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Rapport om islamisering lækket til pressen~
Fra : LR

Dato : 11-02-06 01:35

I 2005 lækkede der en rapport om islamisering af franske skoler til pressen:

Jeg har vist enkelte udpluk sidst i dette indlæg men anbefaler, at man læser
linket. Efter at have læst det kommer der her en multiple-choice eksamen i

Spørgsmål 1: Et forbud mod svinekød i danske skoler vil
a) forværre situationen
b) forbedre situationen

Spørgsmål 2: Hvis man indfører kønsopdelt svømning, vil det
a) forværre situationen
b) forbedre situationen



The inspectors report two consistent findings: a marked increase in
religious expression, especially Muslim expression, in schools; and denial
on the part of officials at all levels--from the classroom, to the
principal's office, to the regional administration--that this phenomenon is
Most Muslim kids refuse to participate in sports or swimming, the girls out
of modesty, the boys because they do not want to swim in "girls' water" or
"non-Muslim water."
It cites Muslim students who refuse to use the plus sign in mathematics
because it looks like a cross
In primary schools, the report cites instances of first grade boys' refusing
to participate in coed activities and Muslim children's refusing to sing,
dance, or draw a face
Under the circumstances, many teachers censor their own material, often
skipping entire topics, like the history of Israel or of Christianity
In a particularly interesting observation, Obin notes that it is the schools
that have reached accommodations with the extremists that are most plagued
by violence against girls, Jews, and teachers. Schools that refuse to
tolerate the intolerable have coped much better with the problems described
in the report. As a result, Obin calls for a policy of no compromise with
Islamist demands

Spørgsmål : 177522
Tips : 31968
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Indlæg : 6408669
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