"Jimmy" <spoerg@efter.den> wrote
> Hvornår stopper MS med at supportere og udvikle til W2K Server?
Selvom det er ASP gruppen, får du alligevel svar her:
For corporations with legacy Windows versions, however, time is
running out. Microsoft will officially End-Of-Life (EOL) Windows NT
3.5, Windows 95, and Windows 3.x at the end of 2002. Windows 98, Win98
Second Edition (Win98SE), and NT 4.0, which are currently in the
extended support phase, will enter a nonsupported phase after June 30,
2003 and will be EOL'd on June 30, 2004. But Win2K users have a long
period of support ahead. The product is currently in its mainstream
support phase and won't enter the extended support phase until March
31, 2005. Two years later, Win2K will enter its nonsupported phase,
and will be EOL'd on March 31, 2008. XP Pro's milestones are about 18
months later than the respective Win2K dates: XP Pro will enter the
extended support phase on December 31, 2006, the nonsupport phase on
December 31, 2008, and the EOL phase on December 31, 2009.
- Anders