I am having a problem connecting to SQL Server. I have been using perl to
connect through ODBC to an MS Access database and everything was working
fine. Now I am plugging in a new ODBC connection to a SQL Server and I get
an error. I am hoping I am just making a syntax error.
The error I receive is:
Can't call method "Sql" on an undefined value at
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ivm\test.pl line 10.
The code I am using is:
use Win32:
$dsn = "SQL_IMS_LOCAL";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE emp_number=8908;";
$db = new Win32:
($ErrNum, $ErrText, $ErrConn) = $db->Error();
if ($ErrNum) {
print <<ENDTEST;
Content type: text/html\n\n
( $emp_number, $name, $password, $mas_loc, $email ) = $db->Data(
"emp_number", "name", "password", "mas_loc", "email" );
print "$emp_number, $name, $password, $mas_loc, $email<br>";
print <<ENDTEST;
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