 | Import, Kina Teil har modtaget 20 point for dette tip Fra : Teil  | Vist : 3152 gange
 Dato : 31-12-08 21:12 |
Citat Best supply!
This is the greeting from Eiorder LTD., one of the large Electrical wholesaler and Retailer in China.We mainly sell electrical product such as digital cameras, mobile,LCD TV,Xbox, Laptops,DV,Mp4, GPS, please visit our website: < www.eiorder.com > to find something you may interested and please contact us freely if you have any question ,we will offer more competitive price and best service for business cooperation with your company.
Please feel free to contact us: < www.eiorder.com >
MSN: eiorder@hotmail.com
Email: eiorder@eiorder.com
Tel: +8610-81831596 Fax:+8610-84168618
Thank you and best regards. |
Seneste mail fra min Kinaforhandler af elektronikprodukter.
Kan også bruge denne mail adresse: miayde@hotmail.com
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 | Kommentar
Fra : Teil  |
Dato : 31-12-08 21:12 |
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 | Bedømmelse
Fra : lally  |
 Dato : 31-12-08 23:24 |
| | |
 | Bedømmelse
Fra : bovbasse  |
 Dato : 01-01-09 00:10 |
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 | Bedømmelse
Fra : Smokei  |
 Dato : 01-01-09 00:28 |
| | |
 | Bedømmelse
Fra : Curtis66  |
 Dato : 01-01-09 01:22 |
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