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Syvkabanen virker ikke
Fra : nmb22510
Vist : 447 gange
50 point
Dato : 17-08-03 10:16

SOL forårsagede en generel beskyttelsesfejl
i modul SOL.EXE på adressen 0001:0000060d.
Indhold af registrene:
EAX=00301654 CS=51e7 EIP=0000060d EFLGS=00000282

får denne meddelse og så lukker syvkabalen ned har prøvet at gå i tilføj/fjern afinstallere spil og derefter installer spil igen men den dutter ikke.

EBX=00020000 SS=4727 ESP=0000157c EBP=0000165a
ECX=00094727 DS=4727 ESI=00001690 FS=5247
EDX=02000200 ES=4727 EDI=00004726 GS=0000
Byte ved CS:EIP:
ff 1f e9 c1 01 8b 46 0a 40 74 19 2d e9 03 74 1e
Indhold af stakken:
16540000 00000005 00000002 16cf0002 17c7772f 00010000 48e00200 77380002 000017c7 00000000 16381578 17c72952 00000000 0009d868 00300068 02000000

Hjælp Hilsen Erik

Accepteret svar
Fra : lengberg

Modtaget 60 point
Dato : 17-08-03 10:23
Fra : molokyle

Dato : 17-08-03 10:26

Har du husket at boote mellem at du fjerner den og installére den igen? Kør evt. en registreringsdatabase oprydning efter du har fjernet den, inden du prøver at installere igen. Hent evt. spil opdateringen fra microsoft direkte istedet for fra din installations CD-ROM.


Fra : nmb22510

Dato : 17-08-03 10:27

Har prøvet hos micro markro fandt intet

Fra : lengberg

Dato : 17-08-03 10:30

Dum link- du skal markere det hele og så kopier ind i adresselinjen, så kommer du ud på den rigtige side

Fra : nmb22510

Dato : 17-08-03 10:33


Fra : nmb22510

Dato : 17-08-03 10:36

America Online Instant Messenger

hvad er dette for noget

Fra : ans

Dato : 17-08-03 10:43

På nuværende tidspunkt kan jeg heller ikke lægge syvkabalen, så jeg lægger edderkoppen i stedet for.

mvh ans

Fra : molokyle

Dato : 17-08-03 10:44

Du er vist ikke den eneste der har haft dette problem. Det er langt, men se her :


I'm having trouble with Solitaire, the game that comes with W 98 and which has apparently become

Every time I attempt to open it I get the same error message appended below

("This program has performed an illegal operation. If the problem persists contact the vendor, etc.:)

I've deleted, downloaded and installed a 3rd party version of solitaire but still get the same error
message.. Is there a remedy?


SOL caused a general protection fault
in module PMSOL.EXE at 0001:0000060d.
EAX=00221654 CS=1297 EIP=0000060d EFLGS=00000286
EBX=00020000 SS=4177 ESP=0000157c EBP=0000165a
ECX=00214177 DS=4177 ESI=00001690 FS=10f7
EDX=02000200 ES=4177 EDI=00004176 GS=2077
Bytes at CS:EIP:
ff 1f e9 c1 01 8b 46 0a 40 74 19 2d e9 03 74 1e
Stack dump:
16540000 00000005 00000002 16df0002 17d7772f 00010000
5b540200 77380002 000017d7 00000000 163843e0 17d72952
00000000 0021b566 00220106 02000000

DO a start - RUN - SFC and ask for a system file check.
After that, you can do it again, choose the second option to extract a single file, and have it restore the file sol.exe

I hope this helps !

Comment from SysExpert Date: 01/22/2001 02:15PM PST
Please provide more details, but in the meantime I would suggest :
Start with option 6, then 5.
I hope this helps !


Cleanup and speed up :
1) Check the autoexec and config.sys - remove all unneeded- old lines. Leave antivirus, and set commands, and maybe a soundblaster init command.

2) Upgrade your BIOS if possible to the latest you can find.
2a ) Load default BIOS settings !
3) Update any hardware drivers !!

4) Do a Start-windowsupdate to get the latest patches to your operating system.
Also get the DirectX 8.0 drivers .

5) Cleanup the startup stuff. In win98 - Do a Start - Run - msconfig, startup Tab , or for win95 , NT or win2k,
Download the Startup COP a free pcmag utility from
Run it and it will show you everything that is listed in all the possible startup
places, and allow you to disable things one at a time until the problem is eliminated.
A lot of probelms are caused by excess old baggage - programs that have not been properly un-installed. Startup Cop will help eliminate leftovers and un-wanted programs that you no longer want.
Older Antivirus programs and Norton Utilities have been known to cause problems
try disabling them also !

6) Get two updated antivirus programs and check your computer.

7) Make sure that all fans are operating and that the CPU or motherboard are not overheating.

Comment from LeeTutor Date: 01/22/2001 02:36PM PST
If the System File Checker method doesn't work, try this:
The Sol.exe file or any DLL file it needs might have gotten corrupted somehow. Have you tried uninstalling,
then re-installing it? (Go to Add/Remove programs in Control Panel, click on the Windows Setup tab,
click on Accessories, then the Details button, remove the checkmark next to Games in order to uninstall
the games, including Solitaire, then click on OK. You add the games back in, the same way, except this
time click to put the checkmark back next to Games.)
Comment from wilkym Date: 01/22/2001 02:44PM PST
i've had the same message. Rebooting the computer allows me to play again. i don't know if it's memory leakage (programs not freeing all memory used) or not. Do you leave your machine on all the time??

Comment from shekerra Date: 01/22/2001 05:19PM PST
Do you have 'traysaver' installed?


TraySaver causes solitaire to crash.

This is a known problem with several versions of TraySaver. Its cause completely bewilders me and its solution likewise evades me. If you really find Solitaire that important, either close TraySaver when you want to play it or uninstall it entirely.

Note: Microsoft's knowledge base identifies this problem with TraySaver. However, if you have not specifically downloaded and installed it, it is totally unrelated to your problem even if Solitaire crashes on you. Essentially what I'm saying is, TraySaver is not the only thing that can cause Solitaire to crash.

Comment from LeeTutor Date: 01/24/2001 09:26PM PST
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling Solitaire? (Actually, you have to uninstall and then reinstall all the Games.) This has solved the problem in several cases I know of, including one I provided the answer for a few weeks ago...
Accepted Answer from roosterup Date: 01/26/2001 07:23AM PST
Just reinstall solitaire. If that doesn't work, reinstall windows.
Comment from shekerra Date: 01/26/2001 08:43AM PST
Rooster - did you note that you repeated LeeTutor? And also - reinstalling windows is a bit drastic.
Comment from LeeTutor Date: 02/02/2001 05:47PM PST
Wgilmore, any luck uninstalling and reinstalling the Windows games (including Solitaire)?
Comment from wgilmore Date: 02/02/2001 07:29PM PST
I had already uninstalled and reinstalled solitaire prior to
asking my question here, all to no avail. I've also tried
the other proposed solutions but nothing has worked. I'm
hesitant to reinstall windows just to regain the game. Any other
suggestions would be most gratefully appreciated.


Comment from LeeTutor Date: 02/03/2001 05:42PM PST
Here is another Microsoft Knowledge Base article I found that may apply:

Err Msg: Solitaire Caused General Protection Fault in Module Sol.exe

The information in this article applies to:

Microsoft Windows 98


When you start Solitaire, you may receive the following error message:

Solitaire caused General Protection Fault in module Sol.exe

This behavior may be caused by an incompatibility between Solitaire and America Online Instant Messenger version 2.0.

To resolve this issue, install America Online Instant Messenger version 3.0 or later. To work around this issue, you may want to remove Instant Messenger from the StartUp folder. You cannot run Instant Messenger and Solitaire at the same time. To remove an item from the StartUp folder:

Right-click Start, and then click Explore.

Double-click the Programs folder, and then double-click the StartUp folder.

In the right pane, right-click the shortcut you want to remove, and then click Delete.

This issue occurs whether you install Solitaire from the CD-ROM or the Web.

The third-party products discussed in this article are manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.

Additional query words: aol

Keywords : kb3rdparty kberrmsg kbgpf
Issue type : kbprb

Comment from LeeTutor Date: 02/03/2001 06:21PM PST
I have and use Windows Solitaire on my computer, so I took a look for a file called pmsol.exe on it (since it is mentioned in the details of your error message), and could not find it. Could this PMSOL.EXE be your third party version of the game? I searched for solitaire at CNet Download.com, found over 100 of them. One of them (I forget which) had a name whose first two words began with the letter P and M; perhaps that is it. Anyway, if the above comment doesn't answer your question, here is another theory about it: perhaps sol.exe (the ordinary Windows Solitaire file) and pmsol.exe have become cross-linked somehow, which causes a call to be made into the pmsol.exe module, in turn causing the error message. If this were the case, you would need to do the following: do a scandisk on your hard drive containing the 2 files, being sure that you put a check mark next to "fix errors", so that the cross-link would be repaired. Then you might have to uninstall the third party solitaire, then uninstall and reinstall the windows solitaire.
Comment from wgilmore Date: 02/04/2001 12:24AM PST
Thank you for y ou proposed solutions. Unfortunately neither worked. I had downloaded
and installed a third party equivalent to solitaire to see if i
could get it to work. No go.

I installed that program and reinstalled windows solitaire but
to no avail. Grrrrrrrrrr.

Thanks anyway for all of your solutions. I guess I am doomed.

Comment from shottyshetty Date: 02/16/2003 10:06AM PST
Do you have a pop-up blocker in use? I was having a similar problem. When I shutdown pop-up blocker, the game ran just fine.
Comment from crashtx1 Date: 07/29/2003 09:27PM PDT
Shottyshetty, you are a guinness. I built a new Win98 system for the kids games that won't run on XP, and I installed all my usual software, including Panicware's Pop-Up Stopper(I think it''s one of the best free pieces of software on the web). Bingo, I start having this problem with sol.exe. However, when I shut it down the problem resolved. Thanks again.
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Fra : nmb22510

Dato : 17-08-03 10:55

Sikke en smøre jeg kommer tilbage når noget af dette er afprøvet god Søndag

Fra : molokyle

Dato : 17-08-03 11:13

Min version af SOL.EXE virker hos mig (Win98 SE) Hent den her : http://home20.inet.tele.dk/friheden/temp/SOL.EXE


Fra : nmb22510

Dato : 17-08-03 12:20

Har hentet virker ikke samme problemos
bob bob

Fra : nmb22510

Dato : 17-08-03 13:28

microsoft skriver

When you attempt to start Solitaire in Windows 98, the following or similar error message may appear:

Solitaire caused General Protection Fault in module Sol.exe

SOL has caused a General Protection Fault in Module SOL.EXE.
This issue may be caused by an incompatibility between Solitaire and third-party Instant Messenger program files. This issue has been know to occur when America Online Instant Messenger version 2.0, or Yahoo Messenger is installed on your computer.
To resolve this issue with America Online Instant Messenger version 2.0, install America Online Instant Messenger version 3.0 or later.

To work around this issue, delete the shortcut in the Startup folder for America Online Instant Messenger or Yahoo Messenger:
Right-click Start, and then click Explore.
Double-click the Programs folder, and then double-click the StartUp folder.
In the right pane, right-click the shortcut you want to remove, and then click Delete.

Har aldrig installerer noget af disse programmer , nå har hentet America Online Instant Messenger og installeret nu virker kabalen men jeg forstår sku ikke hvorfor, når jeg lukker Aol vil kabalen ikke??????? Hvorfor jeg skal have det lort installeret for det er ikke noget jeg kan bruge til noget. Grrrrrrrrrr

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : nmb22510

Dato : 17-08-03 13:31

Tak for svaret lengberg.

det var udemærket

Nu må jeg jo se om jeg kan få AOL ud, og få kabalen til at gå op.

Hilsen Erik

Fra : molokyle

Dato : 17-08-03 13:38

Ja, nu kan du da vælge mellem skidt og kanel Prøv istedet : http://www.123freesolitaire.com/download.htm


Fra : lengberg

Dato : 17-08-03 20:55

Held og lykke med kabalen

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