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Israel: Ensidig israelsk tilbagetrækning
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 27-03-06 11:46

I dagens Jerusalem Post kan man læse følgende artikel, hvor et ledende
medlem af Kadima erklærer, at Israel ensidigt vil bestemme sig for
landets endelige østgrænse, og trække sig tilbage fra resten af
Vestbredden, hvis det palæstinensiske selvstyre ikke inden da opfylder
visse betingelser.

Og naturligvis vil tilbagetrækningen ikke betyde opgivelsen af
kontrollen med Jordandalen.

En sådan løsning vil betyde dannelsen af en palæstinensisk stat på
størstedelen af Vestbredden og Gaza, hvor de to dele ikke har nogen
afklaret geografisk fordeling. Og Vestbredden vil kun have en smal
forbindelse mellem nord og syd, gennem en korridor omfattende Bethlehem
og de arabiske forstæder til Jerusalem, der kommer til at ligge øst for
denne endelige grænse.

The Jerusalem Post Internet Edition

Ramon: One year until unilateral pullout

The Palestinian Authority would have six to 12 months to comply with
Israeli demands before a Kadima-led government would begin unilateral
withdrawals from the West Bank, senior Kadima member Haim Ramon
announced Sunday.

Ramon's comments are the first to give a clear time line on the
disengagement plan articulated by his party, which leads in polls ahead
of Tuesday's elections. He spoke soon after Kadima leader Acting Prime
Minister Ehud Olmert declared on Israel Radio that it would be
inappropriate to talk about a time frame for the pullout ahead of the

Ramon said that, should Kadima form the next government, Israel would
call on Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to pass legislation
enshrining his "one authority, one law, one gun" slogan into law; to
coerce the Hamas government to adopt the "international demands" of
recognition of Israel, an end to violence, and adherence to previous
agreements between Israel and the Palestinians; and to start to
implement the road map.

"We will give a reasonable time for Abu Mazen [Abbas] to meet those
demands... six months or a year," Ramon told foreign journalists
gathered in Jerusalem to hear from representatives of the three leading

If, after that time, it becomes apparent that "nothing is happening," he
said, "with the backing of the international community - the same as the
international community backed the disengagement from Gaza - we will
start to talk about the unfortunate unilateral disengagement from the
West Bank." He continued, "We will take our destiny into our own hands.
We are strong enough to do it, [though] it's not our first choice."

Uzi Landau of the Likud, who also participated in the Jerusalem event,
assailed the Kadima plan. He said the Palestinians must feel that they
need to negotiate. Under the Kadima program, he asked, "Who will be this
clever Palestinian who will decide to sit with us and negotiate, when by
waiting he'll get anything he wants?"

Isaac Herzog, who represented Labor at the forum, said that the
"difference is not very wide" between his party and Kadima when it comes
to the Palestinians. But he stressed that Labor wants to "exhaust" all
possible negotiations with Abbas before resorting to unilateral action.

In his interview with Israel Radio, Olmert reiterated that if Hamas did
not renounce violence and accept previous agreements, Israel would not
wait forever for a Palestinian negotiating partner, but would rather -
after an internal debate and consultation with the US and other
international actors - set the borders on its own.

"I spoke about negotiations with the United States and the international
community and I spoke about final borders that the entire international
community will support, including the United States of America," Olmert
said. "I have a basis to believe that there is great openness in the US,
and in other places, to listen to these arguments and also to seriously
discuss them."

Olmert, who last week said that Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni would be
his deputy, who would take over from him if need be, also said Sunday
that Shimon Peres would be his other deputy - a job description Peres
also held under Sharon. Olmert said he depended on and appreciated
Peres, and that he would have a central role in a future Kadima
government. "We have close, intensive, daily cooperation, and that will
be the case if we form the government," Olmert said.

At Sunday's cabinet meeting, Olmert invoked Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon's name in an effort to rustle an apparently apathetic nation out
of its indifference and into the polling places.

Olmert said that Sharon's "spirit and path" would continue to shape the
country's policies in the coming years.

"I call on all Israeli citizens to use their right to vote and
participate in the elections," he said. "There is no greater or more
significant expression of civil rights than the ability to participate
and determine through the vote the fate of the country and character of
its government."

Olmert's call for people to vote comes amid concern inside Kadima that
comments he made earlier in the campaign, to the effect that the results
were a foregone conclusion, may keep some of the party's "soft
supporters" from making the effort to go to the polls.

One Kadima official said the party may have as many as four-to-five
mandates worth of "soft supporters" who have some doubt about the new
party, and who might not go to vote unless "someone grabs them by the
ears." Turning these people out to vote on Election Day, he said, has
become critical for the party.

President Moshe Katsav also called on all citizens to exercise their
democratic right to vote. He expressed concern at the general apathy
that has characterized the attitude towards the elections, and was
particularly worried by the large number of people who have indicated to
pollsters that they did not intend to vote.

Katsav emphasized that Israel today stood at the most crucial crossroads
in its history, and for this reason it was essential that everyone
participate in the elections.

The Associated Press and Greer Fay Cashman contributed to this report.

This article can also be read at

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Man må gå ud fra at Hamas ikke vil være villig til at indgå i
realistiske forhandlinger, og at der bliver tale om ensidige, israelske
skridt, der af demografiske grunde skal sikre at så mange arabere som
muligt kommer til at bo øst for den endelige grænse, samtidig med at de
militære sikkerhedskrav også tilgodeses.
Per Erik Rønne

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