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FNs nye Menneskerettighedsråd er begyndt
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 29-06-06 18:29

Og det er endnu værre end man kunne forestille sig, - jeg forventer
naturligvis at CRL kan "forklare", hvorfor alt er i skønneste orden:

The United Nations inaugurated its new Human Rights Council in Geneva on
Monday 19 June 2006, replacing the discredited human-rights commission. It
should be a historic, inclusive, optimistic moment that marks a new
departure for the world body and for the cause of human rights worldwide.

But between the thought and the act falls the shadow. The launch of the new
body was witnessed by two Iranian representatives whose human-rights
records – even by the standards of the Islamic Republic – are infamous:
justice minister Jamal Karimirad and Tehran's prosecutor-general Saeed

Mortazavi was the presiding judge of the infamous Court 1410 and hailed as
the "butcher of the press" for his vicious rulings against journalists and
free thinkers. He is credited with the closure of more than 100 publications
and the harassment and imprisonment of many writers, activists, lawyers and
bloggers in recent years. Shirin Ebadi, the lawyer and Nobel laureate, has
even accused Mortazavi of being present in 2003 when Iranian-Canadian
photojournalist Zahra Kazemi was tortured and killed.

Mortazavi's arrival at the UN has rightly provoked an outcry from
human-rights groups. He is undeterred. His first official meeting in Geneva
was with Zimbabwe's infamous minister of justice, Patrick Chinamasa.

VAR det ikke en idé at sætte Hell's Angels til at være retlige ombudsmænd i
Danmark? Det ville modne dem, og om måske bare 50 år ville de være overmodne
og sukkersøde? Hvad siger CRL?

@ (29-06-2006)
Fra : @

Dato : 29-06-06 20:50

On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 19:28:42 +0200, "Knud Larsen"
<larsensknud@yahoo.dk> wrote:

>Mortazavi's arrival at the UN has rightly provoked an outcry from
>human-rights groups. He is undeterred. His first official meeting in Geneva
>was with Zimbabwe's infamous minister of justice, Patrick Chinamasa.
>VAR det ikke en idé at sætte Hell's Angels til at være retlige ombudsmænd i

det er vist på høje tid at danmark melder sig ud af FN

Blasfemilove bør afskaffes. Det ville være en sær gud,
som har behov for at blive beskyttet af loven
/Salman Rushdie/

GB (29-06-2006)
Fra : GB

Dato : 29-06-06 23:00

"Knud Larsen" <larsensknud@yahoo.dk> wrote in

> ville de være overmodne og sukkersøde? Hvad siger CRL?

Shhh! Han søger stillingen...

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