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Fra : felix30
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100 point
Dato : 31-03-05 23:53

Jeg er blevet bedt om at lave en bekræftelse på ansættelse til en englænder. Men mit skriftlige engelsk lader nok lidt tilbage.

Vil nogen derfor komme med rettelser til dette:

Dear XXX

We confirm that you worked for us from October 1st 2003 till July 30th 2004.
XXX was here due to health complications.

XXX cleaned the restaurant during the day and served the tables during the evening. XXX worked for 25 hours a week. XXX performed to our complete satisfaction.

Fra : bennymanden

Dato : 01-04-05 00:31

We hereby confirm, that mr. XXX was working for us during the period from October 2003 untill August 2004.
Mr. XXX was here due to some health complications.
Hes work was cleaning the restaurant during daytime, and serving the tables at night.
He was working 25 hours per week.
Mr. XXX was doing his work proper and to our complete satisfaction.

our best


Fra : bennymanden

Dato : 01-04-05 00:34

undskyld (stavefejl) until har KUN eet l

untill August 2004 -> until August 2004

Fra : dova

Dato : 01-04-05 00:51

We hereby confirm, that "navn" has been employed by us from the 1st October 2003 until 30th July 2004.
"navn" was here due to health complications.

His job was to clean up the restaurant during the day and to serv the tables at night.
"navn" worked here for 25 hours a week.
"navn" did a satisfactory job.

Yours Faithfully (sådan skriver man på forretningssprog som venlig hilsen)

Fra : bennymanden

Dato : 01-04-05 01:02

dova -> UG med x og O
du ku´da godt have rettet min anden stavefejl Hes -> His

nu må jeg vist hellere sove


Fra : berpox

Dato : 01-04-05 01:43

Idet jeg antager det er en anbefaling du egentlig er ude i, vil jeg her give mit bud på en anbefaling stilet til englænderen.


We hereby confirm, that <name> has been with our restaurant during the period from 1st October 2003 until 30th July 2004, in relation to health issues.

<name> was engaged with cleaning in the daytimes, and service in the evenings.

The working week was 25 hours, and xxxx did the job to our full satisfaction.

We will give <name> our best recommendations, and we welcome You to contact us for further details.

Yours faithfully
<company name>

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