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Top 10 brugere
Udbyder (ISP'er)
BjarneD 1540
stl_s 710
strarup 685
tedd 680
natmaden 660
emesen 581
dk 520
Kortoverv.. 510
10  arne.jako.. 510
(Noget off-topic) Mangler billede
Fra : Lars Kyndi Laursen

Dato : 06-02-01 02:56

Undskyld at jeg går off-topic, men denne gruppe må være den rette at spørge

Folk, der læste denne gruppe i marts sidste år, kan måske huske
Jørgen_Hansen, som var ophavsmand til to tråde, der endte som

Subject: jeg bliver hele tiden smidt af...og nu er jeg f...... træt af
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 01:23:22 +0100
Message-ID: <8ahcf9$9sm$1@news.cybercity.dk>

Og min personlige favorit:
Subject: Re: Hedninge vil have højttalere på templerne
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 00:38:54 +0100
Message-ID: <8b3og4$rj5$1@news.cybercity.dk>

Grundet disse tråde og Jørgen Hansen alternative virkelighedsopfattelse og
syn på netikette, blev han lukket hos Cybercity, mens Barry laver et filter
på ham, der returnerer følgende:
open(SPAMLOG, '>>/news/log/Wacky-Xposts.log');
foreach $key (sort keys %hdr)
print SPAMLOG "$key: $hdr{$key}\n";
print SPAMLOG "\n";
# return reject ("Okay punk. I have not killed anyone
so far today, and I really do not like blood all over my hands.
keep your drivel confined to where it belongs, eh, or a POSSE of SURLY
visit, seen? Get it? Okay bye!");

Jørgen Hansen lægger et screenshot af fejlmeddelelse fra Outlook Express på
sin daværende hjemmeside:

Mit spørgsmål er nu, er der nogen, der har dette billede liggende?
Hvis der er, vil jeg meget gerne have en kopi. Bare mail den til mig.

Lars Kyndi Laursen
Ikke-repræsenterende som altid

Maximus Decimus Meridius: At my signal, unleash hell.

Hauge (06-02-2001)
Fra : Hauge

Dato : 06-02-01 03:08


"Lars Kyndi Laursen" <spam_me_senseless@mail.dk> wrote in message
> Folk, der læste denne gruppe i marts sidste år, kan måske huske
> Jørgen_Hansen, som var ophavsmand til to tråde, der endte som
> mudderkastning:

Ja mon ikke..

> Mit spørgsmål er nu, er der nogen, der har dette billede liggende?
> Hvis der er, vil jeg meget gerne have en kopi. Bare mail den til mig.

Hvis du vil fortælle hvad du skal bruge det til. Jeg mener at der er
mulighed for at jeg stadig har det, men er ikke sikker. Vil rode efter det,
når/hvis jeg hører om grunden til denne pludselige interesse for Barrys

Mvh Hauge

Lars Kyndi Laursen (06-02-2001)
Fra : Lars Kyndi Laursen

Dato : 06-02-01 03:57

On 06 feb 2001 Hauge uttered some barely human sounds which I was able to
translate into <95npk9.r8.1@CUThrcnet.dk>:

>> Folk, der læste denne gruppe i marts sidste år, kan måske huske
>> Jørgen_Hansen, som var ophavsmand til to tråde, der endte som
>> mudderkastning:
>Ja mon ikke..

Jeg sad lige og læste trådene igen, og jeg morede mig ganske meget. Især
over hedningetråden, hvor jeg blev kaldt en arrogant stodder af Jørgen
Hansen, da jeg fjernede dk.edb.internet.udbydere fra grupperne tråden gik
i, så den kun var i dk.livsyn.kristendom, dk.medier.tv og dk.politik. Det
kunne selvfølgelig være, at det var pga. min bemærkning om at hvis jøderen
havde ret, så kom vi allesammen i helvede

>Hvis du vil fortælle hvad du skal bruge det til. Jeg mener at der er
>mulighed for at jeg stadig har det, men er ikke sikker. Vil rode efter
>det, når/hvis jeg hører om grunden til denne pludselige interesse for
>Barrys pedofil-beskeder..

Jeg er ved at sammensætte en all time greatest top ti over Barry's
Nej, grunden er, at jeg og nogle af mine kolleger var ved at introducere en
endnu en kollega til usenets forunderlige verden, og i den forbindelse
nåede samtalen omkring Barry's særegne metoder udi news administration.
Det ville også være et klenodie til en evt. Barry fanklub hos TDC Internet.

Lars Kyndi Laursen
Ikke-repræsenterende som altid

Maximus Decimus Meridius: At my signal, unleash hell.

John Hinge (06-02-2001)
Fra : John Hinge

Dato : 06-02-01 06:33

Lars Kyndi Laursen wrote:
> Det ville også være et klenodie til en evt. Barry fanklub hos TDC Internet.


John Hinge - shayera / .sPOOn.
On usenet I represent no one but myself.
"5,6,7.. I will **** from 7-11" Rollergirl - Superstar
http://www.shayera.org - http://www.spoon-demogroup.net

tjah@lphunde.dk (06-02-2001)
Fra : tjah@lphunde.dk

Dato : 06-02-01 12:33

On Tue, 06 Feb 2001 06:33:18 +0100, John Hinge
<shayera_gimmenospam_@cutey.com> wrote:


me too!!!!!!!!
Bruno Christensen

Charlie Complaintmag~ (06-02-2001)
Fra : Charlie Complaintmag~

Dato : 06-02-01 07:47

:: >Barrys pedofil-beskeder..
:: Nej, grunden er, at jeg og nogle af mine kolleger var ved at introducere en
:: endnu en kollega til usenets forunderlige verden, og i den forbindelse
:: nåede samtalen omkring Barry's særegne metoder udi news administration.

I'm pretty sure that my former boss should still have a copy of this,
which I believe was the first, certainly one of the first five, of the
complaints about me that he had to take action about. He gave me printed
copies of many of the other complaints, but I only remember seeing that
one posted on the bulletin boards. You could probably obtain a copy of
this with a Freedom-of-Information-like request to the Politi, or the
local equivalent of the FBI which investigates violent crimes, murders,
pedophilia, and newsbastardry.

<clickety-click> There. Now you'll be getting that error message every
time you try to make a post from now on. Happy to be of service.

Flemming Lynggaard (06-02-2001)
Fra : Flemming Lynggaard

Dato : 06-02-01 13:01

"Charlie Complaintmagnet" <autocyberretributionmeowbot@plonQ.invalid> wrote
in message news:95o6l6$ihd$1@news.zillion.dk...
> <clickety-click> There. Now you'll be getting that error message every
> time you try to make a post from now on. Happy to be of service.

Og hvem siger at TDC ikke yder kvindeservice...


Lars Kyndi Laursen (06-02-2001)
Fra : Lars Kyndi Laursen

Dato : 06-02-01 15:02

On 06 feb 2001 Charlie Complaintmagnet uttered some barely human sounds
which I was able to translate into <95o6l6$ihd$1@news.zillion.dk>:

>:: >Barrys pedofil-beskeder..
>:: Nej, grunden er, at jeg og nogle af mine kolleger var ved at
>:: introducere en endnu en kollega til usenets forunderlige verden, og i
>:: den forbindelse nåede samtalen omkring Barry's særegne metoder udi
>:: news administration.

To clarify, this remark was meant in the most positive way. I've always
been a fan of your very non-corporate ways

>I'm pretty sure that my former boss should still have a copy of this,
>which I believe was the first, certainly one of the first five, of the
>complaints about me that he had to take action about. He gave me
>printed copies of many of the other complaints, but I only remember
>seeing that one posted on the bulletin boards. You could probably
>obtain a copy of this with a Freedom-of-Information-like request to the
>Politi, or the local equivalent of the FBI which investigates violent
>crimes, murders, pedophilia, and newsbastardry.

That would give rise to all sorts of awkward questions to which I wouldn't
have plausible answers.

><clickety-click> There. Now you'll be getting that error message every
>time you try to make a post from now on. Happy to be of service.

Thanks. I'm very honoured but news.inet.tele.dk doesn't currently display
error messages.

BTW, could I trouble you to read the mail with which I have bothered your
exchange mailbox on OPA with?

Lars Kyndi Laursen
Ikke-repræsenterende som altid

Maximus Decimus Meridius: At my signal, unleash hell.

John Hinge (06-02-2001)
Fra : John Hinge

Dato : 06-02-01 23:37

Lars Kyndi Laursen wrote:
> BTW, could I trouble you to read the mail with which I have bothered your
> exchange mailbox on OPA with?

Blasphemer !! Presuming upon the holiest of news gods to read *urgh*
Exchange infested mails ? eek!

btw, for the record :
I've tasted Limf0rdsp0rter, and it's not nearly as vile as I was
(mis)lead to believe. Perhaps It's due to my fondness for dar ale
like Guiness, but I rather liked the brew.. Blame Joakim if you must.

John Hinge - shayera / .sPOOn.
On usenet I represent no one but myself.
"5,6,7.. I will **** from 7-11" Rollergirl - Superstar
http://www.shayera.org - http://www.spoon-demogroup.net

Lars Kyndi Laursen (07-02-2001)
Fra : Lars Kyndi Laursen

Dato : 07-02-01 00:33

On 06 feb 2001 John Hinge uttered some barely human sounds which I was
able to translate into <3A807C8A.6D06D1DB@cutey.com>:

>Blasphemer !! Presuming upon the holiest of news gods to read *urgh*
>Exchange infested mails ? eek!

Det var nærmest for at optimere chancen for, at mailen nåede The holiest of
news gods. Jeg antog, at det ikke ville føre til det store at skrive til
autocyberretributionmeowbot@plonQ.invalid. Desuden kører exchangeserverne
IMAP, så man kan undgå at bruge en Microscrott klient.

Lars Kyndi Laursen
Ikke-repræsenterende som altid

Maximus Decimus Meridius: At my signal, unleash hell.

Flemming Riis (07-02-2001)
Fra : Flemming Riis

Dato : 07-02-01 08:18

On 6 Feb 2001 23:33:21 GMT, spam_me_senseless@mail.dk (Lars Kyndi
Laursen) wrote:

>autocyberretributionmeowbot@plonQ.invalid. Desuden kører exchangeserverne
>IMAP, så man kan undgå at bruge en Microscrott klient.

Hvis ikke andet kan man vel bruge en IE til web access /duck and cover

Allan Olesen (07-02-2001)
Fra : Allan Olesen

Dato : 07-02-01 08:38

Flemming Riis <flemming@riis.nu> wrote:

>/duck and cover

/and og overtræk?

Allan Olesen, Lunderskov
"SNART is a registered trademark of TransNet."

tjah@lphund.dk (07-02-2001)
Fra : tjah@lphund.dk

Dato : 07-02-01 09:49

On Wed, 07 Feb 2001 08:37:49 +0100, Allan Olesen
<aolesen@post3.tele.dk> wrote:

>>/duck and cover
>/and og overtræk?
Chokolade måske, og med fint revet appelsinskal

John Hinge (07-02-2001)
Fra : John Hinge

Dato : 07-02-01 11:13

Flemming Riis wrote:
> On 6 Feb 2001 23:33:21 GMT, spam_me_senseless@mail.dk (Lars Kyndi
> Laursen) wrote:
> >autocyberretributionmeowbot@plonQ.invalid. Desuden kører exchangeserverne
> >IMAP, så man kan undgå at bruge en Microscrott klient.
> Hvis ikke andet kan man vel bruge en IE til web access /duck and cover

mumble mumble mumble :)

Vores exchange bestyrende bofh'ere har (indtilvidere) ikke indført
web interface på maskinerne..

John Hinge - shayera / .sPOOn.
On usenet I represent no one but myself.
"5,6,7.. I will **** from 7-11" Rollergirl - Superstar
http://www.shayera.org - http://www.spoon-demogroup.net

John Hinge (07-02-2001)
Fra : John Hinge

Dato : 07-02-01 11:11

Lars Kyndi Laursen wrote:
> On 06 feb 2001 John Hinge uttered some barely human sounds which I was
> able to translate into <3A807C8A.6D06D1DB@cutey.com>:
> >Blasphemer !! Presuming upon the holiest of news gods to read *urgh*
> >Exchange infested mails ? eek!
> Det var nærmest for at optimere chancen for, at mailen nåede The holiest of
> news gods. Jeg antog, at det ikke ville føre til det store at skrive til
> autocyberretributionmeowbot@plonQ.invalid. Desuden kører exchangeserverne
> IMAP, så man kan undgå at bruge en Microscrott klient.

new-news-fætteren Joakim bruger netop Imap til at få sin post med :)

Men netop Barry har udvist mindre end normal lyst til at kigge på
den post der tilsendes hans exchange postkasse :) det plejer at
være en del mere at sende det til usenet <at> tdk . net
Ellers kan du jo evt sende det til Joakim, så kan han gå ned af
gangen og fortælle Barry om det

John Hinge - shayera / .sPOOn.
On usenet I represent no one but myself.
"5,6,7.. I will **** from 7-11" Rollergirl - Superstar
http://www.shayera.org - http://www.spoon-demogroup.net

Lars P. Fischer (07-02-2001)
Fra : Lars P. Fischer

Dato : 07-02-01 12:42

John Hinge <shayera_gimmenospam_@cutey.com> writes:

> I've tasted Limf0rdsp0rter, and it's not nearly as vile as I was
> (mis)lead to believe.

Vile? How dare you. BTW, Limfjordsporter should be heated slightly
-- 25-28 degC is appropriate.

No one can escape the transforming fire of machines. -- Kevin Kelly

Charlie Conniesewer (11-02-2001)
Fra : Charlie Conniesewer

Dato : 11-02-01 19:28

:: > I've tasted Limf0rdsp0rter, and it's not nearly as vile as I was

:: Vile? How dare you. BTW, Limfjordsporter should be heated slightly
:: -- 25-28 degC is appropriate.

DRINKING IT HIMSELF!!! Now that this sordid bit of truth has been
REVEALED, the fact remains that nobody who has consumed a bottle of
Limfjordsporter that I have provided, remains on speaking terms with me.

I've been trying to determine the optimum temperature for guzzling
down a few litres of limfjordsporter. I wasn't sure of the cause, but
the last batch that was available since the onslaught of winter just
did not excite me at all. I didn't know if the wintry weather had
ruined my sense of taste, if the evil brew was too cold, or perhaps
maybe it was a bad batch or a change in the recipe -- the Czech Rebel
dark beer that used to be my favourite got a different recipe and is
now a tasteless oversweetened watery shadow of its former self.

However, I found a few bottles of the last batch that I had found
extremely satisfying, with a rich tasty bouquet, with a MHD or whatever
you call it up here of 18.05.01, and sure enough, even on a cold
winter morning sitting on a park bench, it was as delicious as I
remember. The batch that I had found too bitter and tasteless (a
hint of taste first appears at the end of one bottle) is dated
28.06.01, and simply did not appeal to me regardless of whether I
let it cool slightly during my winter walk to my park bench or not.

Most heathen here drink cold beers. Understandable, as I've found
the taste of danish beers (and northern german beers as well) to be
somewhat bitter, not so much my taste, and cooling them masks this
bitterness somewhat. But cooling also hides the taste of things,
like beers, especially beers with subtle tastes. Limfjordsporter
is far from subtle, like being slapped in the face with a wet bag
of coffee grounds. Still, the first day I realized it was to be
My Beverage Of Choice in danmark was a spring day when warm weather
was peeking out and my sense of smell and taste, numbed by months of
cold, was starting to return. Dark beers generally should be served
at double-digit temperatures if see-through beers deserve single-
digits, somewhere near room temperature or slightly less. Too cold
kills the subtle taste; too warm and the taste is altered by the
bitterness or whatever. Good dark beers have a wide variety of
different tastes at different temperatures, and it takes quite a bit
of taste-testing to find the ideal temperature or the ideal taste
for each brand -- or even batch -- of dark beer. Some beers taste
delicious even on a hot summer day, as I noted about one northern
bohemian beer when all the others wilted from the heat. When I
actually had a place to live, I'd keep it at the above recommended
temperature, and the Limfjordsporter surrounding me tasted quite
acceptable. I am no beer expert, but I was discussing this with a
Murkin friend and he knows the cause of each different taste that I
can barely describe properly. I just drink 'em.

Anyway, on to different batches. Like a good cheese, or a good wine,
a good beer, particularly one with a complex recipe, has a different
taste every time it's made. I've found most see-through beers to have
too similar tastes for me (having long ago killed my sense of taste
so that only the most brutal of Limfjordsporter tastes like anything
different from water), but this is decidedly untrue for darker beers.
Especially in the south of germany, in bayern and also baden-wuerttemberg
as well as bohemia and the few dark beers from austria, I can ride my
bike from drink-shop to drink-shop, fill my bags with 20 different dark
beers, and as I ride from shop to shop, enjoy 20 very different taste
sensations. Naturally influenced by factors l

John Hinge (11-02-2001)
Fra : John Hinge

Dato : 11-02-01 18:25

Charlie Conniesewer wrote:
> :: > I've tasted Limf0rdsp0rter, and it's not nearly as vile as I was
> :: Vile? How dare you. BTW, Limfjordsporter should be heated slightly
> :: -- 25-28 degC is appropriate.
> DRINKING IT HIMSELF!!! Now that this sordid bit of truth has been
> REVEALED, the fact remains that nobody who has consumed a bottle of
> Limfjordsporter that I have provided, remains on speaking terms with me.

ooops! revealed the truth... I'm gonna chew out Joakim when he gets
home.. the agony, the shame of publicity like this.. arhhhhh..

<snip long explanation about beer and temperatures>

Well I'll go back to drinking my Guiness at the temperature the
machinery at the pubs deliver it.

John Hinge - shayera / .sPOOn.
On usenet I represent no one but myself.
"5,6,7.. I will **** from 7-11" Rollergirl - Superstar
http://www.shayera.org - http://www.spoon-demogroup.net

Charlie Crucified (07-02-2001)
Fra : Charlie Crucified

Dato : 07-02-01 14:58

:: Jeg sad lige og læste trådene igen, og jeg morede mig ganske meget. Især
:: over hedningetråden, hvor jeg blev kaldt en arrogant stodder af Jørgen

I learned MORE danish that night, than I had in all the time before that!

I take every opportunity I get to use that danish on people I meet!
I am SO proud of myself! I believe people are surprised how well I
have picked up the language, such are their facial expressions!!!

:: ><clickety-click> There. Now you'll be getting that error message every
:: >time you try to make a post from now on. Happy to be of service.
:: Thanks. I'm very honoured but news.inet.tele.dk doesn't currently display
:: error messages.

Ah, yes, and you know the reason for that. Programs connecting to
it and ignoring failure messages they get. Like right now, thanks
to a removed group that had been on someone's list, news.tele.dk is
getting hit by *six* *million* requests per day for that group from a
single connection. The program does not know how to handle an error
message returned by the swerver. If it doesn't get a success, it
immediately repeats the request, limited by the responsiveness of
the swerver and the speed of the high-speed leased line. Annoying.

We've got two spammers since last night. I'm not sure I want to send
errors to the spammer (who is not the responsibility of <abuse@news,
this appears to be a business customer) who seems to be making the
rounds of european ISPs, since he tried quite a few spam runs from
news.contactel.cz (that's us) a couple weeks ago, using this same

From: Aa71387 <5396801@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.newt-gingrich.fist.fist.fist

From: Aa72743 <7931936@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.homosexuality

From: Aa41082 <6998182@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.recovery.addiction.sexual

From: Aa55909 <4826729@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.sex.cthulhu

From: Aa55179 <8562439@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories.d

From: Aa17488 <5355793@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.sexual.abuse.recovery

From: Aa42931 <2440798@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.support.disabled.sexuality

From: Aa37327 <9811729@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: tw.bbs.sci.sexlt.sex

[snip several hundred other groups vaguely related to some
way of spelling `sex' or `binaries']


Smart customers, who do not spam, who care about news, will naturally
want to use news:// where the above spam would be
greeted with an error message similar to the one you're looking for.

:: BTW, could I trouble you to read the mail with which I have bothered your
:: exchange mailbox on OPA with?

Trouble? Yes, it would be a lot of trouble. What the h*ck is an
exchange mailbox? Is it on the internal network? I know nothing
about it. If it's on the internal network, since I'm no longer an
employee, I have no access to the internal network. My former real
e-mail stopped working about two months ago, when I realized it was
a primary contributor to my near-postal state back then. I'm much
calmer now that I have no mail to get on my nerves, and I could
actually do things. But until I get set up in der Schweiz, I'm off
of e-mail and no way for anyone to reach me, and I'm loving it.
And when I finally do get my own domain and set up my own machine,
I'll be able to be as fascist as I like, bitbucketing all html mail
and bouncing anything from Micro$o

Lars Kyndi Laursen (08-02-2001)
Fra : Lars Kyndi Laursen

Dato : 08-02-01 01:05

On 07 feb 2001 Charlie Crucified uttered some barely human sounds which I
was able to translate into <95rk9j$gd1$1@news.proaccess.dk>:


>Trouble? Yes, it would be a lot of trouble. What the h*ck is an
>exchange mailbox? Is it on the internal network? I know nothing
>about it. If it's on the internal network, since I'm no longer an
>employee, I have no access to the internal network. My former real
>e-mail stopped working about two months ago, when I realized it was
>a primary contributor to my near-postal state back then. I'm much
>calmer now that I have no mail to get on my nerves, and I could
>actually do things. But until I get set up in der Schweiz, I'm off
>of e-mail and no way for anyone to reach me, and I'm loving it.
>And when I finally do get my own domain and set up my own machine,
>I'll be able to be as fascist as I like, bitbucketing all html mail
>and bouncing anything from Micro$oft products. It's about time for
>me to use mail for personal communication that I haven't done for,
>what, half a year or more, and not for work-related crap. FREEDOM

A thousand poxes on my ignorant head for assuming that I could reach you by
way of MicroScrott software

>If you can't say it in public, it isn't worth telling me. You are
>asking when the FREE BEER & CANNABIS PRODUCTS night will be?

Then I'll ask here. I seem to have gotten my home IP (posting host of this
message) in the filter on when I was leeching a couple of
weeks. My misconfigured leeching software opens up to 8 connections at one
time. It would bring much joy to my sad life if you would grant me access
to the swerver once again.

The free beer & cannabis products event sound mightily tempting though.

>Did you know that I MISSED SEEING `HOUSE OF LOVE' LAST NIGHT?!?!?!?
>AAAAGH!!!! Did anyone see it? Did they, you know, like, get it on?
>And what about that Tittenparade?

Apparently TVDanmark censors the shower scenes. And it's almost impossible
to connect to the streaming servers when it's shower time. The high point
of the shows is still when Anja and Jill switched bikinis

Lars Kyndi Laursen
Ikke-repræsenterende som altid

Maximus Decimus Meridius: At my signal, unleash hell.

Charlie Crashrecover~ (11-02-2001)
Fra : Charlie Crashrecover~

Dato : 11-02-01 16:55

"'spam_me_senseless@mail.dk'" <spam_me_senseless@mail.dk> skrev i en

:: Then I'll ask here. I seem to have gotten my home IP (posting host of this
:: message) in the filter on when I was leeching a couple of
:: weeks. My misconfigured leeching software opens up to 8 connections at one

I would have required you to publicly state which software you use
that does such heinous things to our swervers, and what you did to
fix it, both to aid other victims of the same software in fixing
their configurations to reduce the load put on their providers' news
swervers. And while I'm at it, for those who use relatively local
news services but think they have a problem getting data at speed,
you can usually fix this by tuning your TCP receive window size up
to a decent value -- by default, it seems like most, like about 2/3
of the readers connected right now -- use a window size of 8k or even
less, which is fine for slow dial-ups but as soon as you start to see
any speed (like with ADSL or Kabal konnektions), hurts your throughput
more than it helps.

To find this page, since I don't remember the URL offhand, do a google
search for `news.admin.pedophile.barry-bouwsma news.admin.meow' which
will give you one hit, and about 1/5 of the way down that result you
will see a link to Cable Modem/DSL Tuning Guide which you want to
follow. Okay, after this article gets webbed, there will be two hits...

:: time. It would bring much joy to my sad life if you would grant me access
:: to the swerver once again.

As a result of the hardware problem that caused two kernel panics
(and corruption of the unclean databases), the null-routed address
list disappeared. So you, and any other abuser, have access again
that will be revoked as soon as you resume your abusive habits. So
Be Good. Or I'll WinNuke ya.

However, while you can access the swerver, as I noted, as a result
of the crashes, the groups have some totally bad data in them from
a few hours around the crash. Some groups ended up missing their
contents completely -- I was attempting to recover all of them as
much as possible the last days, and the longest-running recovery
process got up to about 08.Feb this morning and then exited with
some fatal error, but I can't find any indication of what it was.
Nearly every group has a few articles out of other groups mixed in,
and old articles are unavailable by message ID.

The older software (on news.tele.dk) is inefficient, has problems
keeping up with a full feed, has problems with the full reader load
that news.tele.dk sees today, requires very expensive hardware to
stand a chance of working halfway-well, but should miss no more
than a minute or less of articles before the crash, and may have
some duplicates immediately following if a skilled technician does
not manually recover the history database. This machine had gone
down a few times on the last year thanks to a kernel bug, but has
not suffered the same hardware problem that killed the test swerver
and caused the fatal crash I hoped to avoid, but I was curious if
it was possible to recover from such a crash, having read that
others have had less than success. Unfortunately, I found out the

The new software seemed to run reasonably well, while the machine
was long obsolete (finally our primary Slowaris technician admitted
to what I had been saying all along, which is that today's 12GB/hr
news flow is close to the maximum the bus on this machine can handle)
except that as it turns out, with an unclean shutdown or crash, like
happened friday afternoon and evening, not only is there extensive
corruption and apparent article loss, but the recovery tools one may
be able to use while the machine runs cannot correctly recover all
the spool. Perhaps one could shut down the machine for the several
days required to completely rebuild all the

Lars Kyndi Laursen (11-02-2001)
Fra : Lars Kyndi Laursen

Dato : 11-02-01 20:44

On 11 feb 2001 Charlie Crashrecovery uttered some barely human sounds
which I was able to translate into <966940$lj2$1@news.proaccess.dk>:

>I would have required you to publicly state which software you use
>that does such heinous things to our swervers, and what you did to
>fix it, both to aid other victims of the same software in fixing
>their configurations to reduce the load put on their providers' news
>swervers. And while I'm at it, for those who use relatively local
>news services but think they have a problem getting data at speed,
>you can usually fix this by tuning your TCP receive window size up
>to a decent value -- by default, it seems like most, like about 2/3
>of the readers connected right now -- use a window size of 8k or even
>less, which is fine for slow dial-ups but as soon as you start to see
>any speed (like with ADSL or Kabal konnektions), hurts your throughput
>more than it helps.

I used the program Newsgrabber 3.0 <http://www.trontech.com.au/>

I have now deleted it because it's b0rken but it was very at proceesing
multipart and and other binary posts from several newsgroups from different
servers simultaneously.

I installed a newsserver on my computer to see how Newsgrabber behaved and
I have placed the log at <http://home0.inet.tele.dk/kyndi/dnews.txt>

Newsgrabber doesn't speed up the download from server but it autamted the
jobs very efficiently.

Lars Kyndi Laursen
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