Peter Holm skrev:
> Æder den strøm hele natten, selvom den ikke bruges ?
Ja, men den har hele 4 forskellige strømniveauer, hvis man kan sige
det sådan.
| The mouse has four power modes - full-on, and three pulsed modes,
| in the lowest powered of which the whole system draws close to no
| current.
| From three volts, waggling the mouse around and clicking buttons
| like crazy draws something like 40mA. More normal use draws about
| 30mA. In this full-on mode the LED's flashing 1500 times per
| second, which is the same rate used by other optical mouses. It
| looks as if it's constantly on.
| Very shortly after you stop moving and clicking, though, the mouse
| drops into a lower power mode, in which the LED flashes only 100
| times a second, making it look a lot dimmer. Now it only draws
| about 6.5mA, but it can pulse back up to the full power mode any
| time it thinks something's happening.
| Leave the mouse alone and you it dims further and slows its pulses
| more, going through a 10-flash-per-second mode and ending up on a
| two-flash-per-second mode that has only about a 0.3mA average
| draw. Once again, though, moving the mouse or clicking a button
| gives you full power mode again. There's a maximum of a
| half-second delay before the mouse notices you've moved it, even
| in the minimum power mode.
Hvis du parkerer den på et hvidt underlag så går den hurtigere fra
1500 blink og ned til et lavere niveau end hvis du stiller den på
et mørkt og det er formentlig derfor at folk oplever at batterierne
holder længere hvis de stiller den på et hvidt underlag.
Med venlig hilsen