"Kurt B. Andersen" <kurta@portalen.no> har med klæbrige fingre ramt
tastaturet på en måde, så disse sprøde ord er fremkommet:
>Nogen ideer om, hvordan det kan komme til at virke?
Hvis jeg søger på "Compaq armada M700 driver" på Google, kan jeg bl.a
finde denne side :
her kan man vælge bl.a vælge "Mobile Intel PRO/100 NIC Drivers", og
der er et afsnit vedrørende Win ME :
-- For FIRST TIME installation of the NIC drivers
1. If prompted by the New Hardware Wizard, point to the drive and
directory path chosen step 2.
For example, Enter: (path)\Net82557.INF (i.e.
2. Select OK and follow on-screen instructions.
-- For UPDATE to a newer version of the NIC drivers
1. Select start, settings, then control panel.
2. Double click the "System" icon.
3. From the Device Manager tab, Double click "Network Adapter".
4. Double click the Intel PRO/100 network adapter
5. From the Driver tab, select "Update Driver"
6. Select "Specify the location ...", then select Next
7. Select "Display a list ...", then select Next
8. Select "Have Disk"
9. Browse to or type in the directory path chosen in step 2., then
select OK
10. Select the Intel PRO/100 network adapter from the device list,
select OK
11. Continue to follow on-screen instructions until Finished
12. When prompted, select to restart the computer
Simon Walther-Larsen
- nu i en udgave udenfor hegnet.