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Lasat Speed II
Fra : Kiril Nickiforov

Dato : 13-01-02 00:59

Exuse me for asking the same question again. I just could not
understand it in Danish. I live in Denmark only for 2 months, so did
not learn the language yet.

Even though linux (Redhat 7.2) finds the modem(speed 2), when I try to connect to
the ISP, a PPPd error accures:
17 The PPP negotiation failed because serial loopback
was detected.
Does anyone have any idea why this happens?
Magne tak.

Peter Jensen (13-01-2002)
Fra : Peter Jensen

Dato : 13-01-02 13:44

"Kiril Nickiforov" <kefirn@gmx.co.uk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Exuse me for asking the same question again. I just could not
> understand it in Danish. I live in Denmark only for 2 months, so did
> not learn the language yet.
> Even though linux (Redhat 7.2) finds the modem(speed 2), when I try to
connect to
> the ISP, a PPPd error accures:
> 17 The PPP negotiation failed because serial loopback
> was detected.
> Does anyone have any idea why this happens?
> Magne tak.
> Kiril.

Do you have a AT String command to your modem?


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