515f63?fwc=1
> (3) ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
> Them' ' {HRI 20040422-V2.4}
> (22 April 2004 - Version 2.4 on 21 July 2005)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/b110d81d0be311b8?fwc=1
> (4) 'Nobel Prize Committees - Promoting 'NO Peace' And 'NO Science' '
> {HRI 20041214-V1.3} (14 Dec 2004 - Version 1.3 on 28 Dec 2004)
> http://groups.google.com/group/misc.education/msg/f28136b0a328b1f3?fwc=1
> (5) 'What IS Depression or Lethargy' {HRI 20041107-V2.2}
> (7 November 2004 - Version 2.2 on 14 Dec 2004)
> http://groups.google.com/group/sci.med/msg/e3f79cb2f78d2145?fwc=1
> (6) 'Famous European Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of
> Destroying Your Emotional Integrity'
> {HRI 20040729-V1.1}
> (29 July 2004 - Version 1.1 on 27 Aug 2004)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/01ae9af4767aa656?fwc=1
> (7) 'Learning And Reading - Leonardo Da Vinci and Galileo Galilei
> had an excellent command of reading and writing'
> {HRI 20040811}
> (11 August 2004)
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.education/msg/a99e7ca6e050df1a?fwc=1
> (8) 'Leonardo Da Vinci - About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness,
> Time, And Earth's Past And Future' {HRI 20040829-V3.4.2}
> (29 August 2004 - Version 3.4.2 on 19 June 2005)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/188f95bcf723f26b?fwc=1
> (9) 'Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)'
> {HRI 20050610-V2.1.2}
> (10 June 2005 - Version 2.1.2 on 2 Aug 2005)
> http://groups.google.com/group/sci.anthropology/msg/9196f0540c551b00?fwc=1
> (10) 'Prices of Medical Drugs Compared To Manufacturing Costs And
> To Country Of Sale - The "Bill Gates Factor" '
> (5 February 2005 - Version 2.3.1 on 8 Feb 2005)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.canada/msg/938b775172500428?fwc=1
> (11) 'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And THEY Know They Intentionally Lie'
> {HRI 20050527-V3.5}
> (27 May 2005 - Version 3.5 on 10 June 2005)
> http://groups.google.com/group/human-rights-issues/msg/ecc4b12aaae92dcf?fwc=1
> (12) 'The Promised Definition of Friendship'
> {HRI-20050327-V2.4.1)
> (27 March 2005 - Version 2.4.1 on 7 Apr 2005)
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.politics/msg/d347caafe433b2f0?fwc=1
> (13) 'How Do You Face Evil? - A Questionnaire'
> {HRI 20020201}
> (1 February 2002 - issued 20 Feb 2003)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.indian/msg/6b618a2abf4838a8?fwc=1
> (14) 'Explaining The Scale Of Sanity'
> {HRI 20040619-V3.4}
> (19 June 2004) (Version 3.4 on 2 Sept 2004)
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.education/msg/7ee775b1a7d5b10f?fwc=1
> (15) 'The "Become Perfect"-Mind-Control of Hinduism, Buddhism and
> New-Age Cults'
> {HRI 20050514-V3.1}
> (14 May 2005 - Version 3.1 on 14 June 2005)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/45bcb24061d2d69c?fwc=1
> (16) 'The Promised Definition of Friendship'
> {HRI-20050327-V2.4.1)
> (27 March 2005 - Version 2.4.1 on 7 Apr 2005)
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.politics/msg/d347caafe433b2f0?fwc=1
> (17) 'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life'
> (29 July 2002 - Version 2.0i on 7 January 2003)
> http://groups.google.com/group/Koos-Nolst-Trenite/msg/40d2a6d4cadc84b1?fwc=1
> (18) 'Example of a Criminal Mind - Tom Cruise is "friends" with
> 'Scientology'-owner David Miscavige'
> {HRI 20040920-V2.4}
> (20 September 2004 - Version 2.4 on 27 July 2005)
> http://groups.google.com/group/sci.med/msg/e4c7810c5584c0c7?fwc=1
> (in full:)
> http://groups.google.com/group/sci.med/attach/e4c7810c5584c0c7?dmode=source
> (19) 'About Loving people - Basic education by example
> - An hour of my life recorded for you'
> {HRI 20050625}
> (25 June 2005)
> http://groups.google.com/group/misc.writing/msg/2936f7feb2b3b329?fwc=1
> (20) 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism'
> {HRI 20060816-V4.3.4}
> (16 August 2006 - Version 4.3.4 on 2 Oct 2006)
> http://groups.google.com/group/sci.econ/msg/58ac7106cd3f5f0b?fwc=1
> (21) 'The First International Law'
> {HRI 20021124-V2.0}
> (24 November 2002 - Version 2.0 on 23 Sept 2003)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/e6fd1197b1678b70?fwc=1
> '
> '
> ____________
> Verification:
> http://www.angelfire.com/space/platoworld
> Copyright 2005-2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
> and poet
> This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
> anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
> who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
> to others who might be able to learn from it.
> None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
> or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
> encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
> about any organizations or individuals.
> Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
> PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
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> - replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

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