Jeg tror du bare skal acceptere de er der. Jeg søgte på nettet, og de er en del af HP installation. Nogle kalder Pandas fund for falsk positiv. Dog har jeg også fundet en mere spiselig forklaring. At HP bruger de filer til at pushe updates ud på din pc fra deres hjemmeside. Koden der kommunikerer med HP er jo over nettet, og det er nok det panda kategoriserer som "muligt uønsket program".
Her er hvad der præcist er skrevet om filerne.
these items:
Potentially unwanted tool:Application/HideWindow.A Not disinfected C:\hp\bin\FondleWindow.exe
Potentially unwanted tool:Application/KillApp.B Not disinfected C:\hp\bin\KillIt.exe
Potentially unwanted tool:Application/KillApp.A Not disinfected C:\hp\bin\Terminator.exe
...Are bundled with HP and some Compaq computers in the original sysem configuration.
The specific .exe functions listed are part of what is known as BACKWEB, a utility that allows HP to "push" content onto the user's machine when the user visits the HP site for updates. There is considerable debate over the "legitimacy" of BackWeb type functions. Used strictly with HP, they are probably "safe" for the user even though the user may receive some unwanted advertising content.
My concern is that any BackWeb utility on your machine can potentially be used for more nefarious purposes if and when a bad-guy is able to place other malware onto your computer.
HP will tell you that BackWeb and its associated files are "necessary" for stable function of your computer and that removing them could compromise your ability to download needed updates from HP. My experience tells me otherwise. You will still be able to get any update HP has to offer, and of course the Microsoft Updates for your operating system come to you directly from MS, and will not be influenced if you decide to remove this decidedly deceptive "bloatware" (BackWeb) from HP.
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