Storkøbenhavn skrev:
> Har prøvet både en nyere en ældre og til andres versioner af win
Nå ok. Du er sikker på at du har installeret det korrekt ifølge
installationsvejledningen, ikke? Normalt installerer man driveren
først og derefter kobler man så USB-enheden til.
Se evt.: <>
| Code 10
| If the device has a "FailReasonString" value in its hardware key,
| that string is displayed as the error message. The driver or
| enumerator places this registry string value there. If there is no
| "FailReasonString" in the hardware key, the following generic error
| message is displayed:
| This device is either not present, not working properly, or does
| not have all the drivers installed. (Code 10)
| Try upgrading the device drivers for this device.
| Solution button: Update Driver
| To resolve this error code, make sure the device is connected to
| the computer correctly. For example, make sure all cables are
| plugged in fully and that all adapter cards are properly seated.
| Follow the suggested solution button and update the device driver.
| It may be possible to remove the device and redetect it using the
| Add New Hardware wizard.
Med venlig hilsen