Sune Storgaard skrev:
> Lad det være aktiveret indtil du finder en specifik grund til at
> slå det fra.
Mig bekendt så har jeg ingen QoS-kompatible programmer installeret
og så vidt jeg kan forstå rundt omkring, så er QoS ikke særlig
anvendeligt hvis man ikke har det. Ifølge ham BlackViper-duden, så
skal netkortet også understøtte QoS. Det er jeg ikke sikker på at
mit netkort gør.
| QoS RSVP ~ provides traffic control on a network using IPSEC and
| applications that support QoS, and have an adapter that supports
| it. The QoS Packet Driver installs by default on any TCP/IP
| connections. I recommend uninstalling it if it is not needed on
| your network. As far as I can tell, you also need an ACS Server
| (Provided with Windows 2000 Server and Advanced Server) for the
| QoS Packet Scheduler and Applications to request the needed
| bandwidth. Since my network is not straining under any load, this
| is rather pointless. Take note: Some people (as I did before I
| completed extensive research on this) reported that QOS uses 20%
| of your bandwidth and does not allow any activity, regardless.
| This is false. For more information, please view this KB article
| from Microsoft...
Med venlig hilsen