Vedr. diskussionerne omkring caching og den indimellem irreterende
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13.13 History Lists
User agents often have history mechanisms, such as "Back" buttons and
history lists, which can be used to redisplay an entity retrieved
earlier in a session.
History mechanisms and caches are different. In particular history
mechanisms SHOULD NOT try to show a semantically transparent view of the
current state of a resource. Rather, a history mechanism is meant to
show exactly what the user saw at the time when the resource was retrieved.
[slut citat]
Lidt længere nede:
Even though sometimes such
resources ought not to cached, or ought to expire quickly, user
interface considerations may force service authors to resort to
other means of preventing caching (e.g. "once-only" URLs) in order
not to suffer the effects of improperly functioning history
[slut citat]
Jeg har ikke kunnet finde nogen nærmere forklaring på, hvad de mener med
"once-only" URLs.