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Hvor finder jeg en side med virusgaranti~
Fra : sniperdk
Vist : 267 gange
100 point
Dato : 02-08-04 21:55

Jeg har modtaget et såkaldt "Nigeria brev" og jeg driver lidt gæk med dem. Jeg lader som jeg tror på dem. Nu har de sendt en kopi af personens pas og de vil have jeg skal gøre det samme.
Min plan er så at sende et link til en side som giver dem virus.....

PS : Her nedenfor er "tilbudet til mig.."

Dear Friend,

After due deliberation with my children, I decided to contact you for your assistance in standing as a beneficiary to the sum of US30.5M Thirty Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only)

First, let me start by introducing myself as Mrs. Stella Sigcau, a mother of three children and the Minister of Public Works in South African Government (17 June 1999) to date under the auspices of the President of South Africa MR THABO MBEKI. You can view my profile at my website: http://www.gov.za/gol/gcis_profile.jsp?id=1068


After the swearing in ceremony making me the Minister of Public Works in South African Government (17 June 1999) , my husband Mr Edelebe Sigcau died while he was on an official trip to Trinidad and Tobago in 1996.After his death, I discovered that he had some funds in a dollar account which amounted to the sum of US$30.5M with a South African bank which had her offshore House in the CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA

This fund emanated as a result of an over-invoiced contract which he executed with the Government of South Africa. Though I assisted him in getting this contract but I never knew that it was over-invoiced by him. I am afraid that the government of South Africa might start to investigate on contracts awarded from 1990 to date. If they discover this money in his bank account, they will confiscate it and seize his assets here in South Africa and this will definetely affect my political career in Government.

I want your assistance in opening an account with CENTRAL BANK through my Attorney so that this fund could be wired into your account directly without any hitch. As soon as the fund gets to your account, you are expected to move it immediately into another personal bank account in your country. I will see to it that the account is not traced from South Africa. As soon as you have confirmed the fund into your account, I will send my eldest son with my Attorney to come to your country to discuss on business investments.


For your assistance, I am offering you 20% of the principal sum which amounts to US$6,100.000.00 (Six million One Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only) However, you have to assure me and also be ready to go into agreement with me that you will not elope with my fund.

If you agree to my terms, kindly as a matter of urgency send me an email. Due to my sensitive position in the South African Government, I would not WANT you to call me on phone or send a fax to me. All correspondence must be by above mail address.

If you want to speak with my Attorney, that is fine and okay by me. His chambers will be representing my interest at the CENTRAL BANK. All correspondence must be made either to my Attorney Barrister Richard Ayon, of Ayon and associates,or send me an email. I will also like you to give me your contact address,telephone and fax to enable my Attorney call or reach you from time to time.

Please I do not need to remind you of the need for absolute Confidentiality if this transaction must succeed. YOU MUST NOT CALL ME! If you do not feel comfortable with this transaction, do not hesitate to discontinue.

Thanks for your anticipated co-operation and my regards to your family.

Yours faithfully,
Minister of Public Works, South Africa.

Fra : Teil

Dato : 02-08-04 22:13

Og hvad så.
De har vel også antivirusprogrammer i afrika.

Fra : tedd

Dato : 02-08-04 22:23

Fra : dova

Dato : 02-08-04 22:24

Pas nu på, at det ikke er dig selv der får en virus ved at åbne sådan nogle fupmails

Accepteret svar
Fra : taliskoko

Modtaget 110 point
Dato : 02-08-04 22:31

Den skal da direkte til It-Politiet den der afrikaner mail....

Fra : sniperdk

Dato : 02-08-04 22:39

ingen der kan give et svar?

Fra : Sunowich

Dato : 02-08-04 22:48

Man bekæmper da ikke dumhed med Dumhed

Fra : severino

Dato : 02-08-04 23:10

Jo der er da åbentbart nogle der forsøger

Fra : dannyboyd

Dato : 02-08-04 23:11

Jeg fik også noget tilsvarende for 3-4 uger siden selom jeg ikke har offentliggjort min email så vidt jeg husker.

Fra : severino

Dato : 02-08-04 23:55

Ja nu kan man jo se, her for nyelig var der en "TUMPE" der indbetalte en større formue til en konto der tilhørte denne nigerianer.
Og hvad fik han så ud af det. ??? Ikke en DYT, end ikke engang et fradrag på sin selvangivelse. (sur røv)

Man siger også at den sidste TORSK endnu ikke er født.

Fra : molokyle

Dato : 03-08-04 04:31
Fra : molokyle

Dato : 03-08-04 04:35

..eller læs denne lille historie : http://www.sickhumor.dk/Epost/Jose/


Fra : tedd

Dato : 03-08-04 16:28

Hehe fedt link Molo

Fra : dannyboyd

Dato : 03-08-04 17:12

->severino , Hvem siger at nogen herinde har betalt?

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : sniperdk

Dato : 09-12-05 01:26

Tak for svaret taliskoko.

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