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The zionist cartoons designed to cool Euro~
Fra : stormrider_2007@oper~

Dato : 08-02-06 11:10

Jewish editor of the Danish newspaper and cause of the cartoon mayhem,
Flemming Rose

The jewish supremacists have a long-term, publicly-declared aim of
creating a 3rd world war between muslim countries and the west. As part
of this, they want the USA and UK to attack Iran and Syria.

The American and British governments have been sorted, but they need
the support of the people. Unfortunately more and more people are
turning against our involvement in the middle east. The people of
continental Europe are even more against it. The jews therefore need to
manufacture outrage against islam.

In the 90s, 'Radical Islamists' set up bases in the UK and stir up
young muslims to believe in a coming 'holy war'. At least one of these
clerics was an MI5 agent, and the main one is believed to be a jew.

In September 2005 a jewish editor in Denmark with links to American
neo-cons, Flemming Rose, asks cartoonists to send in anti-muslim
cartoons. When they are published, nothing happens.

In the meantime, the jewish prime minister of France, Sarkozy, stirs up
muslims by calling them 'scum' and saying they deserve to be treated
like animals, after two youths were killed while running from the
police. Riots follow.

Four months after they were published, the Danish cartoons are
reprinted at exactly the same time by newspapers all over Europe. The
French paper France-Soir is the first to publish all 12 cartoons. The
decision to publish was made by the jewish editor Arnaud Levy.

Radical muslims all over the world simeltaneously take to the streets
expressing outrage. In the middle east, Arab peasants somehow manage to
find hundreds of Danish flags to burn. In London they helpfully hold up
outrageously offensive banners for the cameras.

I smell something kosher...

BTW, the International Herald Tribune asked Flemming Rose whether he
would publish cartoons attacking Ariel Sharon and Israel. He replied
"that could be construed as racist."


7th February 2006
Issue 2720

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We said it in the editorial of FC magazine #36, just published.

Nationalists must look beyond the headlines. Always ask - WHO BENEFITS.

We thought something was rotten when this story broke.

Who are the prime beneficiary of rioting Muslims?

Who loves the sight of Arabs attacking EU and European nations'
buildings, bases and embassies?

Now the man behind the publishing of the cartoons has been named... and
what a surprise! ...NOT!

The rioting Muslims are playing into the hands of the Israeli lobby,
the Neo-Cons, the Zionists... however you want to label them.

The problem is that some 'patriots', by their response, may do the

If Islam is a 'wicked' Faith with its Koran, then can we not say the
same of Judaism with is Talmud?

That's not illegal folks... it's a question meant to engender debate
amongst European Christians.

And if we jump on this bandwagon for short-term gain whilst taking our
eyes of the Neo-Con/Israeli ball, might not we, like the rioting
Muslims, also be being used... by an equally dangerous enemy of our
civilisations, traditions and freedoms?

Think about it nationalist!

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How "Jewish" Zionists Fuel Hostility to Muslims *PIC*

Date: Monday, 2 January 2006, 10:34 a.m.

Flemming Rose, the "cultural editor" of the Danish newspaper
Jyllands-Posten decided to publish 12 provocative and inflammatory
cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad - including one in which the Prophet
is shown wearing a turban shaped as a bomb with a burning fuse, the
International Herald Tribune reported on December 31, 2005.

The Danish newspaper was unprepared for the global furor which was
provoked by the cartoons. The offensive cartoons resulted in
demonstrations in Kashmir, death threats against the artists,
condemnation and rebukes from 11 Muslim countries and the United

"The cartoons did nothing that transcends the cultural norms of secular
Denmark, and this was not a provocation to insult Muslims," Flemming
Rose, cultural editor of Jyllands-Posten, Denmark's largest newspaper,
said, rather disingenuously.

Rose and the paper have refused to apologize for publishing the

"But if we talk of freedom of speech, even if it was a provocation,
that does not make our right to do it any less legitimate before the
law," Rose said in an interview from Miami, where he has fled to escape
the publicity after living under police protection in Denmark.

But Rose acknowledges that even his liberalism has its limits. He said
he would not publish a cartoon of Israel's Ariel Sharon strangling a
Palestinian baby, since that could be construed as "racist." He would,
however, publish a cartoon poking fun at Moses or one of Jesus drinking
a pint of beer.

Now why would Rose refuse to publish a cartoon depicting Ariel Sharon,
a known war-criminal and genocidaire, strangling a Palestinian baby?

Why would such a cartoon, correct and accurate in its depiction, be
considered "racist" by Flemming Rose? Sharon has certainly been
responsible for the murder of thousands of Palestinians during his time
on this planet. He is a well-known war criminal. So, why would an
Israeli war criminal be protected by Mr. Rose?

Are we likely to see cartoons in Jyllands-Posten calling into question
the force-fed Zionist myth of the Holocaust, which has become the new
"Holy Cause" of Europe?

Why should the criminal history of a Zionist leader or outstanding
questions about the the Second World War be more protected than the
worshipped prophet of one of the world's major religions?

Take a good look at the non-Danish "cultural" czar of Jyllands-Posten
and ask yourself.

Photo: Flemming Rose, the Zionist gatekeeper and cultural czar of
Jyllands-Posten, sitting in the "chairman's" seat during a trip to
Estonia. Photo by Lone Jurgensen of Jyllands-Posten.

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Danish paper rejected Jesus cartoons
Gwladys Fouché and agencies
Monday February 6, 2006

Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that first published the cartoons
of the prophet Muhammad that have caused a storm of protest throughout
the Islamic world, refused to run drawings lampooning Jesus Christ, it
has emerged today.
The Danish daily turned down the cartoons of Christ three years ago, on
the grounds that they could be offensive to readers and were not funny.

In April 2003, Danish illustrator Christoffer Zieler submitted a series
of unsolicited cartoons dealing with the resurrection of Christ to

Zieler received an email back from the paper's Sunday editor, Jens
Kaiser, which said: "I don't think Jyllands-Posten's readers will enjoy
the drawings. As a matter of fact, I think that they will provoke an
outcry. Therefore, I will not use them."
The illustrator told the Norwegian daily Dagbladet, which saw the
email: "I see the cartoons as an innocent joke, of the type that my
Christian grandfather would enjoy."
"I showed them to a few pastors and they thought they were funny."
He said that he felt Jyllands-Posten rated the feelings of its
Christian readers higher than that of its Muslim readers.

But the Jyllands-Posten editor in question, Mr Kaiser, told
MediaGuardian.co.uk that the case was "ridiculous to bring forward now.
It has nothing to do with the Muhammad cartoons.
"In the Muhammad drawings case, we asked the illustrators to do it. I
did not ask for these cartoons. That's the difference," he said.

"The illustrator thought his cartoons were funny. I did not think so.
It would offend some readers, not much but some."

The decision smacks of "double-standards", said Ahmed Akkari, spokesman
for the Danish-based European Committee for Prophet Honouring, the
umbrella group that represents 27 Muslim organisations that are
campaigning for a full apology from Jyllands-Posten.

"How can Jyllands-Posten distinguish the two cases? Surely they must
understand," Mr Akkari added.
Meanwhile, the editor of a Malaysian newspaper resigned over the
weekend after printing one of the Muhammad cartoons that have unleashed
a storm of protest across the Islamic world.
Malaysia's Sunday Tribune, based in the remote state of Sarawak, on
Borneo island, ran one of the Danish cartoons on Saturday. It is
unclear which one of the 12 drawings was reprinted.
Printed on page 12 of the paper, the cartoon illustrated an article
about the lack of impact of the controversy in Malaysia, a country with
a majority Muslim population.
The newspaper apologised and expressed "profound regret over the
unauthorised publication", in a front page statement on Sunday.

"Our internal inquiry revealed that the editor on duty, who was
responsible for the same publication, had done it all alone by himself
without authority in compliance with the prescribed procedures as
required for such news," the statement said.
The editor, who has not been named, regretted his mistake, apologised
and tendered his resignation, according to the statement.

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Iranian paper to run Holocaust cartoons
Robert Tait in Tehran, Declan Walsh in Islamabad and Owen Bowcott
Tuesday February 7, 2006
The Guardian

Muslim protesters infuriated by cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad
raised the diplomatic stakes last night as Iran's best-selling
newspaper announced it would retaliate by running images satirising the
The decision by the rightwing Hamshari daily to launch an international
competition to find the most suitable caricatures came as demonstrators
hurled firebombs and stones at the Danish embassy in Tehran and the
Iranian government imposed a formal trade ban on Danish imports. Last
night mobs were attempting to storm the Danish compound.
In London, the home secretary, Charles Clarke, branded the activities
of Islamist protesters outside the Danish embassy last week as
"unacceptable". He told MPs he was pleased the response to the
publication of the Danish cartoons had "in general been respectful and
restrained in the best traditions of British tolerance". But he added:
"If the police conclude there have been breaches of the law and decide
to take any action, we would, of course, support them."
Scotland Yard has set up a special squad to investigate the
demonstrations and the placards on display which called for the death
of those who "insult Islam". The inquiry will examine everything from
video recordings made by officers to photographs published in
One protester, who was photographed apparently dressed like a suicide
bomber, apologised "wholeheartedly" yesterday. Omar Khayam, 22,
appeared outside his house in Bedford accompanied by the chairman of
his local mosque and his local MP. He said he had not intended to cause
offence to the victims of the July 7 London bombings or their relatives
but added that his protest remained valid because of the hurt caused to
Muslims by the publication of the Danish cartoons.
"I felt the Danish newspaper had been provocative and controversial,
deeply offensive and insensitive. But by me dressing the way I did, I
did just that, exactly the same as the Danish newspaper, if not worse.
My method of protest has offended many people, especially the families
of the victims of the July bombings. This was not my intention."
Fresh protests raged across the Muslim world throughout the day,
claiming four lives in Afghanistan and one in Somalia, but the
involvement of the Iranian authorities added a further twist to the
diplomatic tensions between western governments and Tehran.
Hamshari is owned by Tehran city council and its plan follows a string
of anti-Zionist statements by Iran's hardline president, Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad, who has dismissed the killing of 6 million Jews by the
Nazis in the second world war as a "myth" and called for Israel to be
"wiped off the map".
Farid Mortazavi, the paper's graphics editor, said the cartoons would
be published to test the argument of western newspapers which have
cited freedom of expression in printing the prophet Muhammad images.
"The western papers printed these sacrilegious cartoons on the pretext
of freedom of expression, so let's see if they mean what they say and
also print these Holocaust cartoons," Mr Mortazavi said.
There were attacks earlier in the day on the Austrian embassy in
Tehran. Iran's trade with Denmark is worth around £160m a year.
In Afghanistan, police opened fire on 2,000 protesters as they tried to
break into the main US base in Bagram, north of Kabul, killing two and
wounding five, said local chief Kabir Ahmed. No US soldiers were
involved. Another two demonstrators died in the central town of
Mehtarlam, after police fired live rounds into a crowd of demonstrators
burning tyres and hurling rocks. A shot from within the crowd provoked
the police into shooting, officials said.
An Austrian newspaper, Kleine Zeitung, became the latest European
publication to print the controversial cartoons. The paper admitted
several of its Muslim distributors had refused to sell the day's issue
and said some had torn the offending caricatures out.
Several European countries, including Austria, have now warned citizens
not to travel to the Middle East. The cartoons have been published in
virtually every major country across Europe - except Britain. Ukrainian
papers published the cartoons yesterday, joining Denmark, Norway,
France, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Hungary,
and Poland.
Speaking from Beirut, Omar Bakri Mohammad, the leader of the Islamist
group al-Muhajiroun which is banned in Britain, called for those who
"blasphemed" against the prophet to be executed.
"In Islam, God said, and the messenger Muhammad said, whoever insults a
prophet, he must be punished and executed," he told BBC radio.
Political and religious leaders in Lebanon attempted to calm sectarian
tensions a day after Islamic extremists torched the building housing
the Danish embassy and rampaged through a Christian quarter of Beirut.
Lebanon's interior minister, Hassan Sabei, who resigned on Sunday,
blamed a hardcore of infiltrators.
The protests spread even further across the Muslim world. There were
fresh disturbances in India, Indonesia, Palestine and Thailand. In
Somalia, a 14-year-old boy died during clashes with police in the port
city of Bosasso after protesters hurled stones at offices used by
international aid agencies.

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Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and
Revisionist History
Subscribe: HoffmanWire-subscribe@topica.com
Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
In America corruption is just part of the game
by Michael A. Hoffman II
February 6, 2006 | www.RevisionistHistory.org
This column is online at:

Theodore Parker, one of the exponents of 19th century Unitarianism, was

raised by relatives who no longer attended church but had grown up in
Puritan Congregationalism. Parker, a liberal, had no use for the
Congregationalist Church or the Puritans, but remarked in awe that the
couple who had raised him would not have stolen so much as a single
penny, even if they had been starving, so rigid and sterling was their
personal honesty.
When I read the biography of Samuel F.B. Morse, the inventor of the
telegraph, I learned the same about his father, Jedediah, America's
first geographer of distinction and an anti-Masonic New England parson,

with the same sort of religious background as Parker's relations. These

folks did not shrug off corruption. They hated it and fought it.
Yesterday, the Super Bowl was held, our version of ancient Rome's
circus. The Steelers won the championship because, for no apparent
reason, officials ruled a Seahawks' touchdown void and a subsequent
Steelers' non-touchdown valid. It was a flagrant case of crooked or at
the very least criminally incompetent officiating, but the reaction
sports fans has been largely muted, amounting to statements about such
dishonesty being "part of the game."
The aging Rolling Stones performed the half-time show at the Superbowl
and were placed on a five-second delay by the ABC television network,
which, as a result, managed to catch two swear words and excise them.
Meanwhile, ABC ran a host of sleazy jiggle ads for their TV shows which

were far more titillating visually than anything senior citizen Jagger
slurred verbally. But such moral hypocrisy is also "part of the game."
In similar fashion, Christians of all denominations and hues of the
Right/Left spectrum have accommodated themselves to the institutional
denigration of Jesus Christ. Go to your local multiplex movie theater
and watch almost any action adventure drama and count the number of
times the name of Jesus Christ will be taken in vain and used in the
most sordid circumstances. Catholics have something called the "Holy
Name Society" specifically dedicated to defending the name of Jesus,
they sit in their movie seats just as passively as anyone else when it
comes to tolerating this ritual denigration of their savior.
The editorial page of the Feb. 4 edition of the Wall Street Journal
reference to this denigration of Jesus and stated, "that's what letters

to the editor are for." Wow, I'll bet Hollywood moguls are shaking in
their boots at the thought of a letter to the editor about their
practice of casting the name of Jesus into the mud at every cinematic
Spontaneous American populist outrage at corruption, hypocrisy and
blasphemy are dissolving in a Videodrome haze. Evil consists in
interferes with consumption of the goods and services offered by the
corporations and Hollywood. Oh, yes, Americans will indeed rally and
protest, but on cue, orchestrated by the Establishment -- against the
"radical Muslims" or on behalf of "our president," George W. Bush.
The hypocrites are having a field day raking the Muslims over the coals

for selective indignation in attacking Danish and other European
possessed of the license to depict Muhammad as a wicked man or a
buffoon. The System fears people who will defend their religious
so passionately, without concern for business interests or how it
effects their money; a truly terrifying prospect of authentic devotion
to something higher than consumption.
In most of Europe the religion of Judaism is heavily protected by law
from sustained criticism. In the US the protection for Judaism is
afforded covertly, through economic skullduggery, as for example the
Barnes and Noble (B&N) bookstore chain which refuses to stock or sell
this writer's books, including "Judaism's Strange Gods." B&N operates a

banned books display in its stores every September. Needless to say my
books, banned by B&N itself, are not featured. They are banned even
the banned books table.
Erstwhile U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft is on record as saying
that criticism of "Jews" is a precursor of another 'Holocaust." Last
week Abe Foxman of the ADL compared insults to Muhammad in Denmark,
insults to individual Judaics in the Arab media, thus raising the
average Judaic to the status of a holy prophet; millions of holy
prophets alive today, Abe? The New York Times seconded Foxman's
megalomaniacal drivel by publishing it on its editorial page.
Unfortunately, the clout of WWII revisionists is so weak that our cry
that Europe certainly does not allow freedom of speech and is not
possessed of any vaunted "pluralism" when it comes to revising the
history of Auschwitz ("Holocaust' denial"), has not had any discernible

impact on the current controversy.
The names of revisionists imprisoned in Europe for writing skeptical
studies of the alleged homicidal Nazi gas chambers, Germar Rudolf,
Irving and Ernst Zündel, have not penetrated into the consciousness of

the masses or even of the salons. The western media and the Zionists
pretend that these imprisoned revisionist writers don't exist. David
Irving was in the news in January but down the memory hole in February.

How convenient for the stereotype that Muslim religious fanatics alone
are the main threat to Europe's supposed freedom of speech and press.
Zionist mobs don't need to torch embassies. Their leaders enforce
censorship by working through the judiciary and the legislature to
criminalize the writing and speech of revisionists in Europe, and then
to ensure that the European media will not report this fact in the
context of Muslim censorship.
But in America, who cares? Where even the state religion -- football
--has its sacred liturgy --the Superbowl- -rigged and corrupted, and
take the dishonesty seriously enough to protest it in any meaningful
way, how can issues about the honor of Jesus Christ ever rouse the ire
of these consumers?
Muslims defending the memory of Muhammad must seem like men from Mars
Americans. Why can't those pesky Muslims understand that corruption,
hypocrisy and the denigration of the sacred are just "part of the
For further research:

"Auschwitz is sacred, but not Muhammad"

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Last week you made the suggestion that the Danish anti-Islamic cartoons
were a put up job, and you suggested that they were the work of the
Mossad. You almost hit the nail on the head. It now transpires that the
cartoons were commissioned by a Jew, Flemming Rose, a protegé of the
arrogant Zionist, Daniel Pipes, who is, like most of the neocons, as
close to certifiably insane as you can get without having received the

It is imperative that all those who oppose the American Empire, Israel,
Capitalism and War for War's Sake, make this information well known,
and that the peoples of Europe and the Arab Homeland are not put at
each other's throats in the interests of the Red Sea Pedestrians.

The Truth will set us free!


[politicalsoldier.net says: If Rose is a Katsa, a Mossad 'helper', then
we will have been proved 100 percent right!
Mmmmmmmmmm. That's the sound of smugness! Mmmmmmmmmmm]

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PerX ... (08-02-2006)
Fra : PerX ...

Dato : 08-02-06 11:25

In article <1139393414.348606.177830@g47g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>,
stormrider_2007@operamail.com says...
> Jewish editor of the Danish newspaper and cause of the cartoon mayhem,
> Flemming Rose
> http://www.acem.com/images/rose.gif
> The jewish supremacists have a long-term, publicly-declared aim of
> creating a 3rd world war between muslim countries and the west. As part
> of this, they want the USA and UK to attack Iran and Syria.

Ok, admit it- you forgot to take your pills again?

> In September 2005 a jewish editor in Denmark with links to American
> neo-cons, Flemming Rose, asks cartoonists to send in anti-muslim
> cartoons.

No he didn't - you are lying.

Aksel (08-02-2006)
Fra : Aksel

Dato : 08-02-06 15:54

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