Hej Magnus
Til din orientering:
Her er hvad jeg kunne finde af "lødig" information om "Biefeld-Brown"
effekten på internettet:
Citat: "... * 1991; Talley: Tests of "Biefeld-Brown" effect (results
Sujet : FYI, New Std. reply on ACs, Lifters, etc.
Date : 07/06/2002 03:32:56
De : Marc.G.Millis@lerc.nasa.gov
The NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics (BPP) Project is aware of a
variety of work on "asymmetrical capacitors," "Lifters," or other
variations of the old Biefeld-Brown effect. At least five different
groups are working on this effect. Regrettably, most of these groups
have focused on promoting their claims through web sites, press
conferences and patents, rather than on publishing credible,
experimental results in peer-reviewed scientific literature. Such an
emphasis on marketing over reliability is tainting the topic with
sensationalism and is not providing the information needed to accurately
resolve the unknowns.
The "Biefeld-Brown" effect claims anomalous thrust from unusually shaped
capacitors that are charged to high-voltage. The claims are often touted
as "antigravity" devices or as the discovery of some other new physics,
despite the fact that credible investigations have concluded that ion
wind is being misinterpreted as the mysterious force. It is quite easy
to get visible thrust from ion wind effects.
There are, however, still some unresolved issues. Specifically, during
the Talley tests (ref. below), anomalous forces were observed during the
on/off transients -- anomalies that were never resolved. Also, the "folk
lore" on the topic suggests that the "real" effect will not appear
unless the voltage is above 14 kV and when there is a slight current
leakage across the capacitor.
For a credible assessment, study this report:
Talley, R .L., (Veritay Technology, Inc. East Amherst NY), Twenty First
Century Propulsion Concept, PLTR-91-3009, Final Report for the period
Feb 89 to July 90, on Contract FO4611-89-C-0023, Phillips Laboratory,
Air Force Systems Command, Edwards AFB, CA 93523-5000, (1991).
In addition, this more recent conference paper demonstrated that the
effects could be traced back to corona wind phenomena.
Tajmar, M., "Experimental Investigation of 5-D Divergent Currents as a
Gravity-Electromagnetism Coupling Concept", in "Proceedings of the Space
Technology and Applications International Forum, (STAIF-2000)," El-Genk
editor, AIP Conference Proceedings 504, American Institute of Physics,
New York, 2000, pp. 998-1003.
There has not yet been RELIABLE, IMPARTIAL, and TESTABLE DATA published
on such claims (Capitalization for emphasis) that resolves the remaining
issues. A credible, objective, peer-reviewed publication about the
unresolved experimental observations of this effect, written with
sufficient detail for independent replication, is needed. To be
reliable, such publications must also address the variety of
conventional effects that might incur misinterpretations, such as ion
wind, corona discharges, electrostatic interactions, etc.
PS: Jeg er nysgerrig efter at høre hvor meget du har løftet og hvor højt?
Magnus wrote:
> En lifter er en lille eller stor trekant bestående at balsa træ, sølvpapir
> og kobber tråd, Se evt. dette link
http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/lifters.htm denne side går dog mest op i design
> ikke så meget fysik/kemi
http://bel.150m.com/biefeld.htm Go` side
> Jeg har selv lavet forsøget og det virker helt fint
> Mvh
> Magnus