In, Lars Stokholm wrote:
>>Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at vide hvordan jeg fjerner denne? Efter at have
>>læst nogle post omkring den skulle være farlig, har jeg sq fået lidt nøjern
>>på over den spy ware ... Jeg sagde at ad aware skulle fjerne den, men er det
>Ja, hvorfor skulle det ikke være nok? Det er jo det programmet er
>lavet til. I øvrigt er det det færreste spyware der er farligt, så der
>er ingen grund til at "få nøjern på"
Ok, jeg var måske lidt forhastet i mine konklusioner:
Do not use AD-aware to remove Web3000 without first removing the host
software. Web3000 replaces winsock32.dll and possibly other Windows
system files. These will not be restored if AD-aware is used first.
First figure out which software installed is using Web3000, then
uninstall that software using the Windows Control panel, add/remove
software window. This should also uninstall most of Web3000 also, and
restore the Windows files that were replaced. Then run Lavasoft's
AD-aware utility
www.lavasoft.deto clean up the loads of junk left
behind by Web3000.
If the software title isn't listed in the Windows Control panel,
add/remove software window, try reinstalling it. This may force it
into the list. Then uninstall it as outlined above, then run AD-aware.
If you can't get the software host to show up in the uninstall window,
contact Tech Support for the particular program for exact directions
on removing it, including Registry keys and all files.
Med venlig hilsen / With kind regards, Lars Stokholm
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