Svar på:
Troels Plougmann Olsen wrote:
> Hej,
> Jeg hørte engang, at forelskelse er psykisk/fysisk (kan ikke huske hvad), og
> af en eller anden bestemt grund ikke kunne vare mere end 3 mdr.
> Er der hold i dette, og er der side der beskriver "fænomenet"?
> // Troels
Et kort - men ikke tilstrækkeligt svar:
Facinating Facts about Testosterone:
Citat: "...all is forgetting that hormones, psychology and sex all dance
together in an intricate quadrille..."
og uddybning af:
Jonas Holt wrote:
> 1. tid til hinanden
> 2. tjenester
> 3. at modtage gaver
> 4. fysisk berøring
> 5. anerkendende ord
Understående er adresser er udvalgt og citeret til dette indlæg, for at
udspænde hvad forskellige mennesker mener forelskelse og kærlighed er,
hvordan de vedligeholdes og formålet med disse. Side
indholdene/citeringerne afspejler ikke nødvendigvis min personlige
mening. Citaterne er ment som appetitvækkere fra den pågældende adresse:
Most Men Are Toolbox Men
Where Has The Love Gone
Citat: "...
There is no doubt that life's daily pressures take a toll on our loving
relationships. Fatigue and boredom make us lazy and complacent, so we
start to take one another for granted. No wonder the passionate intimacy
we once had fizzles out to next to nothing.
I feel that when sex disappears, it is usually a sign of a problem in
the relationship. I feel that two people can have a passionate,
satisfying, fulfilling sex life with one another, forever. Before I
share how, take a moment to contemplate one idea. If there is nothing
else you remember from reading this article, remember this: Sex is fun.
When sexual intimacy starts to disappear in a relationship, many couples
fall into a trap that I call the standoff. In a standoff situation,
neither partner is honestly communicating their needs with one another.
If you stop touching your partner, the bond between you starts to
dissolve, the level of trust diminishes, and your relationship with your
partner becomes increasingly distant and cold. It is next to impossible
to share sexual intimacy when this is happening. In many cases, this is
when affairs begin to occur.
What makes a woman desire a man instantly? By Peta Heskell:
Citat: "...
The primitive driver – me Mark, you Mandy [me Tarzan, You Jane - ?]
Let’s go back to the primitive beginnings of human beings.
About the Author:
Article generously provided by Peta Heskell
Peta Heskell is the Director of the Flirting Academy
Facinating Facts about Testosterone:
Citat: "...
No Magic Bullet
Although it appears that testosterone plays a vital role in female
sexuality, it's still only one of many influences on a woman's life.
Someone who's overwhelmed by sexual dysfunction and thinks that
testosterone will be her cure-all is forgetting that hormones,
psychology and sex all dance together in an intricate quadrille, not a
simple two-step. Even its greatest advocates argue that testosterone is
not a panacea.
"Everyone wants the magic bullet, everyone wants something the
quick-and-easy way," says UMDNJ's Sandra Leiblum. "My experience is that
it doesn't work that way. It would be terribly destructive if women
rushed to their gynecologists for testosterone."
How Much Is Too Much? Or Not Enough?
By Carmen Sutra
Citat: "...
I've received countless letters from men AND women detailing the pain of
either constant rejection from their partner or disappointment in the
frequency of lovemaking.
There needs to be communication and compromise. Sex isn't everything,
but we all know it matters.
Let's face it - if you make love twice a month because that's what your
partner prefers, but you actually would like it twice a week, someone's
needs aren't being met. Sometimes masturbation just isn't enough.
Many psychologists say that though sex is not everything, a couple's sex
life can be indicative of what else is happening in the relationship.
You be the judge.
Search Dr. Tracy's Love Advice Articles by Keyword:
For Women: How to Attract a Man:
Citat: "...If you've been having trouble attracting men, try being more
open and affectionate. How? Many times women will come for counseling
and show more love and affection for my dogs or cats than they have in
years with a man....If you find it easy to love and hug and pamper a
pet, yet you feel inhibited about showing affection to a man you care
about, try thinking about him as a cat or a dog you love. Feed him. Pet
him. Love him. Shower him with affection. He'll appreciate that more
than a perfect 10 figure or a pretty face...."
For Men: How to Attract a Woman:
Citat: "...Every woman wants to be the center of attention. If that's
her experience with you -- a man who remains totally engaged in
conversation with her, unaffected by the gorgeous girl at the next
table, she'll find it irresistable....Do you want to be successful with
women? Follow the ritual, even if you think it's bullshit...."
Er du en af de mænd, der aldrig ved hvordan du skal tackle [?] kvinder?
Så er disse sider lige noget for dig.......:
09.02.2001 Tryk på en knap og få orgasme.
Apparat beregnet til smertelindring har vist sig at have interessant
7 February, 2001, Orgasms at the push of a button:
Citat: "...
His discovery came when he failed to hit the right pain-relief spot for
a patient.
"I was placing the electrodes and suddenly the woman started exclaiming
emphatically," he said. "I asked her what was up and she said, 'You're
going to have to teach my husband to do that.'"
''The Sex Contract; The Evolution of Human Behavior'':
Hvorfor er det så svært at nå frem på samme tid?:
Mest for kvinder:
Hoved adresse:
Want in a man [som funktion af hendes alder]:
Citat: "...
Ladies, this is one to watch out for. He will charm you with his humor
and silliness but then you will realize he's merely drunk and wants to
get in your pants. He will then spread nasty rumors about you and come
crawling back, begging for your forgiveness. Even after 4 months of good
times, but mostly bad, the jackass can't see a good thing when it's
lying naked in front of his face. He's lazy, a drunk, fat, and has no
respect for himself and especially not women. Do not be fooled by a
great orgasm! He's still a bastard.
Citat: "...
This dick has been fucking my two best friends for three years now. He
completely leads them both on. One night he is in love with one, the
next he is in love with the other. These two are some AWSOME girlies,
but they are completely whipped. They would do anything for him, and he
has never done anything to deserve their respect or love! If you are
ever in Boulder, stay away from a sweet-talking, charming, blonde guy.
He's really just a vain, self-serving bastard!
Citat: "...
This fucking dickhead was screwing around with all my friends while I
was head over heels for him. I can't believe I was so naive. I broke him
up with his girlfriend when I found out he was fucking other people.
Then to top it off, I see him five years later and he still wants me.
What a fucking prick.
Mest for mænd:
Citat: "...
Og så en Gåde:
Før de bliver gift er mange kvinder kede af at der ikke er en mand i
deres liv. Efter de er blevet gift klager de over og er kede af at der
ikke er liv i deres mand. Kan det mon være fordi, at de blot ikke
forstår os mænd?
How to impress a woman:
Compliment her, cuddle her, kiss her,
caress her, love her, stroke her, tease her,
and then comfort her, protect her, hug her, hold her,
spend money on her, wine & dine her, buy things for her,
dance with her, listen to her, care for her, stand by her,
support her and go to the ends of the earth for her
Here is how to impress a Man:
Show up naked with a cold beer, and smile. - That´s all.
Et billede siger mere end tusind ord?:
Why Is Love So Bizarre?
Michael P. Levine
Forelskelse er en midlertidig sinnssykdom.
(John Court)
Kærlighed er som at rejse
Citat: "...
Hvad er kærlighed? Tja, det er en underlig lille størrelse. Hvad er
forelskelse? Ja, det er den mest udbredte form for sindssyge. Og hvis
man kan tillade sig at kalde forelskelse sindssyge, tja, så burde jeg
have været lukket inde for mange år siden. Jeg har gjort mange mærkelige
ting i kærlighedens navn. Og har oplevet andre gøre horrible ting for at
vise deres kærlighed.
Jeg har mange gange tænkt på, hvordan man kan definere kærlighed, dating
og sex. Jeg er nået frem til at bruge analogien "at rejse" om hele
Forelsket på nettet:
Hvordan kan man finde en god kvinde via internettet ?
Citat: "...
Og ingen af os kan ændre så forfærdelig meget. En tyran er og blir
tyran, et rodehoved bliver ikke ordentlig lige sådan bare, et B-menneske
naturens måde at snyde os på. Læs Alberonis udmærkede bog om Forelskelse
og kærlighed. Som forklarer, hvordan/hvorfor forelskelse gør blind.
Eller Anne Knudsens bog: Her går det godt, send flere penge.
Under alle omstændigheder: underholdningsværdien er helt åbenbart høj! -
men husk så samtidig at nogle haardnakket paastaar, at forelskelsen er
naturens måde at snyde os på!
Kærlighedsevne, Specialeafhandling af Mariann Kjerrumgaard Thygesen:
Tekster og noter i psykologi:
Citat: "...
Konklusion: Parforholdet er for begge et ubevidst forsøg på at løse ens
egne indre psykiske konflikter.
Projektiv identifikation.
Vi forsøger vel alle at skjule vores "skyggesider", således at vore
fremtrædelses-sider står stærkere. Således også i parforholdet:
Man projicerer sine egne "skyggesider" over i partneren, hvorefter man
identificerer sig med de samme egenskaber, som blot nu ser meget bedre
ud hos den anden. De sider, man ikke kan lide/er bange for/ikke har fået
bekræftelse for i sig selv, ser smukke og vidunderlige ud hos
partneren.---I STARTEN!!!
POSITIVT kan man sige, at (den nødvendige??) polarisering i parforholdet
kan hjælpe med til, at man bedre lærer sine svage sider at kende. I
stedet for blot at fortrænge dem, ser man dem jo hos den anden i et mere
positivt lys. Således skulle chancen være større for at integrere dem i
sig selv og blive et mere "helt" menneske.
NEGATIVT set, sker det ofte, at polariseringen bliver forstærket i løbet
af parforholdets varighed. Man fortsætter og intensiverer projektionen,
hvorved man bliver mindre og mindre "sig selv" og mere og mere "et
halvt" menneske. Man siger, at kollusionen er belastet.
LØSNING: "Man skal lære at trække sine projektioner tilbage". Dette
kræver at dpartnerne kan acceptere deres fælles grundkonflikt.
Kærlighed og forelskelse
Lidt teori om Forelskelse
- som er noget andet end Kærlighed
Bonobo Sex and Society.
"The behavior of a close relative challenges assumptions about male
supremacy in human evolution".
by Frans B. M. de Waal.
(Originally published in the March 1995 issue of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN,
pp. 82-88):
Hvad betyder det, at være Følelsesmæssig intelligent?
"Kald det kærlighed....":
Ord/termer kan oversættes her. Klik på source language, target, indtast
term, marker radioknappen "Terms" og klik på "Search":
Citat: "...
Please note that Eurodicautom will soon be integrated into a new
interinstitutional terminology database, which will incorporate the
contents of the databases already existing in the various institutions
and bodies of the European Union.
The aim of this project is to meet the challenge of the forthcoming
enlargement, which will extend the problems associated with
terminological data to some twenty languages. The result will reflect
Europe's linguistic diversity and richness. ..."