On Thu, 20 Jun 2002 08:46:31 +0200, Claus Henriksen
<claus.henriksen@bigfoot.com.nospam> wrote:
>On Thu, 20 Jun 2002 08:42:03 +0200, Mikael Syska
><mikael@homecoders.dk> wrote:
>>I have a NT workstation 4.0 DK and I were about to install Norton
>>Antivirus 2002 on it, but it says it needs SP6 DK High Encryption but
>>I can't find it anywhere, are there soemone who knoes where I can find
>>it and download it, so I can install the virus program.
>>// Mikael aka bibz.dk
>Claus Henriksen
Ja, men jeg skulle gerne have den i DK og ikke ENG, det er der mit
problem ligger....