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Tele.dk newsserver
Fra : José Daniels

Dato : 25-11-00 16:08


Er der noget som kender en bagvej ind til tele.dk newsserver når man
har en anden udbydder.

På forhånd tak

José Daniels

Peter Alfredsen (25-11-2000)
Fra : Peter Alfredsen

Dato : 25-11-00 18:25

On Sat, 25 Nov 2000 16:08:19 +0100, José Daniels
<dsl2998@vip.cybercity.dk> wrote:

>Er der noget som kender en bagvej ind til tele.dk newsserver når man
>har en anden udbydder.

Er du på crack? Deres newsbastard findes i denne gruppe. Du har fra nu
af 0 adgang til deres newsserver, dit kørekort er inddraget, du har 3
udestående arrestordrer og er i øvrigt kommet på listen over politiets
mest eftersøgte, med advarslen "BEVÆBNET OG FARLIG". Læg dig ned på
gulvet og vent, hvis du vil overleve. De sorte helikoptre er på vej.

Peter Alfredsen (peteralf@fabel.dk) \####|PGP-key ID: 0x06E21B31
"We need killfiles that actually *kill*."\###|"... by God I *KNOW*
- Sven Guckes in N.S.R \##|what this network is for,
"Jeg har på intet tidspunkt i DENNE DEBAT \#|and you can't have it."
skiftet mening" - Lisbeth Scharling \|- Russ Allbery

Knud Winckelmann (25-11-2000)
Fra : Knud Winckelmann

Dato : 25-11-00 23:05

Således skrev Peter Alfredsen <peteralf@fabel.dk> i
dk.edb.internet.udbydere Sat, 25 Nov 2000 18:25:10 +0100:

>De sorte helikoptre er på vej.

Simon har bestemt ikke levet forgæves...

Can i dial 1-255-255-255255 and make every phone in the world ring?
-- Tanuki the Raccoon-dog

Rune Klausen (26-11-2000)
Fra : Rune Klausen

Dato : 26-11-00 00:04

> --
> Can i dial 1-255-255-255255 and make every phone in the world ring?
> -- Tanuki the Raccoon-dog

Det kan man ikke, har lige prøvet....

efter 12552 så siger telefonen sjove lyde :)


Morbid Angel (25-11-2000)
Fra : Morbid Angel

Dato : 25-11-00 20:54

On Sat, 25 Nov 2000 16:08:19 +0100, José Daniels
<dsl2998@vip.cybercity.dk> wrote:

>Er der noget som kender en bagvej ind til tele.dk newsserver når man
>har en anden udbydder.
>På forhånd tak
>José Daniels

hvad fanden vil du med TD nyhedsserver? den er sku ikke meget værd i
disse dage.


N/A (25-11-2000)
Fra : N/A

Dato : 25-11-00 23:50

Simon Skals (25-11-2000)
Fra : Simon Skals

Dato : 25-11-00 23:50

It seems Jan Chrillesen wrote:
>Der findes stadig folk, der *læser* usenet, og ikke bare suger binære

Ja, det er også noget svineri at de sådan skal ødelægge det for

Simon Skals <spam@gid.dk>
"Never attribute to competence what can adequately be explained by luck."

N/A (27-11-2000)
Fra : N/A

Dato : 27-11-00 10:38

Martin Mouritzen (27-11-2000)
Fra : Martin Mouritzen

Dato : 27-11-00 10:38

Hail "Rune Klausen" <Rune@besked.com>. Walk in wisdom toward them that
are without,

>Hvem ødelægger hvad ? Dem som bare læser ???

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Martin Mouritzen.
Database Programmer.
Quizpeople A/S - http://www.quizpeople.com

Peter Alfredsen (25-11-2000)
Fra : Peter Alfredsen

Dato : 25-11-00 23:53

On 25 Nov 2000 22:07:11 GMT, Jan Chrillesen <chrille@isa.dknet.dk>

>Morbid Angel <morbid_angel@lords.com> wrote:
>> hvad fanden vil du med TD nyhedsserver? den er sku ikke meget værd i
>> disse dage.
>Der findes stadig folk, der *læser* usenet, og ikke bare suger binære

Hey - I strongly object to that. If you take the pr0n away from us,
we're gonan die of malnutrition. Everything has to be taken in
appropriate mixtures. If you've read a lot of articles, you need to get
some pr0n. Simple as that. You can can the MP3's and movies. but please
don't take away the pr0n.

Peter Alfredsen (peteralf@fabel.dk) \####|PGP-key ID: 0x06E21B31
"We need killfiles that actually *kill*."\###|"... by God I *KNOW*
- Sven Guckes in N.S.R \##|what this network is for,
"Jeg har på intet tidspunkt i DENNE DEBAT \#|and you can't have it."
skiftet mening" - Lisbeth Scharling \|- Russ Allbery

N/A (26-11-2000)
Fra : N/A

Dato : 26-11-00 00:51

Lars Kim Lund (26-11-2000)
Fra : Lars Kim Lund

Dato : 26-11-00 00:51

Hej John Hinge <shayera_gimmenospam_@cutey.com>

>If (pr0n == G0ne)
> My.Life.Happiness-=1000;
> My.Life.Anger+=200;

Syntax error at line 4, near "my".
Execution of program aborted due to programmer being stupid.
Please correct error between monitor and chair.

Lars Kim Lund

John Hinge (26-11-2000)
Fra : John Hinge

Dato : 26-11-00 11:24

Lars Kim Lund wrote:
> Hej John Hinge <shayera_gimmenospam_@cutey.com>

Hej Lars

> Syntax error at line 4, near "my".
> Execution of program aborted due to programmer being stupid.
> Please correct error between monitor and chair.

Øhm.. humoren var måske lav..
Men mit indslag var da syntaktisk for så vidt korrekt
Givet definerede variabelnavne kan man da få en C compiler
til at spise det jeg skrev uden at brokke sig...

Det slemmeste jeg lavede var en noget.nogetandet.nogettredje reference

John Hinge - shayera / .sPOOn.
On usenet I represent no one but myself.
"5,6,7.. I will **** from 7-11" Rollergirl - Superstar
http://www.shayera.org - http://www.spoon-demogroup.net

Joakim Crafack (27-11-2000)
Fra : Joakim Crafack

Dato : 27-11-00 10:56

John Hinge skriver:

> Det slemmeste jeg lavede var en noget.nogetandet.nogettredje reference

Det er også slemt nok.

"Jeg repræsenterer med denne udtalelse mig selv og ikke Tele Danmark
Internet". See disclaimer at http://www.crafack.dk/disclaimer.html

Lars Kyndi Laursen (26-11-2000)
Fra : Lars Kyndi Laursen

Dato : 26-11-00 01:24

On 25 nov 2000 Jan Chrillesen uttered some barely human sounds which I was
able to tranlate into <8vpd6f$o0o$1@news.inet.tele.dk>:

>Der findes stadig folk, der *læser* usenet, og ikke bare suger binære

Jeg snakkede faktisk med dem begge to idag, og de sagde, at de ikke længere
havde tid til usenet, så du kan bare fjerne alle diskussionsgrupperne. det
skulle da også give plads til et par mp3-grupper

Lars Kyndi Laursen
Ikke-repræsenterende som altid

Save Barry!

Scumley O'Fluffigan (26-11-2000)
Fra : Scumley O'Fluffigan

Dato : 26-11-00 02:30

On 25 Nov 2000, Jan Chrillesen wrote:

> > hvad fanden vil du med TD nyhedsserver? den er sku ikke meget værd i
> > disse dage.
> Der findes stadig folk, der *læser* usenet, og ikke bare suger binære
> artikler.

Yeah, and they don't have much to find on the Tele Danmark newsswerver

First the bad news -- network problems during the afternoon yesterday
and again this morning interrupted the flow of news from the transit
machines to the reader machine for several hours per day. As I've
noted, there is only disk capacity for about two hours of news, and
so binariez articles got lost both times.

Secondly, when I built the fascist CensurBot and the binariez peering
machine about two months ago, I gave them a production life of about
two months before they would no longer be able to keep up. Well, I
looked at them a few days ago, and sho' nuff, the CensurBot has been
horribly backlogged (and articles are getting dropped) for weeks, and
the binariez box can't even keep up with the 200+GB it sees daily.

Now, for a bit of good news: I've built a replacement CensurBot and
it seems to run well in tests. It should last until the end of the
year. However, to put it into service, I'll need a machine to house
it with a pair of CPUs, memory, enough diskplatz that I don't have
to babysit it all day like I did immediately after rebuilding it (and
still articles got lost), and gigabit ethernet, since the volume of
news we shove around has long exceeded what I can fit on 100Mbit/sec
ethernet NICs.

The bad news is that I heard they won't provide me with this, and I'm
not going to build a machine that's crippled so that it takes my own
time watching it to make sure it runs smoothly without dropping arts.

Now, for a bit more good news: I mentioned that our binaries peering
box that I built two months ago can't handle today's news volume --
well, just a few minutes ago I finished building a replacement for
it, and it's been running at twice the speed of the old one, with
capacity to spare. Now it's running at a steady pace taking in news
at more than the peak of the other machine.

The bad news about this machine -- again, I need a matched pair of
cheap CPUs, and a bit more memory (probably, I haven't checked to be
certain), and while this machine has the same amount of disk space as
the old one, I'd rather see this capacity increased from the current
six hour retention to a full day, because six hours retention will
translate into an hour or two of downtime. Also, a gigabit ethernet
interface is a must.

I'll be putting this crippled machine in place of the present one
overnight, just to see how it does. However, with no filtering
machine, and articles passing through a test machine that is having
network hardware problems, it really does look like I'm holding
things together with duct tape and band-aids, which my poor replacement
probably will not appreciate.

Even if I get all the needed hardware, I give these machines I've just
tested no more than three months lifetime before they can no longer
keep up. Although, their lifetime probably can be extended somewhat
by some k0de improvements I expect to see...

Still, Tele Danmark's news service is presently in one of the worst
states it has been, horribly intolerably awful for pr0n and warez, and
unacceptable even for text readers. I can't recommend it.

N/A (26-11-2000)
Fra : N/A

Dato : 26-11-00 03:09

Scumley O'Fluffigan (26-11-2000)
Fra : Scumley O'Fluffigan

Dato : 26-11-00 03:09

On 25 Nov 2000, Lars Kyndi Laursen wrote:

> >Er der noget som kender en bagvej ind til tele.dk newsserver når man


take it to dk.snak.seksualitet.udbydere.opslag.personals. we're not
interested in yer preversions. (unless you post gifs and stuff)

> Du skal bare give en fantastisk godt forklaring på hvorfor i alverden Tele
> Danmark skulle spilde båndbredde og serverplads og løn til administratorer
> osv. på ikke-kunder. (Skal fylde 100 ord eller mindre)


Tele Danmark customers have not been able to provide the readership
levels on the test machines to help us determine capacity, headroom,
and expected lifetime. Also, by opening the news swerver to non-
customers, I can see today what sort of readership customers-only
will load the news swerver in a few weeks, to know if it's time to
plan an upgrade.

Secondly, the festering pile of cr*p named news02.inet.tele.dk that
is sitting down the hall seemed to work fine half a year ago, until
I opened it to outside readers (since customers have been reluctant
to read) and it promptly fell over with a catastrophic crash within
a few hours. Or less. And I was about to put that thing into real
Wasted some six months of my life, you did, I SHALL HAVE MY REVENGE

As a result, news02.inet.tele.dk is refusing readers, and still it
falls over, and I don't feel like restarting it. Customers can test
out the reader machine at port 119 of; this machine
is also open to non-customers on port 143 of for now.
It also serves SSL on both addresses. Goes up and down, of course.

Outgoing bandwidth is essentially free. Non-customers have not been
pulling anywhere near the amount of pr0n from the swervers as real
customers. The bottleneck is internal bandwidth, and by denying
non-customers, you're only postponing the need for gigabit ethernet
for a couple weeks. It costs no extra disk space to deliver the same
news to non-customers. There is no extra personnel overhead to open
the swerver to non-customers, and on the contrary, the benefit I get
from Real Readers is well worth it to me, to help me plan for the
future, or more importantly, discover bugs, before unleashing these
bugs on paying customers. (Not that I'm being paid for the non-stop
work this week of recovering from crashes and attempting to upgrade
things just to keep up. Not that I'm bitter. Oh no. Not me.)

Does the bricktext make up for it?

> Save Barry!
Win valuable prizes!

Hey whoa, this new test machine is more than half idle after
chewing up the backlogs waiting for it. While the other one is
running at capacity. We've got a surefire winner... Now I can
worry about something else

Lars Kyndi Laursen (26-11-2000)
Fra : Lars Kyndi Laursen

Dato : 26-11-00 03:45

On 26 nov 2000 Scumley O'Fluffigan uttered some barely human sounds which
I was able to tranlate into

>On 25 Nov 2000, Lars Kyndi Laursen wrote:
>> >Er der noget som kender en bagvej ind til tele.dk newsserver når man
>take it to dk.snak.seksualitet.udbydere.opslag.personals. we're not
>interested in yer preversions. (unless you post gifs and stuff)

Perhaps you could find omething in the pictures from the julefrokost. It
should be possible to find the links on the intranet

(SNIP many wellspoken and most wise words)

I ask for your forgiveness on my feeble attempts to use a LART on someone
whom I thought was asking for a secret passage into the sacred lands of
news.inet.tele.dk. (All hail the swerver.)
I thought for once that someone was interested in a wellrun and spamfree
newsswerver and not just looking for a heep of mp3z, warez and kitty pr0n.

Many p0rter filled dreams (if you manage to get some sleep)

Lars Kyndi Laursen
Ikke-repræsenterende som altid

Save Barry!

PS Have you considered running the swervers on MicroSloth Windoze 98/2K
instead of those hyped unix-thingies?

PPS I didn't just say that, did I?

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