"Jeppe Vesterbæk" <jhv38731[REMOVE-XXXXXXXXXX]@but.auc.dk> skrev:
> <input type="text" name="variabelnavn" value="somevalue" disabled>
> så kan man se "somevalue" men kan ikke ændre på det. php synes dog ikke at
> være i stand til at fange indholdet af et disabled felt?
Dette er faktisk intet at gøre med PHP, men med HTML. DISABLED felter bliver
slet ikke sendt. Brug istedet READONLY.
Se f.eks. nedstående:
The boolean READONLY attribute, new in HTML 4.0 and poorly supported by
current browsers, prevents the user from editing the content of the text or
password input types. Read-only elements are still submitted with the form.
The DISABLED attribute, which applies to all input types but is also poorly
supported, disables the control. Disabled elements are read-only elements
with the added restrictions that the values are not submitted with the form,
the elements cannot receive focus, and the elements are skipped when
navigating the document by tabbing.
Med venlig hilsen
Christian Doeleman