"Peter T." <n@d.a> skrev i en meddelelse
> hvor hentes en offline install af IE6?
> Jeg har ledt og ledt på MS' labyrint-hjemmeside...
her er en vejledning jeg engang fandt:
Du kan prøve denne løsning: (jeg kan ikke huske hvor jeg fandt den, men den
1. Download the setup file using this link: ie6setup.exe
2. Place the downloaded setup file here: C:\Downloads (Create this folder if
3. Click Start > Run and type the command below and then click OK. NOTE: Use
the EXACT syntax shown below, including the quotation marks. Copying the
text below and pasting it into the Open field is recommended.
"C:\Downloads\ie6setup.exe" /c:"ie6wzd.exe /d /s:""#E"
4. Once you click OK, the setup routine will begin and you will be given two
(a) Choose the operating system(s) that you desire to use IE with.
(b) Choose a location to download the files to.
5. Click the Next button to proceed. If you need to resume your download,
you can do so using the shortcut that is automatically placed on your
desktop in the event of an interruption. You can also resume the download by
executing the same command used initially.
Once you've downloaded the setup files for Internet Explorer, you can
install Internet Explorer by double-clicking the file named ie6setup.exe
located in the download folder. Additionally, the files in this folder can
be burned onto a CD and used to install Internet Explorer onto computers
with operating systems corresponding to the type of download selected at the
beginning of this process.
hilsen Helge S.