"Herluf Holdt, 3140" <herlufholdtFJERN@privat.dk> wrote in news:42e8c4a4
> Beng skrev:
>> Arctic tern or Common tern ?
> Mit gæt: Havterne (Sterna Paradisaea).
> (Biotopen, Abisko, taler vel mere for havterne end fjordterne;
> og havternen er circumpolært udbredt.)
> P.s.: Jeg kan ikke se næbfarven tydeligt nok til at skelne
> den fra fjordterne (Sterna Hirundo), som har mørk næbspids.
Yes, location says Arctic tern.. but.. I don'nt think it looks like
Arctic.. but as you say.. it's hard to tell.. I've put some more
pictures there now.. take a look !
I think that MAYBE the first pictures are Common tern, and the last
pictures Arctic ?