Ivar Madsen wrote:
> Hvad betyder " !!! milli.dk MX host mail.milli.dk is not canonical"?
> Kan det være derfor nogen kan sende mail til mig, og andre ikke kan?
Det betyder at den ikke er kanonisk
Tjek RFC1912:
"Don't use CNAMEs in combination with RRs which point to other names
like MX, CNAME, PTR and NS. (PTR is an exception if you want to
implement classless in-addr delegation.) For example, this is
strongly discouraged:
podunk.xx. IN MX mailhost
mailhost IN CNAME mary
mary IN A
[RFC 1034] in section 3.6.2 says this should not be done, and [RFC
974] explicitly states that MX records shall not point to an alias
defined by a CNAME. This results in unnecessary indirection in
accessing the data, and DNS resolvers and servers need to work more
to get the answer. If you really want to do this, you can accomplish
the same thing by using a preprocessor such as m4 on your host
Lad os så se hvordan mail.milli.dk resolver:
mail.milli.dk 1 CNAME milli.dk
Det følger ikke standarderne.
Så lav i stedet en A-record der peger på samme IP-adresse som milli.dk.
Lad ikke MX pege på en IP-adresse - det går også galt.
Selv Microsoft har fattet det, omend de blot ikke anbefaler det: