Hej, jeg har forsøgt at køre Windows Update på vor Windows 2000 Server
(UK ver. med SP2)
Problemet er at efter jeg havde hentet Security Rollup pakken på 480
kb, skulle denne så køre den streamede installation, denne nåede ca.
85% og har nu i 24 timer stået stille.
Back, Finish & Cancel buttons er gråtonede, og efterlader efterhånden
kun den mulighed at disse processer lukkes ned via Task Manageren, jeg
er dog bang for at det kan have en ret uheldig konsekvens og vil derfor
meget gerne bede om nogle gode råd.
Jeg har postet et mere detaljeret indlæg på engelsk herunder på nogle
internationale usenet-grupper, hvor der dog ikke er kommet noget svar.
Best regards
Streaming install problem with Windows Update
Hi, today I tried to update our Windows 2000 Server (already with SP2)
during the URL below:
First I installed IE 6
Download 480 kb installer for the Security Roll-up package
After this came my problem. The install of the Security Roll-up package
trough Internet streaming did reach approx 85%, where nothing more
The firewall (ZoneAlarm 3.0 Pro) & eTrust antivirus was disabled/
I checked the installer processes in the Task Manager, where I could
see that these were inactive, that means no CPU resources as well as
Page Faults for detecting eventually disc activity. Further more I
could see than less than 50 bytes/ sec were streamed trough our DSL
line (2Mbit/sec). Email and other kind's of Internet activity is at
normal speed, so to me it seems that Microsoft or some host's in
between has some problems delivering data.
My problem is that I can't reverse/ undo the attempted install process.
After 7 hours I had to leave the office, while the server tries to
finish the attempted install process.
I don't expect that the job is finished tomorrow after 24 hours!
Can I risc to harm our server-installation, if I'm closing the install
processes tomorrow, and then reboot?
In general I have bad feelings about streaming install's. Isn't there a
possibility to download the entire install-files first?