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Der ER et liv efter islam
Fra : Michael Laudahn

Dato : 19-03-06 21:51

http://www.waronjihad.org/ :

How DEMOcracy in Iraq will DEMOlish the Middle East

· Elections are held in Iraq in December 2005
· Violence continues after election day in Terror attacks aimed at
· Wrangling of the Shiites with Sunnis and Kurds for the formation of
an United Iraqi administration
· Terrorists blow off Shiites Mosques, explode car bombs in Shiite
· Shiite-Sunni Civil War gradually begins in Iraq but is restrained
by Shiite clerics.
· Shiite clerics want to rule the whole of Iraq and not the Southern
Shiite rump and call for calm to keep Iraq united under their rule (we
have reached this stage today)

· New Shiite dominated administration is formed and calls for phased
pullout of US forces
· US forces begin a phased pullout
· They re-locate outside the cities in isolated fortified camps
· Sunni Terrorists blow off Iraqi parliament, Presidential palace,
Prime Minister's residence
· Terrorists assassinate Ministers, Parliamentarians
· Sunni Terrorists blow off Shiites Mosques at Najaf and Karbala,
assassinate Al Hakim, and Moqtada Al Sadr who are important Shiites
leaders and clerics.
· A full scale civil war starts between the Sunni dominated
insurgents and the new Shiite led Iraqi military dominated by the late
Al Hakim's Badr Brigades and aided by the late Al Sadr's Mahdi
· Iran sends in insurgents to back Shiites
· Saudis, Syrians, Egyptians, Kuwaitis, Palestinians send in
insurgents to back Sunnis
· Saudis and Kuwaitis call for US action to stop Iran from
intensifying the Iraqi civil war
· Israel bombs Iranian nuke facilities to neutralize Iran.
· Iran tries to crash missiles into Israel and Europe
· Internal rebellion breaks out in Iran
· US special forces start operating inside Iran to topple Mullah
· Iranian/Hezbollah forces stage terrorist attacks in Israel and in
the West
· US launches an air blitz of Iran followed by a land invasion and
sets up a new regime
· The son of the late Shah of Iran returns to Iran as a private
· Shiite -Hezbollah led terror attacks across the West and Israel
· Israel invades Lebanon to wipe out the Hezbollah threat
· Egypt/Syria threaten Israel with serious consequences.
· Terrorist attacks originating from Gaza intensify in Israel
· Israel warns Syria with military action
· Mega terror attack inside Israel
· Israel declares Syria to be culpable and launches a swift land and
air assault on Syria
· Syria appeals for Arab military action to save itself
· Egypt faces a civil war with sections of the Egyptian Military
under the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood launch a insurrection
against the Mubarak administration.
· Pressurized by Syria and Egypt, Saudi Arabia starts feeble military
action against Israel
· Israel overruns Northern Saudi Arabia and Syria in a pincer
movement to join up with US forces stationed in Iraq and occupies
· US forces enter Syria from Syrian-Iraqi border in the North, join
up with Israeli military
· After the conquest of Syria, Israel turns on Egypt to help the pro
Mubarak forces and annexes Sinai, crosses Suez Canal and threatens
Cairo that is now in the hands of the Muslim brotherhood led Military
· Another spectacular terror attack inside Israel with Dirty Bombs.
Suspects traced to Saudi backed insurgents.
· Sustained IAF (Israel Air Force) nuke strike on Saudi cities,
Mecca, Medina, Mena, Jiddah Riyadh, taken off the map.
· Upheaval in the entire Arab world
· Western diplomats and businessmen attacked, kidnapped, beheaded
· Anti-American riots in Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia.
· Musharraf and Yudhyono regimes under tremendous pressure to give up
pro-US stance
· Musharraf assassinated by pro-Jihadi elements in Army due to his
association with the US. The Jihadis last straw being his helping the
Americans in finding Iran's nuke sites as a trade off for letting AQ
Khan off the hook. But Mushy's gamble does not pay off, as he loses his
job and life.
· Jihadi regime in Pakistan ups hostility with India
· Jihadis succeed in smuggling nuclear devices in the US and
exploding them simultaneously
· US army takes over US administration, suspends constitution
· US military regime blockades the UN and declares it persona
· US enters into emergency war council with Russia and Britain
· The triple alliance starts nuclear bombing military targets across
the Islamic world
· Pakistani nukes taken out in first strike
· Pakistan explodes some nuke devices on India
· Indian retaliation wipes off Pakistan off the map - death toll in
South Asia is over half a billion
· Widespread Hindu-Muslim riots in India on the lines of the Gujarat
riots of 2002. Muslim population decimated, Hindus and Christians also
suffer heavy death toll.
· Nuclear campaign launched by the triple alliance intensifies as
many cities in the Islamic world are taken off the map to wipe off the
air forces.
· Seaports in the Islamic world crippled to decapitate the navies
· Radiation causes second wave of deaths. The toll in secondary
deaths more than three billion
· More than half of the fatalities are Muslims.
· Almost the entire population in the Muslim world is decimated.
· China joins war against Islam, wipes off Muslim (Ughir) population
in Eastern Turkestan
· Muslims in Europe launch a wave of terror attacks in European
· Conditions in Europe very disturbed in a civil war like situation
· Right wing coups in France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Denmark.
The new regimes join the triple alliance
· Widespread anti-Muslim riots in Europe aided by the militaries of
those countries and NATO forces
· Domestic military action against Muslims in Europe intensifies as
European militaries do combing operations to flush out Muslims
· The post-war Muslim population worldwide now accounts for only one
percent of the global population concentrated mostly in Europe
· Military action ends, US, Britain and Russia announce
reconstruction plan for the world
· Islam outlawed across the globe
· Residual Muslims worldwide embrace Christianity, Hinduism,
Buddhism. Judaism
· Humanity enters post-Islamic phase.


Unter blinden ist der einäugige könig.


islam-info: http://www.historyofjihad.org/ - WICHTIG / IMPORTANT

Martin Larsen (19-03-2006)
Fra : Martin Larsen

Dato : 19-03-06 22:45

Michael Laudahn fortalte:

> http://www.waronjihad.org/ :
> · Military action ends, US, Britain and Russia announce
> reconstruction plan for the world
> · Islam outlawed across the globe
> · Residual Muslims worldwide embrace Christianity, Hinduism,
> Buddhism. Judaism
> · Humanity enters post-Islamic phase.

Lyder velsignelsesrigt! Allahu akbar

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