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UDMA66 mode.
Fra : frederikshavn
Vist : 409 gange
50 point
Dato : 03-07-04 22:41

hvordan aktivere man overnævnte i win xp pro-sp1,har fået afvide at den er deaktiveret i wimdows

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Fra : dk

Modtaget 60 point
Dato : 03-07-04 22:49



Note that the "0000" key above might show as "0001", "0002" and/or "0003" on your machine, depending on your particular hardware settings. Select the key(s) appropriate to your case.
Right-click to create a new DWORD [REG_DWORD] Value, call it "EnableUDMA66" (no quotes), and type 1 in the Decimal box to enable ATA/66 (UDMA/66) support.
To disable it, change the Decimal value to 0, or delete "EnableUDMA66" altogether.

IMPORTANT: You also need to make sure the "EnableBigLba" DWORD [REG_DWORD] Value is turned ON under this Registry key:


If "EnableBigLba" is set to 0, run Regedit, right-click on it and modify the Decimal box to read 1.
This requires 48-bit LBA (Logical Block Addressing) motherboard BIOS support!

Reboot when done.

A MUST: To properly enable the UDMA/66 setting you MUST have your ATA/66/100/133 capable drive(s) hooked up to a SEPARATE IDE channel, OTHER than the one your older (E)IDE fixed/CD/DVD/removable drive(s) [even if ATA/33 (UDMA/33) capable] are connected to (if any)!

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : frederikshavn

Dato : 04-07-04 12:22

Tak for svaret dk.det var pisse dejligt

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