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Hvad er nu deffornået?
Fra : kristian mikael de f~

Dato : 07-11-03 21:17

Jeg har lige opdaget, at der i windowsmappen ligger næsten 6000
tmp-filer, alle navngivet efter samme mønster, altså formodentligt
genereret af samme program.


Er der nogen der har en anelse om hvilket program, der kan have lavet
dem, og hvorfor de ikke ligger i tempmappen?

Det er i Win98SE.

mvh kmo

John Vedsegaard (08-11-2003)
Fra : John Vedsegaard

Dato : 08-11-03 02:06

"kristian mikael de freitas olesen" <kmo@gbmail.invalid> skrev i en
meddelelse news:r0vnqv8736cbl4jbatgpouc5khcn0qk6qi@4ax.com...
| Jeg har lige opdaget, at der i windowsmappen ligger næsten 6000
| tmp-filer, alle navngivet efter samme mønster, altså formodentligt
| genereret af samme program.
| ffe0c491_{90113BC1-F0E2-11D3-8407-A1CE22303114}.tmp
| Er der nogen der har en anelse om hvilket program, der kan have lavet
| dem, og hvorfor de ikke ligger i tempmappen?
| Det er i Win98SE.
| mvh kmo

Du kan roligt slette dem allesammen. Det er office der generere dem.
Forklaring kan ses herunder.

MVH. John

OFF2000: Files Whose Name Begins with "fff" Appear in Windows Folder

The information in this article applies to: Microsoft Office 2000
IMPORTANT: This article contains information about editing the registry.
Before you edit the registry, make sure you understand how to restore it if
a problem occurs. For information about how to do this, view the "Restoring
the Registry" Help topic in Regedit.exe or the "Restoring a Registry Key"
Help topic in Regedt32.exe.

After you install Office 2000, you may notice files whose name begins with
"fff" appearing in your Windows folder. For example, the file name may be
similar to "fffeeecf_{44BE8B61-235B-11D2-8E66-D59A4E66D32D}.tmp". Also,
every time you restart your computer, two more files beginning with "fff"
appear in your Windows folder.

When you install the Microsoft Script Editor, a program called Mdm.exe
(Machine Debug Manager, which is used to provide application debugging) is
also installed. Mdm.exe creates these files in your Windows folder.

WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that
may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot
guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor
can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

For information about how to edit the registry, view the "Changing Keys and
Values" Help topic in Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) or the "Add and Delete
Information in the Registry" and "Edit Registry Data" Help topics in
Regedt32.exe. Note that you should back up the registry before you edit it.
If you are running Windows NT or Windows 2000, you should also update your
Emergency Repair Disk (ERD).

To work around this issue, remove Mdm.exe to be started as a service on
Window 95 and Windows 98 platforms. To do this, remove Mdm.exe from the list
under the following registry key:

After all running instances of Mdm.exe are ended and no longer listed within
Task Manager, you can delete any of the TMP files from the root of the
Windows directory without affecting either the Microsoft Script Editor or
Mdm.exe. The effect of taking this step is that remote debugging is
disabled, provided that an instance of Mdm.exe is not started at the time an
error is encountered. However, if another application reinstalls Mdm.exe, or
if Mdm.exe /Regserver is run on a computer that is running Window 95 or
Windows 98, Mdm.exe is re-added to the RunServices registry key (see above
for full path).

NOTE: Running the Detect and Repair feature within Office 2000 causes
Mdm.exe to be re-registered on the system.

Additionally, if the system has Internet Explorer version 5 or later,
Mdm.exe can still be configured to start at the startup of Window 95 or
Windows 98, if the script debugging feature in Internet Explorer is turned
on. You can turn off this feature within Internet Explorer. On the Tools
menu, click Internet Options. On the Advanced tab under Setting, make sure
that Disable script debugging is selected.

When Mdm.exe is registered on the Windows 95 or Windows 98 platform, the
registry key is modified to include Mdm.exe to start as a "service".

Windows 95 or Windows 98 starts each application listed under this key when
Windows starts. This is done because DCOM on Windows 95 and Windows 98 does
not support remote starting of DCOM components, which include Mdm.exe,
although the implementation of DCOM on the Windows 95 or Windows 98 platform
does permit connections to running objects. Therefore, upon installation,
Mdm.exe registers itself to start each time Windows is started to enable the
option of remote debugging with Mdm.exe.

Due to the way DCOM is implemented on the Windows 95 and Windows 98
platforms, Mdm.exe creates temporary files in the Windows folder that DCOM
uses for access and decline of user rights to the DCOM component. Typically,
DCOM calls Mdm.exe for startup as a proxy for another application that
requires debugging support. Upon the shutdown of this application, a call is
made through DCOM to shut down the registered DCOM server and, on Windows 95
or Windows 98, clean up any temporary files created by Mdm.exe. Because
Windows 95 or Windows 98 is starting Mdm.exe directly as a program and not
as a DCOM server, no registration is performed in DCOM. Therefore, on the
shutdown of Windows 95 or Windows 98, DCOM is not aware that the Mdm.exe
program needs to be shut down and the TMP files created are in need of clean
up. Because DCOM does not perform cleanup,
the temporary files remain after shutdown, and Mdm.exe creates a new set of
TMP files every time Windows 95 or Windows 98 is restarted.

For additional information about DCOM security, refer to Chapter 11, titled
"Security", in Inside Distributed COM (ISBN 1-57231-849-X) or miscellaneous
MSDN topics on the IAccessControl interface.

Additional query words: OFF2000

Article ID: Q221438

Microsoft Product Support Services

kristian mikael de f~ (08-11-2003)
Fra : kristian mikael de f~

Dato : 08-11-03 13:01

On Sat, 8 Nov 2003 02:05:59 +0100, "John Vedsegaard"
<nyhedsgrupper.sparm@loveletters.dk> wrote:

>Det er office der generere dem.
>Forklaring kan ses herunder.
Tusind tak.
Er det ikke vidunderligt at et Microsoftprodukt smidder sine skodder
på gulvet i stedet for at bruge det askebæger de selv har lagt på

mvh kmo

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