"kjeld.L" <sky@besked.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Hvordan kan det være at XP pro er sååå lang tid om at lukke ned der står:
> windows lukkes " og harddisken står så og tikker et godt stykke tid inden
> windows lukkes?
Den sletter sikkert swapfilen ved nedlukning.
Correspondent Graeme J.W. Smith reported a more obscure cause of slow
shutdown: In Win XP Professional, the Group Policy Editor has a security
option to clear the pagefile at system shutdown. The same setting also
forces the hibernation file to be wiped at shutdown. These processes take
long enough that users may think that shutdown has hung. Since someone
actually has to have set this policy, the problem will be pretty rare, but
is worth mentioning. To change the setting, click Start | Run, type
GPEDIT.MSC, click OK. Drill down to Computer Configuration | Windows
Settings | Security Settings | Local Policies | Security Options. In the
right pane, find "Shutdown: Clear virtual memory pagefile."
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mvh Leony..........Se mit casemod:
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