Erik Olsen wrote:
> Desuden er jeg nysgerrig efter at løse den fejl som må ligge et eller
> andet sted. Napoleon virker nemlig fortrinligt med den oprindelige
> installation af Windows 98, det har jeg fået bekræftet ved
> geninstallation af maskinen i går.
Jeg har løst problemet. Igen fandt jeg et clou i en af ms-grupperne, se
citatet nedenfor (under mit navn).
Jeg startede med at lukke alle kørende programmer undtagen Explorer og
Systray, så virkede Napoleon. Jeg lukkede dem herefter et ad gangen og
fandt at når jeg lukkede "Em_exec", så kørte Napoleon. Det viste sig at
være museikonet i proceslinjen der lukkede. Jeg havde installeret en
nyere version af Logitec Mouseware, 9.75. Ved at "nedgradere" til
Mouseware løstes problemet fuldstændingt.
Venlig hilsen
Erik Olsen
Fra indlægget i ms-gruppen citeres:
"A few causes of Solitaire, Free Cell, and other games failing:
- "It was a piece of software sent by my ISP (Freeserve) to upgrade my
account to AnyTime. If I press C/A/D and disable its ATdialler, FreeCell
- "Free Cell was locking up until, by reading a message on this
Newsgroup. I turned off IMGICON.EXE on the Start Menu
(Control/Alt/Delete). By instruction from Iomega, after trying updated
download for the Iomega Zip drive, I did a search for IMGICON.EXE and
deleted it. All Works fine now."
- Please visit
- General Protection Fault When Starting Microsoft Solitaire
- Press Ctrl/Alt-Delete, click Point32 to highlight, and click End
Task. You may lose mouse acceleration and scrolling selections till you
reboot. Try using this method on other tasks running too till you find
the one that is causing the problem. 4dmain.exe file (Pilot Mouse
Program) is another.
- Solitaire Caused General Protection Fault in Module ...
- Anti virus software conflicts. Firewalls.
"Have you also installed McAfee VirusScan's latest version?
Malfunctioning in Freecell and Solitaire is a known problem for them,
and they suggest a solution on their site."
- AVG does the same thing.. Disable before you start the game.
- Slow Spider Solitaire:
"If I open "Start",and then "Help" Spider Solitaire works fine. That
is I must run "Help" while I'm playing Spider Solitaire."
- Pop Up stoppers.
- Cookie Crushers.
- PGP.
- Mouse pointers.. Use default, or less-active pointers.
- DirectX or Graphics problem.. Run DXDiag to check for uncertified
drivers, etc.. Update drivers or disable some graphics features.
- You might press Ctrl/Alt-Delete and disable all programs except
Explorer and systray as a test. If Solitaire then works, use the
process of elimination to find out which software package is causing the
- IE 6.
- Iomega zipdisk program conflict with IE6. An article:
"..a post on here a couple of weeks ago that suggested that this has to
do with a Iomega Zip disk file that you have running. IMGICON.EXE This
is loaded from the StartUp folder as Zip Disk Icons. (or it was on my
PC) Hit Ctrl - Alt - Del and see if it's running."
- Cleansweep's usage monitor. Disable.
- Problems Running FreeCell And Solitaire with Office XP Installed
Freecell FAQ
Try uninstalling, then re-installing FreeCell from Add/Remove programs,
Windows Setup, Accessories, Games.
MSN® Gaming ZoneT - Technical Support"