Jernlady> Det er ofte ikke det bedste at bruge vægten som indikator for sit vægttab. Brug hellere kropsmålinger og fedt% målinger....på den måde bliver der også plads til styrketræning som er en af de mest fornuftige måder at øge sin forbrædning på og derved få et vedholdende vægttab. Jeg ved udemærket godt at det ikke gælder om at spise så lidt så muligt under et vægttab, men hvis man taber sig 5-6kg om ugen så spiser man alt andet lige FOR LIDT!! Og JO jeg har hørt om letigen....og jeg har hørt på folk som dig male fanden på væggen om hvor farligt det er. Nu kan jeg så fortælle dig at letigen havde omkring 600.000 unikke brugere og at der kun er tale om en lile håndfuld mennesker med alvorlige bivirkirkninger.
Her er et abstract fra New england Journal of medicine. Det er denne undersøgelse, der henvises til som baggrund af forbuddet mod letigen i Danmark:
"Adverse Cardiovascular and Central Nervous System Events Associated with Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedra Alkaloids
Christine A. Haller, M.D., and Neal L. Benowitz, M.D.
Background Dietary supplements that contain ephedra alkaloids (sometimes called ma huang) are widely promoted and used in the United States as a means of losing weight and increasing energy. In the light of recently reported adverse events related to use of these products, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed limits on the dose and duration of use of such supplements. The FDA requested an independent review of reports of adverse events related to the use of supplements that contained ephedra alkaloids to assess causation and to estimate the level of risk the use of these supplements poses to consumers.
Methods We reviewed 140 reports of adverse events related to the use of dietary supplements containing ephedra alkaloids that were submitted to the FDA between June 1, 1997, and March 31, 1999. A standardized rating system for assessing causation was applied to each adverse event.
Results Thirty-one percent of cases were considered to be definitely or probably related to the use of supplements containing ephedra alkaloids, and 31 percent were deemed to be possibly related. Among the adverse events that were deemed definitely, probably, or possibly related to the use of supplements containing ephedra alkaloids, 47 percent involved cardiovascular symptoms and 18 percent involved the central nervous system. Hypertension was the single most frequent adverse effect (17 reports), followed by palpitations, tachycardia, or both (13); stroke (10); and seizures (7). Ten events resulted in death, and 13 events produced permanent disability, representing 26 percent of the definite, probable, and possible cases.
Conclusions The use of dietary supplements that contain ephedra alkaloids may pose a health risk to some persons. These findings indicate the need for a better understanding of individual susceptibility to the adverse effects of such dietary supplements.
Source Information
From the Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Departments of Medicine and Biopharmaceutical Sciences, University of California, San Francisco, and the California Poison Control System, San Francisco Division ? both in San Francisco.
Address reprint requests to Dr. Benowitz at the Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, University of California, San Francisco, Box 1220, San Francisco, CA 94143-1220, or at"
Ikke mange tilfælde sammenlignetmed antallet af doser der indtages årligt i USA. Det må antages at være millioner og atter millioner af doser..
Her er en liste fra USA (hvor ephedrin stadig lidt endnu kan købes i håndkøb)
According to the DAWN (Drug Abuse Warning Network) Detailed Emergency Department Tables of 2000, ephedrine seems to be very safe when compared to other drugs. These numbers reflect the number of mentions each drug received in regard to emergency room visits. Here's a quick list:
Drug Name - Number of Mentions
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) - 33,613
Alcohol-in-combination - 204,524
Ibuprofen (Advil) - 17,923
Aspirin - 15,657
Fluoxetine (Prozac) - 7,938
OTC sleep aids-Sominex/Nytol - 6,609
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) - 6,270
Naproxen (Aleve) - 5,080
Caffeine - 1,674
Chlorpheniramine/aspirin - 1,116
Pseudoephedrine - 948 (A decongestant used in every cold/sinus formula around)
Ephedrine - 1,057
According to the DAWN Annual Medical Examiner Data of 1999, ephedrine seems to be much safer than many of the commonly used drugs. These numbers reflect the number of deaths per year in which a medical examiner mentioned the drug as a possible cause of death.
Drug Name - Number of Mentions
Alcohol-in-combination - 3,916
Codeine - 1,395
Marijuana - 670
Acetaminophen - 452
Lidocaine - 384
Fluoxetine - 305
Dextromethorphan - 132 (Used in MANY cold formulas as a cough suppressant)
Chlorpheniramine - 117 (Also used in many cold and sinus formulas as an antihistamine)
Aspirin - 104
Pseudoephedrine - 67
Ephedrine - 59
Læg mærke til at effedrin her ligger i bunden....og faktisk under coffein og et alm. smertestillende middel som Ibuprofen.