Jeg har ikke haft tid til at oversætte, men her er løsningen til dit problem. Jeg håber at du kan læse engelsk, ellers må du skrive til mig
Run RegEdit and find your way down to the HKLM key mentioned above. Then open the DriveIcons subkey which, unlike that earlier example, is one word. Create a new subkey directly under it and give it the one-letter name of whatever drive you want to customize. Then give that key its own subkey, named DefaultIcon. Double-click on the (Default) line in the DefaultIcon key's Contents pane and enter the path, filename and icon number, as shown in the [autorun] example above—but omit the “icon=” this time. If you use the line shown above, drive D will be represented by a colorful but meaningless beach ball, but no doubt you can find something a bit more informative than that.
I noticed this customization would take effect immediately on my Windows 98 systems, but my Millennium box had to be refreshed a few times before the change would “take.” After a little digging I found out why. WinMe copied the new icon information from the HKLM key into yet another key, whose long path is given here:
Venlig hilsen Bjarne Gorking