GrillBiller wrote:
> Jeg sag lige og så en ny reklame på tv for nogle nye Goodyear bil dæk... og
> tog mig selv lige at høre at der blev sagt at Goodyear satte de første dæk
> på Månen...
> Hvis jeg ikke husker helt forkert.. var de dæk de brugte på MoonRoveren ikke
> lavet af et trådnet af titanium?
The MET has two smooth, nitrogen-filled rubber tires. A
certain amount of pressure is applied to the lunar surface
when the MET is loaded. The fine line along the middle of the
track was formed by the tire mold mark. The crew reported that
the depth of the tracks varied from 1 to 2 centimeters, which
is consistent with the applied loads.
Goodyears egne ord:
Goodyear even made history by developing the first tires on
the moon, when Apollo 14’s MET (Modularized Equipment
Transporter) was shod with Goodyear’s XLT Tires in 1970.
Venlig hilsen
Villy Dalsgaard