On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 21:15:11 +0200, Allan Bojesen wrote:
> Hvordan får jeg deaktiveret (slettet) MS Billed- og Faxfremviser i WinXP.
> Jeg har installeret IrfanView til fremvisning af billeder m.m., men når jeg
> d.klikker på en .jpg, bliver billedet fremvist i MS's program. Det er lidt
> træls altid at skulle starte Irfan op manuelt og åbne billedet den vej.
Jeg havde dette liggende i en tekstfil med XP-tweaks:
Prevent Image and Fax Viewer From Stealing Associations (corrected full
Edit (delete) this string:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
This it the actual entry, so if you want to put t back, just save the
section above that is between the asterisks to a whatevername.reg file(I
used notepad) then right click it and select merge.
By default, Windows XP opens all picture files (gif,jpg,...) with the
included Windows Picture and Fax Viewer no matter what other picture
viewers you have installed. To disable the Windows Picture and Fax Viewer,
unregister shimgvw.dll.
This can be done from command prompt:
regsvr32 /u shimgvw.dll
Jeg tror nok det er noget jeg har sakset fra