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Australien: Prof Andrew Fraser kæmper mod ~
Fra : Michael Laudahn

Dato : 28-06-06 18:08

'Ingen mohammedanere hos os? Naturligvis ikke! Sæt jer i forbindelse
med jeres nærmeste antiislam-organisation og forbered en national
stordemo! Målet er at tvinge de feje politikere, jurister og medier
til at bringe repatrieringen af alle mohammedanere på vej - inkl
bosniere og lignende, men også dem der har fået vores pas!'


Macquarie Professor lodges HREOC complaints alleging political
discrimination and anti-white racial vilification

Associate Professor of law Andrew Fraser will provide the Human Rights
and Equal Opportunity Commission today with documentary evidence
supporting his complaint of political discrimination against Macquarie

In July 2005, Professor Fraser wrote a controversial letter to the
Parramatta Sun in which he suggested that large-scale immigration from
black Africa could lead to increasing levels of crime, violence and a
wide range of other social problems.

Almost immediately, Macquarie University was subjected to intense
political pressure from black African organisations, the NSW Jewish
Board of Deputies and many other "anti-racist" activist groups and
individuals demanding that Professor Fraser be sacked.

Soon after returning from overseas, the then Vice-Chancellor of
Macquarie University, Professor Di Yerbury declared that Professor
Fraser's view were "repugnant" to her, offering a series of
apologies on behalf of the University to African migrant groups.

The Vice-Chancellor also sought to procure Professor Fraser's
immediate resignation, offering to buy out his one-year pre-retirement
contract which is due to terminate on June 30, 2006. When Professor
Fraser declined that offer, the University immediately cancelled his
classes and suspended him from teaching.

Shortly thereafter, the University lent its weight to an organised
campaign of political intimidation aimed at Professor Fraser. It
sponsored a "Racism Within" forum (really a latter-day Stalinist
show-trial) where hundreds of Macquarie academics and students gathered
to denounce Professor Fraser's alleged "extreme racism" in terms
bordering on the hysterical.

Despite assurances from his Dean that Professor Fraser would be
permitted to resume teaching once Professor Yerbury had resigned in
early February 2006, the University cancelled his classes once again in
the first semester of the current academic year.

The decision to suspend Professor Fraser this year was taken explicitly
because his political views on race were deemed likely to influence his
approach to the subject he was set to teach; namely, American
Constitutional History.

Professor Fraser will be retiring from Macquarie University at the end
of this week. Unlike other academic retirees who intend to remain
research-active, he has been denied the status of an Honorary Associate
which would entitle him to library privileges facilitating research
into his next book on Anglophobia: Its Causes and Cure. That petty
academic vindictiveness is the latest step in a year-long campaign of
discrimination by the University against his political heresies.

In a case of turnabout is fair play, Professor Fraser also has lodged a
complaint against the Parramatta Sun and its editor Charles Boag. The
Human Rights Commission declared Professor Fraser's observations on
black crime to be an unlawful form of racial vilification. But the
same issue of the Parramatta Sun that published Professor Fraser's
allegedly "racist" letter carried a signed editorial by Charles
Boag asserting that it is mere "fantasy" to worry about black crime
in light of the notorious record of "murder and mayhem on a great
scale" committed by white Europeans, here in Australia and elsewhere
in the world.

Professor Fraser looks forward to finding out whether the Human Rights
and Equal Opportunity Commission is, as advertised, a neutral and
impartial investigative body. He hopes that a double standard will not
be applied by the Commission allowing white Europeans to be subjected
to wholesale "racial vilification" while suffering blatant
political discrimination whenever they protest the loss of their
freedoms and their ancestral homelands.

He is, however, not at all confident that his hope will be fulfilled.

Andrew Fraser

Dept of Public Law

Macquarie University

Sydney, Australia 2109

tel: 9613 3382

26 June 2006

citeret efter canadafirst.net


Unter blinden ist der einäugige könig.


WICHTIG / IMPORTANT: islam-info:

http://historyofjihad.org/ - http://apostatesofislam.com/

Kim Larsen (28-06-2006)
Fra : Kim Larsen

Dato : 28-06-06 18:17

"Michael Laudahn" <es_reicht_2005@yahoo.com.br> skrev i en meddelelse

'Ingen mohammedanere hos os? Naturligvis ikke! Sæt jer i forbindelse
med jeres nærmeste antiislam-organisation og forbered en national
stordemo! Målet er at tvinge de feje politikere, jurister og medier
til at bringe repatrieringen af alle mohammedanere på vej - inkl
bosniere og lignende, men også dem der har fået vores pas!'


Luk nu røven, Michael !

Kim Larsen

Socialist, republikaner, EU-tilhænger og atomkraftmodstander.
Socialisme er den eneste troværdige vej frem.
Husk at krigen i Irak er folkeretligt smask-ulovlig.

Direkte e-mail: kl2607x@yahoo.dk (fjern x´et)

Jim (28-06-2006)
Fra : Jim

Dato : 28-06-06 18:34

"Kim Larsen" <kl2607x@yahoo.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> "Michael Laudahn" <es_reicht_2005@yahoo.com.br> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:1151514462.148344.285150@p79g2000cwp.googlegroups.com...
> 'Ingen mohammedanere hos os? Naturligvis ikke! Sæt jer i forbindelse
> med jeres nærmeste antiislam-organisation og forbered en national
> stordemo! Målet er at tvinge de feje politikere, jurister og medier
> til at bringe repatrieringen af alle mohammedanere på vej - inkl
> bosniere og lignende, men også dem der har fået vores pas!'
> ----------------------->
> Luk nu røven, Michael !
Så får du da hovedet i klemme..

Terje A. Bergesen (28-06-2006)
Fra : Terje A. Bergesen

Dato : 28-06-06 18:45

Kim Larsen wrote:
> "Michael Laudahn" <es_reicht_2005@yahoo.com.br> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:1151514462.148344.285150@p79g2000cwp.googlegroups.com...
> 'Ingen mohammedanere hos os? Naturligvis ikke! Sæt jer i forbindelse
> med jeres nærmeste antiislam-organisation og forbered en national
> stordemo! Målet er at tvinge de feje politikere, jurister og medier
> til at bringe repatrieringen af alle mohammedanere på vej - inkl
> bosniere og lignende, men også dem der har fået vores pas!'
> ----------------------->
> Luk nu røven, Michael !

Er du sikker på at du ønsker dette? Vil han ikke i så tilfelle knuse
hodet ditt som et egg?


Roald B. Larsen (28-06-2006)
Fra : Roald B. Larsen

Dato : 28-06-06 20:37

Michael Laudahn wrote:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Macquarie Professor lodges HREOC complaints alleging political
> discrimination and anti-white racial vilification
> Associate Professor of law Andrew Fraser will provide the Human Rights
> and Equal Opportunity Commission today with documentary evidence
> supporting his complaint of political discrimination against Macquarie
> University.
> In July 2005, Professor Fraser wrote a controversial letter to the
> Parramatta Sun in which he suggested that large-scale immigration from
> black Africa could lead to increasing levels of crime, violence and a
> wide range of other social problems.
Greens call on Macquarie University Vice Chancellor to examine record
of racist academic: Urge Minister to support multicultural community
Senator Nettle, 20th July 2005Greens Senator Kerry Nettle today wrote
to the vice chancellor of Macquarie University Di Yerbury requesting an
urgent review of the teaching and assessment history of Associate
Professor Andrew Fraser who has made public his deeply racist views
regarding Asians and Africans in Australia.

Mr Fraser's racist views featured both on national television and in
metropolitan newspapers this week.

"The views of Professor Fraser are as abhorrent as they are ridiculous.

The university has an obligation to ensure that these views are not
affecting his teaching or assessment of students," Senator Nettle said.

"Today I have spoken to the Horn or Africa Relief and Development
Agency that assists immigrants from the Horn of Africa in Australia and
they have expressed concern for the welfare of African and Asian
students in Associate Professor Fraser's classes.

"It's important that when dangerous racist views are aired publicly the
government is quick to repudiate them. To this end I have contacted
Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone's office this morning and urged
her to publicly condemn Mr Fraser's comments.

"It's particularly upsetting that refugees who have come to Australia
fleeing racial and religious persecution should have to put up with
racism in their new home.

"The Greens celebrate the multicultural nature of Australia and welcome
the cultural wealth it brings.

"The Greens are confident that the overwhelming majority of Australians
support our proud multicultural tradition and join us in condemning
racism in all its forms."

Contact - Jon Edwards 0428 213 146

Created by Administration
Last modified 20-07-2005 03:10 PM



April 13, 2006

The National Tertiary Education Union is not representing Associate
Professor Andrew Fraser in any proceedings arising from the March 31
finding of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC),
in relation to his statements in the Parramatta Sun in 2005.

NTEU previously provided industrial representation to Associate
Professor Fraser in relation to the cancellation of his classes by
Macquarie University in August 2005, in response to his statements in
the Parramatta Sun.

The University's action directly contravened the institution's
Enterprise Agreement.

The Union received no request for assistance from Associate Professor
Fraser when the University's management again cancelled his classes
at the beginning of this year.

Nor did the Union receive any request for representation or advice from
Professor Fraser in the lead-up to or during the HREOC proceedings,
which were initiated by members of Sydney's Sudanese community.

HREOC has determined that Associate Professor Fraser's statements do
not meet the standards for an exemption set out in Section 18D of the
Racial Discrimination Act for any genuine academic purpose, and that
they were not made "with sufficient constraints and proportionality
for them to be regarded as to have been made reasonably and in good
faith", and recommended that he apologise.

NTEU does not believe it is appropriate to provide the legal assistance
requested by Associate Professor Fraser after the HREOC proceedings,
for what is now a civil matter.



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